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diy solar


How many different accounts do you have on this forum?


Your responses are ignorant of history and the current reality.

I asked for documentation of an international agreement you claim exists and I have been unable to find, so yes I am ignorant of YOUR "reality". If you can't produce that document, will you admit that you were wrong or will you just continue with the personal attacks in a feeble attempt to mask your ignorance?

I asked for documentation of an international agreement you claim exists and I have been unable to find, so yes I am ignorant of YOUR "reality". If you can't produce that document, will you admit that you were wrong or will you just continue with the personal attacks in a feeble attempt to mask your ignorance?
Was there not a Trump meme made about you? Bing bong bang or something like that?

I asked for documentation of an international agreement you claim exists and I have been unable to find, so yes I am ignorant of YOUR "reality". If you can't produce that document, will you admit that you were wrong or will you just continue with the personal attacks in a feeble attempt to mask your ignorance?

The search engine you are using is your problem ..... If you really tried to find the evidence at all.

Skim thru this article with a snippet of the document from a British source.

Oh, and just a quick question .... Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously considering your choice of forum names?
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Turnabout is fair play?
No, that's not really it. Ohio and Alabama say they may not allow the Dem nominee on the ballot.
In both cases, whoever the Dem nominee is may announced after the deadline to file to get on the ballot in these states .... This is a pre-existing rule, not something a rouge judge thought up.

Here's an article skewed toward the Dem perspective .... but they still can't avoid the facts.

The search engine you are using is your problem ..... If you really tried to find the evidence at all.

Skim thru this article with a snippet of the document from a British source.

Oh, and just a quick question .... Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously considering your choice of forum names?
I asked for documentation of an international agreement. You know the types that have signatures of the nations leaders at the time.

Don't come up with some obscure websites that claims to have "snippets of a document". If that is where your search engine takes you, have you considered that maybe it is you who is using the wrong search engine?
I asked for documentation of an international agreement. You know the types that have signatures of the nations leaders at the time.

Don't come up with some obscure websites that claims to have "snippets of a document". If that is where your search engine takes you, have you considered that maybe it is you who is using the wrong search engine?
No amount of proof will convince you of something you don't want to believe .... and, I'm not inclined to waste a lot of time debating what is obvious to any thinking person ..... Russia is not going to allow NATO expansion to their border .... The threat of this is the likely cause of the war in the first place, and only an idiot would continue pushing for it.

Are you even vaguely aware that Russia has hypersonic missile technology that we can't defend against ..... They have just shared that technology with North Korea. Even an aircraft carrier has no defense against these missiles, and Russia has been able to equip them with nuclear weapons. If Russia was so inclined they could easily wipe our our Navy.
They just launched 40 or so hypersonic missiles into Ukraine wiping out the power grid in all major cities .... That was yesterday.

If we don't stop poking the bear, things are going to get a LOT worse.
No amount of proof will convince you of something you don't want to believe .... and, I'm not inclined to waste a lot of time debating what is obvious to any thinking person ..... Russia is not going to allow NATO expansion to their border .... The threat of this is the likely cause of the war in the first place, and only an idiot would continue pushing for it.

Are you even vaguely aware that Russia has hypersonic missile technology that we can't defend against ..... They have just shared that technology with North Korea. Even an aircraft carrier has no defense against these missiles, and Russia has been able to equip them with nuclear weapons. If Russia was so inclined they could easily wipe our our Navy.
They just launched 40 or so hypersonic missiles into Ukraine wiping out the power grid in all major cities .... That was yesterday.

If we don't stop poking the bear, things are going to get a LOT worse.
I will have to assume you resort to baseless accusations because you don't have any evidence of such a treaty, it only exists in your imaginary world.

As a direct result to Russia invading Ukraine, NATO's border got a hell of a lot closer to Saint Petersburg and Moscow. It turns out that threatening your neighbours is a good reason for your neighbours to join military alliances excluding you. If the US withdraws from NATO and other such alliances, a possibility when Trump assumes power, the other nations will likely build up their own defensive industries rather than buy American made weapons. They could reason that they should anyway as the US could become an unreliable partner in a single election. Some could even decide to build up their nuclear arsenals to match those of Russia.

The danger of not helping Ukraine defend itself from Putin's Russia is far greater than the danger of helping Ukraine kick out the invaders.
I will have to assume you resort to baseless accusations because you don't have any evidence of such a treaty, it only exists in your imaginary world.

As a direct result to Russia invading Ukraine, NATO's border got a hell of a lot closer to Saint Petersburg and Moscow. It turns out that threatening your neighbours is a good reason for your neighbours to join military alliances excluding you. If the US withdraws from NATO and other such alliances, a possibility when Trump assumes power, the other nations will likely build up their own defensive industries rather than buy American made weapons. They could reason that they should anyway as the US could become an unreliable partner in a single election. Some could even decide to build up their nuclear arsenals to match those of Russia.

The danger of not helping Ukraine defend itself from Putin's Russia is far greater than the danger of helping Ukraine kick out the invaders.
You really are clueless

McCain and Fiends(CIA) violated the treaty back around 2014 by supporting over throw of the Ukraine Govt and violating the treaty between russia and ukraine.

You really are clueless

McCain and Fiends(CIA) violated the treaty back around 2014 by supporting over throw of the Ukraine Govt and violating the treaty between russia and ukraine.

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the proper spelling is McStain... fuckers daddy was an admiral as was his daddy. but he was such a turd and incompetent to boot that he got himself shotdown and then became Songbird McStain...him dieing was the best thing that could happen for the US.
View attachment 208884

Next suicide victim
Really odd isn't it how the FBI is totally disinterested in testimony from certain people?

Ukraine has been one long OP with Victoria Nuland right in the middle of it most of the time ..... She was right in the middle of the 2014 govt overthrow. When Trump was elected, she left the scene for a while and came back in when Biden took office.
Take a look under the career section here.

Trump was a threat to the entire operation .... especially when he started questioning the corruption surrounding Burisma. There is a reason they totally went off when he made that phone call asking the Ukrainian president to help investigate that corruption.
At this point, it's still a conspiracy theory, but a lot of people think Biden is TRYING to start a war with Iran.

I'll just post Jeff Childers take on this ...... I won't try to tie it all together, but he also thinks it is tied into the reason the Republicans DIDN'T block FISA this time around. Lots of games being played in the background ..... Speaker Johnson WAS able to convince Trump NOT to jump in and kill FISA.

☕️ PROVOCATIVE ☙ Saturday, April 13, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
🔥 Now let’s tie these developments together with a ribbon of conspiracy thinking. Some people (e.g. below, 150,000 followers) took Biden’s unqualified, absolutist pledge to go to war with Iran as maybe Biden is trying to provoke Iran into doing something:​
War blogger Brian Berletic agrees (62,000 followers):
And perhaps unintentionally, the Economist (allegedly 27 million followers, but only 54 likes 🙄)
implicitly agreed, tweeting after Israel’s embassy attack but before the Biden Plan shifted into gear, and hiding its meaning in the passive voice:
But why? If Biden is trying to provoke Iran — which seems completely reasonable to me — it seems more likely to be for reasons such as blaming Iran (and stingy Republicans) for what is about to happen to Ukraine, and so the U.S. can enter a wartime period where mail away voting rules might be loosened up again, just like last election cycle.

That’s all kooky talk, of course. Our neocon leaders by nature may be aggressive, belligerent, and provocative, but they aren’t crazy. They’re not crazy, right? Right? I mean, they wouldn’t provoke an Israeli-Iranian war and invite retaliatory domestic terror attacks in America just to grease the skids for more mail-in balloting? That’s too far even for them. Isn’t it?

Surely they couldn’t be thatincompetent?
They best not. They are trying fulfill prophecy …. Kennedy was Right and we should have made them give up their nukes. 1 reason why they killed him.

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diy solar