diy solar

diy solar

Bluetti EP 500pro How to get more amps out of it?


New Member
Mar 4, 2023
I have a Bluetti 500 pro. Currently it is powered by two MMPT strings (so both MMPTs in use) 3 panels of 300 watt Canadian Solar. Often I get about 1600 watts Max or so with good perfect sun and average about 1400 watts on per hour on a regular day about 5 hours full sun in a day. Battery fills up easily in a day or about 5.4 KWH. When I charge my EV I often get 1300 watts output no matter what plug I use. Most plugs max out at 20 amps and the bluetti is rated for 20 amps x 4 outlets max or an output at 3000 watts max. I cannot get the 30 Amp outlet to work at all even with the proper plugs being used and AC output on. Does anyone have any idea how I may get more output in watts? My car can handle 6.6 KWH and often only needs about 15 KWH or less charge or per day. Doubt I will get that from a single Bluetti 500 pro. Even if I cannot fully charge my PHEV, getting it green and for free is nice. Anything more than 1300 watts would be helpful as that rate is painfully slow. I do not wish to purchase anything more from Bluetti for the time being so not going to pair it up to another EP 500 pro. Open to any suggestions on improving output resulting in faster charge times.
