diy solar

diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

Tucker aside, do you guys actually believe that what lawyers present in court in defense of their client is the unquestionable truth?
You beat me to it. That user in posting that is trying to insult your intelligence, patronizing you as if youre so dumb youll accept that argument.

Like gee, OJ couldnt get the glove on his hand, now doesnt that make it impossible he killed them?

Oh yup sounds good to me. Whatever you say cuz Im stupid.
D you really think such a statement is a matter of truth or factual information? Do you really think, are you really going to claim, that someone standing up in front of a court trying to defend themselves, and saying "I'm such a ridiculous source of information that no one takes me seriously" is a matter of truth?

Seems to me thats what troll was arguing here.

"His lawyers most certainly did argue that his show was so ridiculous that no one takes him seriously. They tried painting him as an entertainment venue.

Some people are intelligent enough to recognize what his show was, and some people in our society are just stupid and easily manipulated gullible pawns."

I think Ill just call you TROLL from here on out.
D you really think such a statement is a matter of truth or factual information? Do you really think, are you really going to claim, that someone standing up in front of a court trying to defend themselves, and saying "I'm such a ridiculous source of information that no one takes me seriously" is a matter of truth?


My point is just that you cannot use a lawyer's argument as a statement of anything other than opinion. That's even in typical jury instructions.

Looking again at your original comment it appears I may have misread/misinterpreted what you wrote.

Anyway, anyone who believes any of those types of shows, regardless of network, is anything but opinion is kidding themselves. Beyond that, Tucker is far from the worst of them IMO.
My point is just that you cannot use a lawyer's argument as a statement of anything other than opinion. That's even in typical jury instructions.

Looking again at your original comment it appears I may have misread/misinterpreted what you wrote.

Anyway, anyone who believes any of those types of shows, regardless of network, is anything but opinion is kidding themselves. Beyond that, Tucker is far from the worst of them IMO.
Fair enough.

To be specific, my point over the truth was that anyone even remotely willing to use such an excuse, is doing it because they know themselves that the crap they're spewing is garbage.

But regardless, one does not have the right or privilege to slander a corporation the way he did.
Fair enough.

To be specific, my point over the truth was that anyone even remotely willing to use such an excuse, is doing it because they know themselves that the crap they're spewing is garbage.

But regardless, one does not have the right or privilege to slander a corporation the way he did.
You said yourself Foxs lawyers used that excuse, it was a civil trial worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Tucker Carlson in no way shape nor form had any input or control over the arguments used by counsel to attempt to win that trial. Its absurd to assert counsels failed talking points reflect Tuckers opinion of his shows content.
You haters are off in your own little world if you think we share your silly views on this.
As for slandering a corporation, not if he believed it were true.
How about the right or privilege of the entire liberal MSM spandering Trump declaring Trump colluded with Russia?

Oh but its okay its your side.
The facts are ..... Tucker has NOT gone Bye Bye as the misguided title of this thread suggests. Fox has been hurt by this a lot more than than Tucker. Tucker is going to be just fine ... and the recent interview that enraged Leo and Murphy explains why tucker reported on the Jan 6 fiasco the way he did.

Now Murphy is stupid enough to argue about something that is merely a rumor ...... That he has presented no evidence is actually true .... but he wants so badly for it to be true .... EVEN if it is true is totally irrelevant.
It just serves to fill a vile need in his narcissistic brain to slander anyone with a conservative viewpoint and the irrational need to lash out at others who have had the audacity to disagree with him.
Facts and logic don't matter to Murphy .... his posts on threads like this are only to vent his hate.
so who started it with Dominion this is just 1 example ….. the democrats derailed Trumps election starting the second he decided to run for 2016 ….then baseless lie after lie exposed that were presented by democrats. The hunter biden laptop as example. The russia - trump bs. The democrats belong in jail start with Hillary, Obama, and Biden.

so who started it with Dominion this is just 1 example ….. the democrats derailed Trumps election starting the second he decided to run for 2016 ….then baseless lie after lie exposed that were presented by democrats. The hunter biden laptop as example. The russia - trump bs. The democrats belong in jail start with Hillary, Obama, and Biden.

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They always accuse the other side of doing what they are planning themselves.
I think I heard this morning on the news that liberal activists in 4 states are attempting to pass legislation which would prohibit Trumps name from appearing on ballots in the 2024 election.

Of course more efforts to defend/save democracy.
Neither body part has a brain, so neither is capable of experiencing emotions.

How sad YOUR sorry ass must be to believe that there were no scholars, scientists, journalists, etc etc, who voted for Trump.
I am sure some very smart people voted for Trump, but Trump loves the uneducated...

Really? Wait until I point out that on average, Trump, during his presidency lied about 21 times a day...
I think I heard this morning on the news that liberal activists in 4 states are attempting to pass legislation which would prohibit Trumps name from appearing on ballots in the 2024 election.

Of course more efforts to defend/save democracy.
Should a convict be able to hold office there? From what I understand in some US states convicted felons can't even vote, despite the 14'th amendment.

I would say that they are able to vote and hold office after they served their sentence.
Tucker aside, do you guys actually believe that what lawyers present in court in defense of their client is the unquestionable truth?
No, but the judge agreed that no reasonable person would take Tucker seriously. I disagree with the lawyers and judge (if that is what happened) Tucker is in a position where his lies and exaggerations have consequences.
The facts are ..... Tucker has NOT gone Bye Bye as the misguided title of this thread suggests. Fox has been hurt by this a lot more than than Tucker. Tucker is going to be just fine ... and the recent interview that enraged Leo and Murphy explains why tucker reported on the Jan 6 fiasco the way he did.

Now Murphy is stupid enough to argue about something that is merely a rumor ...... That he has presented no evidence is actually true .... but he wants so badly for it to be true .... EVEN if it is true is totally irrelevant.
Oh look, the idiot who thinks we might be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" is calling me stupid!

Oh man.. that's precious...
It just serves to fill a vile need in his narcissistic brain to slander anyone with a conservative viewpoint and the irrational need to lash out at others who have had the audacity to disagree with him.
It doesn't matter if their liberal or conservative, anyone who hitches their mentality to a political association is a moron you fruitcake.

Facts and logic don't matter to Murphy .... his posts on threads like this are only to vent his hate.
The fact is, you're so ignorant of even the most basic things in life that you thought we might be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes".
They say there are no stupid questions but I beg to differ..


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Should a convict be able to hold office there? From what I understand in some US states convicted felons can't even vote, despite the 14'th amendment.

I would say that they are able to vote and hold office after they served their sentence.
Should ppl stay locked up until reformed? There was a time in USA when ppl were not released until reformed and they once released were once again part of society as a citizen. Felon charges were made and used to remove citizenship and turn ppl into subjects. Why everything is a felony charge now. So in effect being locked up to repay society is never really done. The felon charges are permanent scar on person record a debt that can never be paid or reformed. The govt weaponized felon charges. It is effective. The legal system and crimes stay up too. Ppl can not reintegrate back into society so they often used criminal skills learned in prison. .

Murphy once stated it is the sentencing that is problematic I partially agree with that. I think ppl should at sentencing know they have to do this this and this to be considered reform and free to rejoin society with no exclusions ie felon charges were not permanent. That idea was once stated by libertarians. A debt is either paid or not upon release…. What the USA does now is hand ppl coming out of prison 100pound weight and tell them to swim…. When if they are not reformed should stay locked up. If let out they they should be 100% citizen again. Right?

You might find this strange but some ppl once locked up don’t want out. They are “institutionalized.” Why when they get out repeat offend especially when can’t effective fully become a citizen again. Felons can’t vote, own guns, get govt assist with food and housing, are restricted from normal renting for homes, can’t get good jobs, can’t hold offices, and so on. Most govt officials are smart criminals that control the system… deep state. During WW2 the Federal Govt made deals with organized crime to help fight WW2…. Been down hill every since….. organized crime moved in and became govt. The most dangerous criminal in the World is a Crooked Lawyer with political connections and ppwers …… meet the Clintons and Obamas as examples.

We as a ppl are screwed up…. We will go after petty criminals and throw away keys when crooked politicians walk free because they know how to work the systems. Ignorance of the laws is detrimental but if know the grey areas is rewarding to break. How many of the Clinton friends and associates have died strange deaths especially when due to testify? About 60 or more sound strange to you?
The fact is, you're so ignorant of even the most basic things in life that you thought we might be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes".
They say there are no stupid questions but I beg to differ..

Guess you didn't realize you LOST that discussion .... Who's the moron who clings desperately to something that shows how stupid they are.
Oh look, the idiot who thinks we might be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" is calling me stupid!

Oh man.. that's precious...

It doesn't matter if their liberal or conservative, anyone who hitches their mentality to a political association is a moron you fruitcake.

The fact is, you're so ignorant of even the most basic things in life that you thought we might be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes".
They say there are no stupid questions but I beg to differ..
Yeah its such an idiotic concept NASA has always taken great measures to try to ensure it doesnt happen, and likewise, it doesnt happen to us.
Ever see the movie "the Andromeda Strain"? Is Michael Crichton an idiot?

Who is the idiot here, smurph?
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Should a convict be able to hold office there? From what I understand in some US states convicted felons can't even vote, despite the 14'th amendment.

I would say that they are able to vote and hold office after they served their sentence.
Trump hasnt been convicted of any crime yet.
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No, but the judge agreed that no reasonable person would take Tucker seriously. I disagree with the lawyers and judge (if that is what happened) Tucker is in a position where his lies and exaggerations have consequences.
What prolific journalist has always been right about the subjects they cover?
Dan Rather much?
Only he was different he knew the records were false and ran with them anyway.
That jackass still posts his drama queen whining on the internet. I always wonder if its intentional parody. My parents watched 60 minutes weekly I always thought it was legit. But then I also fell for the lie at the same time that Nixon was a crook and a horrible president.
Boy was I wrong.
Not yet.

But that wasn't my question. Do you think he should be allowed to hold office if he is convicted? (I say yes)
He is allowed.. He can hold office from a prison cell via what the constitution says from what I understand.

Yup, we have that many stupid people in this country.
Yup, we have that many stupid people in this country.

All you have to do is look at the current Alzheimer's patient we have for president and the turnip that is his VP to validate that statement.

Trump said many cringeworthy things during his time in office and towards the end it was hard for me to watch him speak, and now Biden and Harris are just as bad if not worse.
Not yet.

But that wasn't my question. Do you think he should be allowed to hold office if he is convicted? (I say yes)
Sure then he can pardon himself and proceed with cleaning house at the DOJ and having Bill Barr tarred and feathered.
Donald J Trump is a wonderful human being, a great patriot, and a national treasure and hero. The way he has been treated is disgraceful, we will be lucky to have him if he still wants to run.
All Trump has ever wanted is to make america great again, and have it etched in stone in the annals of history that he was responsible.
You can call that vanity or ego or narcissm, but its no different than a quarterback of a football team leading them to a championship. So what if he seeks personal glory. How stupid is it to not want to support him and share in the victory.
I dont understand why the left cannot grasp this but as self defeatism and not being happy until theyre grovelling in the dirt like our rivals and enemies is their ideology, I guess its to be expected.
All you Trump haters, please find another path to the failure you so desire. Let us win the championship, let us carry Trump on our shoulders as the hero he was destined to be. If you want to suck, to be the pond scum of humanity, Im sure north korea or russia would be happy to have you. Toil away in the gulags of siberia with that contented grin of misery on your pathetic face.

Leave us out of your private hell.

When its over we will have Trumps likeness carved on Mt Rushmore, as it should be. One of a handful of the greatest, most selfless, and humble Americans, a juggernaut facing irrational opposition unprecedented in our nations history.
Someday schools will be renamed in his honor, streets across America bearing his name as well. Our enemies will even rise in respect and awe when his name is mentioned. World Peace which has been so elusive will be realized under his expert diplomacy.
Donald J Trump. The Greatest American ever.
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diy solar

diy solar