diy solar

diy solar

Blocking Diode Question please:

Here's a chart showing temperature effects of a cell.

Temperature is shown in K (kelvin) going from 258 K (-15 C) to 303 K (30 C). The darker line represents 273 K (0 deg.C). The first thing to notice is the hotter the cell the greater Isc.

At -15C, Vmp is about 0.54V
At 30C, Vmp is about 0.42V.

That's about 29% decrease in Vmp over 45C. That computes to -0.64%/C. That is quite a bit higher than -0.41%/C which I used for my previous calculations. Current temperature drift was not factored into the -0.41%/C value.
Yes, this certainly contributes to the outcome and there are a lot of factors influencing the combined result. As always the real-world outcomes will differ from lab conditions and theory. Assuming some good weather I'll go ahead with the series/parallel shaded tests this weekend. I'm quite happy to be proven wrong, but I'll have to see it to believe it.
It's ideal if you have 4 panels. Connections: two series strings in parallel.

The sun's elevation is low in the sky these days, so it's not an ideal time for a test. There's a lot of energy dispersion as the rays go through more atmosphere. It's best to angle the panels perpendicular to the sun rays to harvest the greatest amount of power.

You can simulate a shaded panel by angling it somewhat away from the sun. A test that's relevant to these discussions is to angle 2 of the 4 panels *somewhat* away from the sun.

Test 1: All panels perpendicular to sun. Measure Vmp (voltage at input to the SCC) and current into battery & Vbat.

Test 2: Angle both panels in one of the series strings away from the sun. Same measurements.

Test 3: Angle one of the 2 panels in both series strings away from the sun.

Test 4: Same as Test 1; to confirm sun's elevation change over the testing time period didn't affect measurements.

Don't know what type of battery you will be using. If LAB then try to maintain constant battery voltage. A rising battery voltage will give false readings.

These tests won't take much time. Therefore you will hardly see panel temperature difference between a shaded panel and an unshaded panel. And since the sun's elevation is quite low you won't be anywhere near max solar power. There won't be much of a panel temperature rise, resulting in minimal Vmp thermal drift. Still, you could try to cool the shaded panel with cold water prior to test.
All it takes is enough illumination on panel to overcome any panel leakage current to make blocking diodes have no purpose.

If a 72 cell panel typically has 300 ohms shunt resistance then 36v Vmp / 300 ohms is 0.12 amps of leakage current.

Illumination current is nearly directly linear with illumination level. If panel has Isc of 8 amps at full 1000 watts/m2 then it only takes (0.12A / 8A) *1000 watt/m2 or about 15 watts/m2 of illumination to make up panel leakage current. At Vmp there will be about 5% of illumination current shunted down partially conducting PV cell inherent diode so bump up 15 watt/m2 by about 5% to 16 watts/m2

A poor-quality panel with 50 ohm shunt resistance has 0.72 amps of leakage current, requiring 95 watts/m2 of illumination to offset leakage current.

Not a lot of illumination is normally required to offset panel leakage current. You are more likely to have issues with panel matching causing yield loss.

One caveat, if for some reason the shaded panels are hotter than illuminated panels, the lower Vmp of shaded panels could drag down illuminated panels. I can't think of a normal occurring reason however what would cause a situation like this.
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It's ideal if you have 4 panels. Connections: two series strings in parallel.
I have two panels to work with, I hope that's enough to prove a production difference one way or another.

The sun's elevation is low in the sky these days, so it's not an ideal time for a test. There's a lot of energy dispersion as the rays go through more atmosphere. It's best to angle the panels perpendicular to the sun rays to harvest the greatest amount of power.
Fortunately I'm in the southern hemisphere, so now is nearly an ideal time for testing.

You can simulate a shaded panel by angling it somewhat away from the sun. A test that's relevant to these discussions is to angle 2 of the 4 panels *somewhat* away from the sun.
I'll face the panels north/south with an approximate 30 degree tilt. This should be enough to make sure the northern panel has excellent illumination while the southern panel is only receiving ambient/reflected light.

Test 1: All panels perpendicular to sun. Measure Vmp (voltage at input to the SCC) and current into battery & Vbat.

Test 2: Angle both panels in one of the series strings away from the sun. Same measurements.

Test 3: Angle one of the 2 panels in both series strings away from the sun.

Test 4: Same as Test 1; to confirm sun's elevation change over the testing time period didn't affect measurements.
The testing procedure I'd planned would be slightly different:
  1. Set up both panels, approx 30 degree tilt north/south facing. Leave for 30 minutes to allow temperature to normalise.
  2. Wire the panels in series, allow a moment for MPPT to adjust, measure voltage and current output.
  3. Wire the panels in parallel, allow a moment for MPPT to adjust, measure the voltage and current output.
This is an equivalent to the video you posted and will addresses the original question, which is whether two (or more) panels of the same type are connected together with unequal illumination would produce more power in series or parallel.

Don't know what type of battery you will be using. If LAB then try to maintain constant battery voltage. A rising battery voltage will give false readings.
I have an AGM that I'll run down to be sure it can accept as much as the SCC can deliver. I'll keep a small resistive load connected across the battery to ensure the voltage doesn't rise during the tests, however the tests will be in quick succession so I don't think this variable will have much effect.
I can always do the tests twice, in reverse order to compensate.

These tests won't take much time. Therefore you will hardly see panel temperature difference between a shaded panel and an unshaded panel. And since the sun's elevation is quite low you won't be anywhere near max solar power. There won't be much of a panel temperature rise, resulting in minimal Vmp thermal drift. Still, you could try to cool the shaded panel with cold water prior to test.
Using the method I proposed, the panels will have settled at a natural temperature and won't be moved, which is a better match for real-world conditions.
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I completed the testing this morning:
  • Conditions were ideal with a clear blue sky and 24°C temperature.
  • After some experimenting with positions, I ended up using an east-west facing setup as this aligned the panels best with the sun.
  • One panel was fully illuminated while the other was only receiving ambient light. No shading was present.
  • Both panels (HSL60P6-PC-1-260) are almost new, from the same batch and have no defects.
  • The panels were cleaned with a microfibre cloth prior to testing.
  • The battery had been run down prior to the test, and had approximately 150W resistive load across it to ensure the voltage didn't rise to a point where the charge controller would limit output.
  • The MPPT used during the test was an EPever Tracer 2210AN, which is a 20A, 100V unit. The tests were all within specification of the MPPT, with the second parallel power test approaching its maximum output current.

I followed the test procedure documented above and produced the following results:

MPPT Output Amps18.5A12.9A
MPPT Output Volts14.5V14.3V
Output Watts268.25W184.47W
Result: This test showed a 45.4% higher power output when the panels were wired in parallel.

The tests were then repeated in reverse to ensure no time-related factors influenced the results:
MPPT Output Amps19.7A13.5A
MPPT Output Volts14.6V14.5V
Output Watts287.62W195.75W
Result: This test showed a 46.9% higher power output when the panels were wired in parallel.

To be sure of the results I also swapped the position of the panels and repeated. The results were the same with 46% more output in parallel.

The temperature difference between the panels was substantial during the tests, with one being almost too hot to touch, while the other wasn't much above ambient temperature.
I've also attached a photo of the test setup to show that it did in fact happen ;)

To be honest I wasn't expecting such a large difference. If anyone has any feedback, suggestions or questions I'd be happy to follow up.


  • series-parallel-test1.jpg
    202.8 KB · Views: 2
I completed the testing this morning:
  • Conditions were ideal with a clear blue sky and 24°C temperature.
  • After some experimenting with positions, I ended up using an east-west facing setup as this aligned the panels best with the sun.
  • One panel was fully illuminated while the other was only receiving ambient light. No shading was present.
  • Both panels (HSL60P6-PC-1-260) are almost new, from the same batch and have no defects.
  • The panels were cleaned with a microfibre cloth prior to testing.
  • The battery had been run down prior to the test, and had approximately 150W resistive load across it to ensure the voltage didn't rise to a point where the charge controller would limit output.
  • The MPPT used during the test was an EPever Tracer 2210AN, which is a 20A, 100V unit. The tests were all within specification of the MPPT, with the second parallel power test approaching its maximum output current.

I followed the test procedure documented above and produced the following results:

MPPT Output Amps18.5A12.9A
MPPT Output Volts14.5V14.3V
Output Watts268.25W184.47W
Result: This test showed a 45.4% higher power output when the panels were wired in parallel.

The tests were then repeated in reverse to ensure no time-related factors influenced the results:
MPPT Output Amps19.7A13.5A
MPPT Output Volts14.6V14.5V
Output Watts287.62W195.75W
Result: This test showed a 46.9% higher power output when the panels were wired in parallel.

To be sure of the results I also swapped the position of the panels and repeated. The results were the same with 46% more output in parallel.

The temperature difference between the panels was substantial during the tests, with one being almost too hot to touch, while the other wasn't much above ambient temperature.
I've also attached a photo of the test setup to show that it did in fact happen ;)

To be honest I wasn't expecting such a large difference. If anyone has any feedback, suggestions or questions I'd be happy to follow up.
Exactly as expected. Thanks for the test results.
Yes its exactly what I expected as well.
Two series panels is probably a worst case situation for this test.
And the parallel shunting diodes across the non performing panel will not save it.
Well done Octal.
I completed the testing this morning:
  • Conditions were ideal with a clear blue sky and 24°C temperature.
  • After some experimenting with positions, I ended up using an east-west facing setup as this aligned the panels best with the sun.
  • One panel was fully illuminated while the other was only receiving ambient light. No shading was present.
  • Both panels (HSL60P6-PC-1-260) are almost new, from the same batch and have no defects.
  • The panels were cleaned with a microfibre cloth prior to testing.
  • The battery had been run down prior to the test, and had approximately 150W resistive load across it to ensure the voltage didn't rise to a point where the charge controller would limit output.
  • The MPPT used during the test was an EPever Tracer 2210AN, which is a 20A, 100V unit. The tests were all within specification of the MPPT, with the second parallel power test approaching its maximum output current.

I followed the test procedure documented above and produced the following results:

MPPT Output Amps18.5A12.9A
MPPT Output Volts14.5V14.3V
Output Watts268.25W184.47W
Result: This test showed a 45.4% higher power output when the panels were wired in parallel.

The tests were then repeated in reverse to ensure no time-related factors influenced the results:
MPPT Output Amps19.7A13.5A
MPPT Output Volts14.6V14.5V
Output Watts287.62W195.75W
Result: This test showed a 46.9% higher power output when the panels were wired in parallel.

To be sure of the results I also swapped the position of the panels and repeated. The results were the same with 46% more output in parallel.

The temperature difference between the panels was substantial during the tests, with one being almost too hot to touch, while the other wasn't much above ambient temperature.
I've also attached a photo of the test setup to show that it did in fact happen ;)

To be honest I wasn't expecting such a large difference. If anyone has any feedback, suggestions or questions I'd be happy to follow up.
You missed the Vmp measurement. That's the measurement at the input to the SCC. Can you measure current into SCC?
To get a better understanding, also measure a single panel, direct to sun and angled off.

What is MPPT output volts? Is that same as battery voltage? 14.5V seems extremely high battery voltage for this test.
At the end of the day, its what the mppt software decides to do, and we are pretty much stuck with the result.
Here is mine, due east/west Melbourne Australia, panels bolted onto a 60 degree equilateral triangular frame.
Best results by far, parallel connection of the east and west series strings, with series blocking diodes.
At solar noon, all panels contribute equally. Power output is essentiallya a flat plateau all day, from sunrise to sunset.


  • 2018-01-24_0001.jpg
    835.9 KB · Views: 5
I completed the testing this morning:
  • Conditions were ideal with a clear blue sky and 24°C temperature.
  • After some experimenting with positions, I ended up using an east-west facing setup as this aligned the panels best with the sun.
  • One panel was fully illuminated while the other was only receiving ambient light. No shading was present.
  • Both panels (HSL60P6-PC-1-260) are almost new, from the same batch and have no defects.
  • The panels were cleaned with a microfibre cloth prior to testing.
  • The battery had been run down prior to the test, and had approximately 150W resistive load across it to ensure the voltage didn't rise to a point where the charge controller would limit output.
  • The MPPT used during the test was an EPever Tracer 2210AN, which is a 20A, 100V unit. The tests were all within specification of the MPPT, with the second parallel power test approaching its maximum output current.

I followed the test procedure documented above and produced the following results:

MPPT Output Amps18.5A12.9A
MPPT Output Volts14.5V14.3V
Output Watts268.25W184.47W
Result: This test showed a 45.4% higher power output when the panels were wired in parallel.

The tests were then repeated in reverse to ensure no time-related factors influenced the results:
MPPT Output Amps19.7A13.5A
MPPT Output Volts14.6V14.5V
Output Watts287.62W195.75W
Result: This test showed a 46.9% higher power output when the panels were wired in parallel.

To be sure of the results I also swapped the position of the panels and repeated. The results were the same with 46% more output in parallel.

The temperature difference between the panels was substantial during the tests, with one being almost too hot to touch, while the other wasn't much above ambient temperature.
I've also attached a photo of the test setup to show that it did in fact happen ;)

To be honest I wasn't expecting such a large difference. If anyone has any feedback, suggestions or questions I'd be happy to follow up.

You should never be connecting panels in two different directions in series.

Current will be limited to panel with least illumination current.

The panel with full illumination will be driven up in loaded voltage (above its optimum Vmp) to allow some of its illumination current to be bled off down through PV cells inherent diodes to make the net series current match less illuminated panel.

This is equivalent to having two panels in series in same direction with some amount of uniform shading attenuation on half the array.

Depending on how low the illumination gets on partially shaded side, the bypass diodes will eventually kick in, increasing current but shaded side will be limited to forward conduction of bypass diodes (if 3 bypass diodes in panel it would be about -2v). The total array would then have current of the fully illuminated panel but total array voltage will be near Vmp of single illuminated panel minus the 2v of bypassed panel.

From the picture, it is unlikely the less illuminated side got low enough in illumination current to kick in its bypass diodes.
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You should never be connecting panels in two different directions in series.
Current will be limited to panel with least illumination current.
You know that, and I know that, but some people here feel rather strongly that the inverse diodes fitted to the shaded panel solve that problem.
It definitely does not !
You missed the Vmp measurement. That's the measurement at the input to the SCC. Can you measure current into SCC?
To get a better understanding, also measure a single panel, direct to sun and angled off.

What is MPPT output volts? Is that same as battery voltage? 14.5V seems extremely high battery voltage for this test.
I did measure Vmp, however I didn't consider it relevant to the results as I'm only concerned about the amount of usable power produced by either configuration.

In any case, Vmp for parallel was 31.2v. I was surprised at the time to see that Vmp for series was lower at 28.3v. I went as far as powering down the whole system and starting again, just for it to settle back at 28.3v. This now makes sense having seen RCinFLA's response, as the voltage has to drop while passing through the panel that's not in direct sunlight.

In hindsight I should have tested just a single panel in sunlight. I suspect it would have performed better on its own than the two in series.

Regarding the battery voltage, you're right in that it was quite high. This is why I was running a load across the battery to ensure it didn't hit 14.8 volts, which is when the charge controller will go into constant voltage mode. I made sure CV mode didn't occur during any of the tests - it's quite obvious when it does, as the power output drops quite quickly.
Guess I missed the part where a blocking diode was involved in this test.

I thought you were going to test two-panel parallel output net power, facing east and west, with and without blocking diode in each parallel panel, to see if having the blocking diodes made any difference in net output.
Guess I missed the part where a blocking diode was involved in this test.

I thought you were going to test two-panel parallel output net power, facing east and west, with and without blocking diode in each parallel panel, to see if having the blocking diodes made any difference in net output.
It seemed unanimous earlier in the thread that blocking diodes are unnecessary and generally a waste of time and energy. We then moved on to series vs parallel connections for panels facing different directions.
Its all very interesting background information to file away.
I believe there is a lot to be gained by thinking the whole thing right through, and doing some back to back testing.
Too many old wives tales and urban myths out there.
Its all very interesting background information to file away.
I believe there is a lot to be gained by thinking the whole thing right through, and doing some back to back testing.
Too many old wives tales and urban myths out there.
That's for sure. There's also a big difference between theory and reality. Theory can help inform expectations, but I never assume a whole working system will exhibit the combined behavior of its isolated components, as tested in a lab.
I always thought it was known that an ideal system would have MPPT at each panel?

Series connected panels behave as one panel and we know what happens when a panel has a portion shaded. The bypass diodes minimize this effect but don't solve it.

My array is 3s3p and suffers severe shadowing due to site conditions. Your test has shown that I would probably benefit if I went to all parallel setup or at the very least, added my spare panel into the mix and went 2s5p.

Very nice little test. Thanks for sharing.
You missed the Vmp measurement. That's the measurement at the input to the SCC. Can you measure current into SCC?
To get a better understanding, also measure a single panel, direct to sun and angled off.

What is MPPT output volts? Is that same as battery voltage? 14.5V seems extremely high battery voltage for this test.

Have you tested any of this yourself? Your claim goes against well established data and what the OP investigated and found for himself.

It also doesn't make sense, even in theory.

We only series wire panels to simplify install in non-shaded/shadowed environments. It's sooo much easier to wire in series but it was never because it produced the best output.
I always thought it was known that an ideal system would have MPPT at each panel?

Series connected panels behave as one panel and we know what happens when a panel has a portion shaded. The bypass diodes minimize this effect but don't solve it.

My array is 3s3p and suffers severe shadowing due to site conditions. Your test has shown that I would probably benefit if I went to all parallel setup or at the very least, added my spare panel into the mix and went 2s5p.

Very nice little test. Thanks for sharing.
I think that you missed the purpose of the test.
It was to prove that panels facing different directions (east/west) should not be wired in series with each other. And confirmed that all panels in a series string should be mounted in the same plane. (Same direction and angle) while you could apply the results to shading, if the shading was permanent. (All day, every day) it wasn't about shading in general.
I think that you missed the purpose of the test.
It was to prove that panels facing different directions (east/west) should not be wired in series with each other. And confirmed that all panels in a series string should be mounted in the same plane. (Same direction and angle) while you could apply the results to shading, if the shading was permanent. (All day, every day) it wasn't about shading in general.

6 to 1 half a dozen to the other.

My array sees SHADOWING on individual panels within the same series string.

Mine too.
This time of year is rough, with the sun tracking so low in the sky. I only get about 3 hours a day of unobstructed sun. The rest of the day the sun is behind trees on a hill. The only up side is that the leaves have fallen by the time the sun is this low.
I will admit I was wrong in thinking a east-west panel configuration in series is better than one in parallel. However I still believe a series string is better than parallel panels with partial shading. How many bypass diodes does the panel have?

For this test, battery voltage is important. The battery is 93% charged when it is at 14.3V. That's not a good place to run a test. Battery resistance increases dramatically when voltage increases above 13.5V. Charging current will be limited.


The blue plot is GC2 battery voltage and the green is SOC. Charging started with battery at 50% SOC (resting battery voltage). An ideal battery voltage to run this test is 13.0 V, 70% SOC .
I will admit I was wrong in thinking a east-west panel configuration in series is better than one in parallel. However I still believe a series string is better than parallel panels with partial shading. How many bypass diodes does the panel have?

For this test, battery voltage is important. The battery is 93% charged when it is at 14.3V. That's not a good place to run a test. Battery resistance increases dramatically when voltage increases above 13.5V. Charging current will be limited.

View attachment 122960

The blue plot is GC2 battery voltage and the green is SOC. Charging started with battery at 50% SOC (resting battery voltage). An ideal battery voltage to run this test is 13.0 V, 70% SOC .

You're way over thinking this.

Series panels become one panel.

We know that shading one portion of a panel drops its output below that of just what we are losing due to a lower amount of sun on the panel. The shaded portion of the panel becomes a load. The bypass diodes prevent the shadowed cells from becoming too much of a load and still allow the panel to produce something. The remaining producing cells are dropped below their Vmp.

This same concept transfers to panels because they are just one big panel.

An ideal system that must operate with shadowing/shading would have all the panels in parralell.

The best system would have an MPPT controller at each panel.

The ridiculous no cost spared system would have each individual string of cells in the panel on its own controller (albeit you would need to factor in equipment switching losses)

For practical real world purposes, the best system for shade is each individual panel paralelled to the controller or micro inverters at each panel.
It seemed unanimous earlier in the thread that blocking diodes are unnecessary and generally a waste of time and energy. We then moved on to series vs parallel connections for panels facing different directions.
I wouldn’t say that.
Professional installers would run two feeds down to the inverter so each different facing array is on a separate mppt tracker.

We don’t use blocking diodes at all in the industry, we do use ‘optimizers which give each panel the ability to adjust both its current and voltage to maximize power. If a panel is installed on a different face or dramatically different pitch, or if the panel with experience shading at one or more times throughout the day when the other panels it is in series with do not, then an optimizer is needed.
We usually use ‘Tigo optimizers’.
Unless installing Solar edge gear in which case every panel always have optimizers.

Enphase micro inverters are the ultimate but expensive and unnecessary unless you need them.

When installing two completely even strings (exact same voltage and panel model) facing different directions then some do forego adding anything extra and just parallel them but you will get some losses as both strings will be dragged down to the one with the lower voltage to an extent which will ultimately limit the power output.

If the pitch of the roof is low (very approximately below 20°) then this will be completely fine as the voltage difference will be minimal.

If you have a very steep roof and are installing on east/west or south/north then you could get some bigger losses.

If at all possible you should run them separately back to the inverter and plug into separate mppt inputs but if the roof pitch is low or if the panels are on 90° opposing roof (rather than 180°) then I would just install as is.
Make sure panels are the same voltage and quantity and if any will be shaded throughout the day install an optimizer on just that panel.

diy solar

diy solar