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diy solar


I'm sorry, I admit I may have misquoted you and had been referring to somebody else who said something when they literally said that Biden made it happen on the day.
One of these days, the LGT**** community is going to wake up to find out the whole pride movement is just a tool for the cultural Marxists who want to destroy EVERYTHING in society that is considered normal ..... The people driving this movement could care less about the people on either side.

Once the pride movement is no longer of use to the cultural Marxists they will toss it aside.

In the mean time it will be used as one of the ways they are keeping everyone ticked off .... and the Dems, who have no moral compass, are using it to get votes.
They are perfectly OK with trampling on the Christian holy day that defines a Christian because they think they can get more votes by doing that ..... our goal has to be to make that calculation backfire on them.
In the mean time it will be used as one of the ways they are keeping everyone ticked off ....
I want to preface this again by saying that I do not like Biden and I do not think he is fit for the presidency, and that I am not a liberal.
And I don't watch any mainstream media.

But you do know that that is what's happening to everyone, right?

The oligarchy who's in charge WANTS us to be against each other.

They own the media on both sides and liberals are brainwashed to be mad at conservatives to keep us from being a "United" nation and The same goes for conservatives, those same people in power are feeding in to what they know you want to hear and Conservatives are also brainwashed by the media as well.

The families in power would fall if the left and the right came together and realized that we have the power to make this country good again.

That's the only thing they fear.

They are perfectly OK with trampling on the Christian holy day that defines a Christian
oh man, that suuuuucks.

I'm sorry that happened, what are you referring to?
I want to preface this again by saying that I do not like Biden and I do not think he is fit for the presidency, and that I am not a liberal.
And I don't watch any mainstream media.
Well you are not alone.
But you do know that that is what's happening to everyone, right?
It has been clear to many here for a long while now.
The oligarchy who's in charge WANTS us to be against each other.
Destruction of a super power takes a lot of different manipulations. The old divide and conquer as an example.
They own the media on both sides and liberals are brainwashed to be mad at conservatives to keep us from being a "United" nation and The same goes for conservatives, those same people in power are feeding in to what they know you want to hear and Conservatives are also brainwashed by the media as well.
Someone has been paying attention.
The families in power would fall if the left and the right came together and realized that we have the power to make this country good again.
That's the only thing they fear.
It is a big fear and they are tossing a lot of taxpayer money to try and stop this.
oh man, that suuuuucks.

I'm sorry that happened, what are you referring to?
Just when I think the Biden administration has done as many stupid things as possible .... they do something even more stupid.

The thread of bringing Ukraine into NATO is what caused this war in the first place .... now they are doubling down on that. Are they getting ready to send our troops into Ukraine fighting with Russia directly?
Are they trying to start a nuclear war with Russia?
Russian WILL NOT allow Ukraine into NATO .... They will go all in.

Well .... That's a new one on me .... but I'm not really interested in the details of that.

My attitude is live and let live ...... as long as you don't mess with me or children.
Trans individuals are often "in your face" about it and also try to co-opt kids ..... So, when a historic Christian holiday that has been acknowledged for eons is replaced by the government by a pagan celebration .... We are going to be ticked off about it.

I would think that would be easy to understand regardless of your proclivities.

To know the correct response to this travesty watch the short video in this link to see how Caitlyn Jenner responded to it.
You do realize that Easter is Christianity co-opting a preexisting pagan holiday...
Russian WILL NOT allow Ukraine into NATO .... They will go all in.

Russia does not get to vote and they are "all in"

Some people might prefer a stronger Russia where a president decides on who lives and any dissent from the government narrative is punishable by imprisonment or death. I am not one of those people.
Russia does not get to vote and they are "all in"

Some people might prefer a stronger Russia where a president decides on who lives and any dissent from the government narrative is punishable by imprisonment or death. I am not one of those people.
Russia is nowhere near all in yet ...... They have been making threats and moving their nuclear arsenal around for a while now .... It would be good if we had leadership that didn't seem determined to push them to that extreme.
Russia is nowhere near all in yet ...... They have been making threats and moving their nuclear arsenal around for a while now .... It would be good if we had leadership that didn't seem determined to push them to that extreme.
Snicker remember all the liberal fools that claimed Trump would get us in WW3. Never ever been closer to that actual Event than with Biden right now. Holy smokes …. Brilliant flash.
By your logic, any nuclear armed despot can do whatever they want and you would let them?

Do you also think it was a mistake for Ukraine to hand over their nukes to Russia after the fall of the Soviet union? Should all other nations build a nuclear arsenal?
By your logic, any nuclear armed despot can do whatever they want and you would let them?

Do you also think it was a mistake for Ukraine to hand over their nukes to Russia after the fall of the Soviet union? Should all other nations build a nuclear arsenal?
Are you aware of the agreements that have been made with Russia that no attempt would be made to advance NATO toward their borders?
Are you aware past invasions of Russia have all come thru the area now called Ukraine?

If a nuclear armed country has a "red line" .... one they actually intend to protect .... Do you think it's smart to push past that red line .. or even threaten that you are going to?

Do you think we would allow Russian bases on the Mexico border?

Stop sucking on the bong for a while and maybe you'll be able to see thru the haze.
Are you aware of the agreements that have been made with Russia that no attempt would be made to advance NATO toward their borders?

No, I have seen claims by Russia to that effect, but I have not seen anysuch agreement on paper.

Are you aware past invasions of Russia have all come thru the area now called Ukraine?

That is irrelevant. NATO is a defensive alliance, furthermore any member that initiates a war is on their own.

If a nuclear armed country has a "red line" .... one they actually intend to protect .... Do you think it's smart to push past that red line .. or even threaten that you are going to?

Nuclear weapons, like war of territorial expansion are stupid. But you are making an compelling argument that all nations and would need to be nuclear armed with the means to get those nukes to their intended targets (which is mostly cities) You would increase the chances of nuclear war by letting Russia take land that doesn't belong to them.
Do you think we would allow Russian bases on the Mexico border?

Yes. Russia had bases in Cuba, they even had nukes on the island. When Russia withdrew the nukes, not the bases, the US withdrew the nukes from Turkey.

Stop sucking on the bong for a while and maybe you'll be able to see thru the haze.

Why is that people with such a dismissive attitude as yourself is so unaware of the facts? The Dunning-Kruger effect is clearly on display.
No, I have seen claims by Russia to that effect, but I have not seen anysuch agreement on paper.

That is irrelevant. NATO is a defensive alliance, furthermore any member that initiates a war is on their own.

Nuclear weapons, like war of territorial expansion are stupid. But you are making an compelling argument that all nations and would need to be nuclear armed with the means to get those nukes to their intended targets (which is mostly cities) You would increase the chances of nuclear war by letting Russia take land that doesn't belong to them.

Yes. Russia had bases in Cuba, they even had nukes on the island. When Russia withdrew the nukes, not the bases, the US withdrew the nukes from Turkey.

Why is that people with such a dismissive attitude as yourself is so unaware of the facts? The Dunning-Kruger effect is clearly on display.
How many different accounts do you have on this forum?

Your responses are ignorant of history and the current reality.
This administration has zero respect for the rights of countries or individuals.
Bob, you ain't wrong, but tell me something new. they been doing that for decades... it was all just on paper before. anyone who believes that the government has your best interests at heart is (insert your own adjective).
100% agreed

The government has files on right wing and left wing "extremists".

Don't act like it's some new thing the evil leftists are doing to go after Conservatives.

EVERY president over the past 50+ years has signed off on surveilling U.S. citizens, yes even their own constituents and yes even Trump.
100% agreed

The government has files on right wing and left wing "extremists".

Don't act like it's some new thing the evil leftists are doing to go after Conservatives.

EVERY president over the past 50+ years has signed off on surveilling U.S. citizens, yes even their own constituents and yes even Trump.
Why do you think that the govt basically made everything a felony? To take away citizenship. The Govt is power grab in all aspects. Always has been. They use both sides to get what they-govt and top percenters want.

Game of thrones and private club - we are not allowed. George Carlin told everybody as serious joke. Such ppl were called jesters.
100% agreed

The government has files on right wing and left wing "extremists".

Don't act like it's some new thing the evil leftists are doing to go after Conservatives.

EVERY president over the past 50+ years has signed off on surveilling U.S. citizens, yes even their own constituents and yes even Trump.
The difference is that now you can be arrested and put a terrorists list by praying near an abortion clinic.

You are spreading disinformation and are censored if you post studies that point out how wrong the government response to Covid was.

Antifa and BLM can riot, attack counter protestors and try to burn down courthouses full of people with no consequences while the constitutional rights of conservative are trampled. The DOJ is weaponized against political adversaries .... We are very close to the tipping point of being a full on banana republic.

Things are WAY different than they were 50 years ago.
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The difference is that now you can be arrested and put a terrorists list by praying near an abortion clinic.

You are spreading disinformation and are censored if you post studies that point out how wrong the government response to Covid was.
Who censored?
And how were they censored?
And who funded and created those studies?

Antifa and BLM can riot, attack counter protestors and try to burn down courthouses full of people with no consequences
I'm a lefty and I agree.

The BLM riots were very fucked up and it was just a chaotic mess, there were far too many participants for even a tenth of them to get caught and brought to justice.
But lots of people did get arrested though.

while the constitutional rights of conservative are trampled.

The DOJ is weaponized against political adversaries ....
Always has been.

diy solar

diy solar