diy solar

diy solar


he lost me at cancel 2024 election, that's not going to happen.
Yeah it can happen and it no doubt is hoped a martial law - insurrection event happens. The Constitution goes into hold suspend status. We will get to see them go for 1 World Order like Bush 1st talked about on tv that time. I voted for Bill Clinton that year.

Bill getting a bj by monica was better then CIA daddy and his New World Order Goals.

We have estimated ~50 million foreigners here.
Yeah it can happen and it no doubt is hoped a martial law - insurrection event happens.
D71, IMO the feds have got this one covered. they dropped the ball J6th and they know it.
that was a once in a life time thing or chance.
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the same could be said about the towel headed terrorist, 9/11 was their one shot
IMO the feds are keeping a close eye on them still, and we still have to deal with TSA and FISA.
D71, IMO the feds have got this one covered. they dropped the ball J6th and they know it.
that was a once in a life time thing.
They dropped the ball in every major event to include 9-11. Buddy they always come clean after a mass shooter event and say “yeah we knew about them.” Most likely my opinion that coached the shooters. 🥸 They let Antifa and BLM pop the cork on 6 jan 2021….they even helped just like Whitmer fbi involvement. No doubt the fbi recruited low iq morons for that too.

You know that. The fbi have been dirty since beginning. Hoover simply black mailed everyone. Sure they most likely have files but they want incidents. They are counting on it in my opinion to seize control.

This guy was talking to someone. Now Republicians shit themselves at thought of protesting. The left threatens them done deal most hide under bed.


Buddy they are not our friends. The left and right just never figured it out. Right now we are on the brink of nuclear war under Biden admin. Ww3 when if you remember they - news media - politicians claimed it would be Trump that got us into WW3. It will be Netanyahu controlling the usa.
D71, IMO right now I believe there are 20000 national guard troops being trained
for the 2024 election. to make sure it goes as outlined in the constitution.

there was one shot at that in 2020, not going get a second chance IMO.
I don't think the towel headed terrorist's have a shot either.
Right now we are on the brink of nuclear war under Biden admin.
the chances may not be that high, only one president use nuclear so far in wars .
Just four of the 13 presidents in office between 1945 and 2020 -- Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush – officially brought the country into new full-scale wars (Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq). If we also consider other military interventions, Carter and Ford join Trump in not starting or escalating existing foreign conflicts with U.S. military involvement.
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This guy was talking to someone. Now Republicians shit themselves at thought of protesting. The left threatens them done deal most hide under bed.

View attachment 209247

Buddy they are not our friends. The left and right just never figured it out. Right now we are on the brink of nuclear war under Biden admin. Ww3 when if you remember they - news media - politicians claimed it would be Trump that got us into WW3. It will be Netanyahu controlling the usa.

It's not going to be WW3, I don't think.

It will just be a lot of the u.s. bombing people and a lot of random, disgusting small attacks here on our own soil.

Consider being scared shitless to leave your house.

It will just be used as an excuse for more surveillance and to take away rights here and the masses will go along with it, no problem.

Look at covid and look at how scared shit less and hostile people were.

Consider how these people will act once they see people getting shot and blown up in random, once peaceful places.

And never forget. The people who caused it are the same people who tried to make a law to impoverish you for not getting the jab.

Don't forget, they WILL silence dissenting voices.
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D71, while I have no first hand information on anything J6th, I do remember wearing an earpiece
with a sony walkman back in the early 80's, and the image in your post reminded me of the first
and only UFO I ever seen, it was in alaska back in 1978, early one morning a group of us were driving
back to the army base, when someone pointed out a window saying look a UFO, I looked, and my jaw
dropped and I was transfixed I was convinced I was looking at a UFO hovering 100ft over the highway
we were driving on. that was until the early morning fog cleared and I could then make out the new
highway lights they just installed.


I'm not implying the fbi was not playing anyone J6th, I just see no proof yet that isn't foggy.(out of focus)
which is needed for a conspiracy theory to get going.

just something to think about, everyone there on J6th put themselves in a position to get played by
the fbi/cia/antifa/blm/miller , on J6th I was working my day job like they should have been, the fbi/cia were not playing me (that I know of)

if you stick your head in a toilet, chances are you'll get shit in your ears.

PS: I hope to get 3 more ballasted ground mount panel up today :)
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It's not going to be WW3, I don't think.

It will just be a lot of us bombing people and a lot of random, disgusting small attacks here on our own soil.

Consider being scared shitless to leave your house.

It will just be used as an excuse for more surveillance and to take away rights here and the masses will go along with it, no problem.

Look at covid and look at how scared shit less and hostile people were.

Consider how these people will act once they see people getting shot and blown up in random, once peaceful places.

And never forget. The people who caused it are the same people who tried to make a law to impoverish you for not getting the jab.
Have to see. This can go many different ways. I’d bet 1% of ppl around the World are headed to their bunkers….when they get notification. If they are in the group….club.

Israel wanted Iran taken out a long while back. Puppet master could not make us fight it for them. I spent good - amount of time over in Israel Things - world events are done over time like opening border and letting illegal ppl flood in….for years …. Intentionally. Setup to do bigger things. Ppl will trade freedoms when afraid. They plan to provide the fear to get ppl cancel freedoms.

I’ve been in combat. It is not what most ppl think. If I had their play book would lay it all out. They have game plan and been chomping at bit to kick it. Most Presidents did good at defying them. This one president in office Biden is a weak bitch. President Johnson was a weak bitch too. FDR was basically a communist.

Do not believe you can run to link up with military and join them fire few rounds be home for the game on tv. Fantasy. Some ppl with zero experience have combat fantasy. Military will issue instructions ppl will obey or be dealt with if it comes to that. Just like some of civil rights protest and other things.

They were losing ground in all categories so….. intervention time. Binder. Common enemy …fear REGAIN CONTROL.
View attachment 209266

D71, while I have no first hand information on anything J6th, I do remember wearing an earpiece
with a sony walkman back in the early 80's, and the image in your post reminded me of the first
and only UFO I ever seen, it was in alaska back in 1978, early one morning a group of us were driving
back to the army base, when someone pointed out a window saying look a UFO, I looked, and my jaw
dropped and I was transfixed I was convinced I was looking at a UFO hovering 100ft over the highway
we were driving on. that was until the early morning fog cleared and I could then make out the new
highway lights they just installed.

View attachment 209267

I'm not implying the fbi was not playing anyone J6th, I just see no proof yet that isn't foggy.(out of focus)
which is needed for a conspiracy theory to get going.

just something to think about, everyone there on J6th put themselves in a position to get played by
the fbi/cia/antifa/blm/miller , on J6th I was working my day job like they should have been, the fbi/cia were not playing me (that I know of)

if you stick your head in a toilet, chances are you'll get shit in your ears.

PS: I hope to get 3 more ballasted ground mount panel up today :)

They were in coordinated command and control with ear pieces. The video at the link showed them shoved in. 🤡 Were they stupid for getting that close absolutely. Should they be completely at fault - no.

Just remember we feed both sides where the ultimate goal is get us to fight the damn war for Israel. Let our sons and daughters die for them in a bs war.

If Israel wants to threaten throw nukes then let them. Kennedy didn’t want them to have nukes because of that.
The profiteers are the money counters.

The problem with money and war pigs is they can never kill enough never get enough money. It is a game to get all of it. They use to let us play a board game about like it called Monopoly.

Biden will now make some deal to replenish it at extreme high mark up just like Bush 2nd did. Remember Biden gave a lot of the reserves to China…and others.

We are getting raped.
View attachment 209304

Just remember we feed both sides where the ultimate goal is get us to fight the damn war for Israel. Let our sons and daughters die for them in a bs war.

If Israel wants to threaten throw nukes then let them. Kennedy didn’t want them to have nukes because of that.
The profiteers are the money counters.
Iran is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism. If Israel nukes them I would not shed a single tear
Doctor stuck his finger in my butt check prostrate and it was at that moment knew could never be gay. Those ppl are tougher then me…what is the enemy going to do - threaten to rape them as POW? I’d almost bet McCain was a closet tranny. 🤡🤣

The enemy sees us as weak. 😫 We are in trouble.

Notice the small hat at the drone pilot strike center. Good to see our money put to work. Our greatest ally.
Iran is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism. If Israel nukes them I would not shed a single tear
If America and Israel stayed in our lane we would have less problems. If we stopped dumping trillions of dollars into Israel we’d be a lot better off.

I have not forgotten about USS Liberty or the dancing Israelis at 9-11 …. Lavon Affair

diy solar

diy solar