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diy solar

Both Ac & Dc coupleing


New Member
Aug 28, 2022
Has anyone ever used both dc & ac coupling before in your system .
Did you set your ac coupleing charge settings a little lower so it frequency shifted to drop export of the grid tied system down before the dc coupled . Obviously battery charge rates play a part in that .
Has anyone ever used both dc & ac coupling before in your system .
Did you set your ac coupleing charge settings a little lower so it frequency shifted drop export of the grid tied system down before the dc coupled . Obviously battery charge rates play a part in that .
Yes I have 2kW of solar DC coupled to an Outback Skybox and 7.9kW of solar AC coupled to that. My inverter is an All in One so the settings are not specific to AC coupling but are active when the grid is up or the grid is down. I have not watched the dynamics when the grid is down but I suspect the the Skybox modulates the DC coupled solar first because it is faster to respond than the GT AC coupled micros.
I am a little confused by your question and the phrase, "drop export of the grid tied system" because when the grid is up the GT system output flows through the Skybox and it exports any excess after serving the loads. In that scenario there is no need to modulate the GT inverters. When the grid is down the output of the GT inverters flow into the Skybox and if there is little or no load (charging or otherwise) the Skybox has to throttle down all generation quickly.
Ac frequency shift to drop export to the micro grid the battery based inverter creates . Basically frequency shift to drop the output to zero say at a 90-95 % so that the system doesn't risk an over charge the batteries in the event of extremely sunny days.
Cool . I have a Schneider sw 4048 & a solar edge with about 2500 watts worth of dc coupled solar on the mppt 60 charger. But also have a grid tied solar edge system . I have been meaning to give it a go but with it being both wasnt sure if it may overwhelm the dc inverter or charge controller somehow. I would think that the system has protections against that being it can charge 45 amps from the grid.
After talking with Schneider i found out that its very possible to do both ac and dc coupled and while hooked to the grid when the pv inverter is on the sw will actually export . When grid goes down the Schneiders internal relays dont allow power to be exported onto a dead grid line .
My main system is Sunny Island AC coupled to Sunny Boys.
I also set up a Sunny Island DC coupled with MSTE "Sunny Island Charger" (didn't actually have AC coupling at same time on same system, but could have.)
In a Sunny Island system, DC coupled would only export to grid if SCC drove battery higher than SI wanted. Mine is controlled by data link between the two, so that wouldn't occur. SCC target voltage is set to what SI wants to see on battery, so it only contributed to charging or powering AC loads, not backfeeding.

No frequency shift or other control of AC coupled PV while on grid in this case. Some other model Sunny Boys would use (Speedwire?) as part of export limit or zero export.
I have an Outback GS4048...AC coupled with Enphase and APSystems micro's.....DC coupled with Midnight solar charge controllers.
I've got a Schneider XW pro and Solar Edge AC coupled, I'm in process of adding DC coupled solar as we speak.

There isn't much for settings in the Solar Edge inverter. I'm in California, I just had to follow the instructions I found online to set it to California rule 21 specs.
Do u happen to remember
I've got a Schneider XW pro and Solar Edge AC coupled, I'm in process of adding DC coupled solar as we speak.

There isn't much for settings in the Solar Edge inverter. I'm in California, I just had to follow the instructions I found online to set it to California rule 21 specs.
Do u happen to remember where u found them online .

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