diy solar

diy solar

Buyer Beware

Maintenance guy

New Member
Nov 30, 2021
I purchased two battery chargers from LLT Power in China One was an 8 cell 24 volt LiFePo4 120 watt charger and the other was a 16 cell 48 volt LiFePo4 900 watt charger with 50 amp Anderson. I had been reviewing them for a year with no bad remarks I could find. One thing that bothered me was that James, the contact hardly ever returned my emails. I still decided to take the plunge and purchase the above chargers.

I then get an email from PayPal stating my payment was successful to a hot mail account which I had no clue who this was. This immediately sent me into "I got ripped off" mode and I wanted answers. I emailed Mr James asking him what the deal was yet I received no response what so ever.

8 days later I emailed Mr James for an update......Complete silence. Two to three days later I emailed again with the same treatment.....Complete silence. Finally rather perturbed at the whole thing I threatened to get a Lawyer and sue the company and all I heard was dead silence. All this time I could not get any such information from any carrier that a package was being sent to my address.

Then I sent another email telling Mr James I wanted a full refund or my Lawyer would be contacting his company shortly. The next day I get an email from Mr James that he would never rip off anyone and was not a liar saying my package was delivered. I walked outside searching the grounds then emailed him telling him he was a liar and my package was not delivered and again I want my money back. Two hours later I heard a truck outside and the driver asked me is I was the intended person and I said yes. I open the package and damn there was two chargers staring me in the face. I felt a little bad as to the email I sent him so I emailed him back apologizing for calling him a liar but scolded him for suck lousy communication. I mean that was completely unnecessary and completely none professional transaction. I told him the next time we do business together (IF) that the communication has to be much better then what he conducted.

I get an email back from Mr James apologizing for his lack of communication and he will try much harder to resolve the issue. I then inspected the chargers and the 48 volt charger was actually very heavy and I do associate heaviness in this case with quality. One thing that bothers me is the connection to the Anderson plug wires were soldered in the plug not crimped like it should be. so there is this big crimp connector with a little wire soldered in the bottom of it so yes me having OCD on things like this I have to fix that.

So long story short this horrifying transaction turned out good with two fine chargers that cost way less then if I was to but them in the US. I would recommend them but buyer beware and prepared, the communication is pathetic! I do plan on a larger and longer cable properly crimped and soldered lol!

Anderson Plug.jpg
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NO!, that's not the problem at all, I was just never notified of any such shipment what so ever and dead silent communication. I was in sales enough to know the difference. The actual product got shipped in a timely manor yet I had no clue what so ever. That and the fact that my payment went to a hotmail account had me freaking.

Yeah maybe buyer be VERY PATIENT in this case lol! I am still shaking my head at the Anderson plug though.
One thing that bothers me is the connection to the Anderson plug wires were soldered in the plug not crimped like it should be. so there is this big crimp connector with a little wire soldered in the bottom of it so yes me having OCD on things like this I have to fix that.

Given the small gauge of wire, the solder should be just fine. I do question the cables' current carrying capability though, since it would be about 18A at the supposedly 900W rating.
My thoughts also!. I thought is should be 10 awg silicon at the minimum. Just so happens I have a roll of just that, 10awg noodle soft silicon wire. ? OCD to the rescue lol!
The way shipping is today I kind of keep it cool for a few days no matter what I am seeing.
Sometimes the Tracking shows the Package as delivered and yet I have not received it! Then two days later the package shows up.
Sometimes the package shows as "Label is Created" and stays that way for a week and then the package just shows up even though the tracking would lead me to believe it has not even shipped yet. BTW this happens with Amazon a lot. Especially with USPS and sometime UPS shipping.

BTW many sellers get so much blow back on shipping issues that they take the route of ignoring the customer figuring the package will show up in a day or two and you will just go away. That is a bad tactic, it's much better to just let the customer know that the shipper is a bit unreliable so just wait a few more days.
I tested the chargers out with two banks of batteries, one 24 volt and the other 48 volt and they seem to work just perfect though, only time will tell on the longevity. I am still going to replace the charge cord with the Anderson. I have 10 feet of noddle soft 10 awg wire just waiting to be used and also 8 awg silicon.
No, Trust me I have had my fair share of problems with shippers. The worst experience ever was with FedEX. I wanted to throw rock at the driver lol! After 3 weeks I finally told them to keep the darn package and it shows up. Duh!

My newest one is with BTT SKR Mini v3 3D printer board and Yun shipper in China. Yun shows it in Dallas clearing customs yet USPS shows it still awaiting exceptance on the 4th in China. I sent an email to USPS and asked them if they are smoking crack, funny, I still haven't a response from them lol!

Quote; "We're all adjusting to supply chain issues and delivery delays. It's not easy sometimes." That's a BS excuse to charge customers more money with shitty service. These companies use every excuse in the book to hide there mistakes and stupidity yet charge your for it. Funny USPS has a rate hike and can't even get their crap strait in the first place. What is the rate hike gonna do suddenly jog their brain to work, NOT!, just take your money with the same old crappy service.
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Just a fyi
Always pay with your credit card or my suggestion is double up.
PayPal then linked to credit card.

If transaction results in not receiving the ite. then process a PayPal dispute. If PayPal doesn’t set up then call credit card. I have had a 1/2 dozen situations PayPal shit the bed. And I called my credit card they reversed charge and PayPal quickly reopened dispute and suddenly changed the dispute in my favour.

So really no reason to panic, the real issues start when you receive the item and it’s wrong or defective.

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diy solar