diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

bob, the same is true for neodymian(rare earth)magnets or iron core magnets(earth) heat reduces it's field stability and strength.

very true statement. I have not found that limit yet.
the sweetest words my ears hear is "it can't be done"

Cmon Tommy ..... you are talking about heating a magnet .... in this case, the magnetism is induced by the spinning of the earth's core ..... Is the earth's core temperature increasing due to CO2?
There is no logic to this line of thought ..... nice try though.
bob, there is logic to it (laws of thermodynamics maybe). causation or correlation is open to debate.

bob, earth is the iron core magnet we are talking about.

View attachment 217244
Are you just intentionally ignoring the facts? How is the temperature of the earth's core being increased?

Last try .... Then I'm going to give up on getting thru to you.
How is the temperature of the earth's core being increased?
bob, that is what we are debating. if I drop an orange into boiling water, it's core is going to heat up.
the size of the orange controls how long it takes to heat up. the strength of the magnetic field controls
how much heat is needed to reduce it field stability, if you have a weak magnet small thermal changes
create greater field instability
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bob, that is what we are debating. if I drop an orange into boiling water, it's core is going to heat up.
the size of the orange controls how long it takes to heat up. the strength of the magnetic field controls
how much heat is needed to reduce it field stability
Have you gone bananas?
With that logic outer space / the galaxy is causing earth to warm and you agree manmade climate change is fake.
Have you gone bananas?
With that logic outer space / the galaxy is causing earth to warm and you agree manmade climate change is fake.
Sadly, Tommy is just using a tactic to distract from the study I posted. I'll be more aware of his use of that tactic next time.
With that logic outer space / the galaxy is causing earth to warm and you agree manmade climate change is fake.
42OhmsPA, to be determined. I can see how using co2 to heat our atmosphere could heat our core also(given time)

because we are all in the same vacuum we are all connected
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42OhmsPA, was he form wisconsin also?, maybe everyone from wisconsin has lost their minds.(that would make me feel better, maybe)
Idk Tommy he never discussed his location, I think it changed frequently based on water levels under the bridges he occupied.

We've all lost our minds one way or another, hell I'm sitting outside typing a post on a forum when I should be enjoying a sunset while I have 2 brand new inverters laying on a bench in my basement that I keep neglecting to install... Life is good.


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It is true the magnetic pole is moving (the other one too), but what didn't you like about my response showing it wasn't going to affect climate change and never has before in the long history of it flip-flopping from when you brought it up last week? The sky is blue, is that causing climate change too? Not that I mind, you do come up with some good topics every so often.

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

You argued that Venus would be like earth if it wasn't for C02 in atmosphere and now you're arguing the sun and our magnetic can in no way impact climate.

Seriously, what is wrong with you??

Especially at the nano level at which they try and measure.

Stop. Just stop
the republicans said it wasn't needed because employers were responsible
Maybe some one needs to point out to those republicans that employers could just as easily be democrats, from what I have seen from the populists posting here, that trust in employers should vanish quite rapidly. (Quite sad it even has to be pointed , but nationalism/populism is a curse on mankind))
Maybe some one needs to point out to those republicans that employers could just as easily be democrats, from what I have seen from the populists posting here, that trust in employers should vanish quite rapidly. (Quite sad it even has to be pointed , but nationalism/populism is a curse on mankind))

Another global government fan?
Populism is a direct result of mismanagement by the so called "elite".

Before the "elite" at least made an illusion that they are not pissing on the proles, but today, that mask is off, hence populism, and rightly so.

The Electric Car Revolution is Coming Crashing Down​

The state-subsidised electric car market has crashed in China and the country is trying to dump the vehicles on the West, but the same is happening here as well. For manufacturers it’s going to be a blood bath. Ross Clark has the details in the Spectator.

China is often characterised as a copycat when it comes to industry and technology but in one way it has proved to be a pioneer. It was China which saw the first boom in electric cars – and it was China that was the first to suffer when demand for them collapsed. The vast graveyards of unsold vehicles found in Hangzhou and other Chinese cities are the result of a huge, subsidised push to manufacture electric vehicles, demand for which has never caught up with supply. Ride-share services bought the vehicles– in a rerun of the great cycle-share fiasco of 2018, which led to piles of unused and unwanted bikes. But private buyers have been notably less keen.
Where China leads, the rest of the world seems doomed to follow. With China’s manufacturers struggling to sell their electric cars at home, last year they started shipping them in large numbers to Europe – where many are now accumulating in ports at Rotterdam and Antwerp. The window in which to sell them may prove small, as the EU is considering measures to prevent the ‘dumping’ of cheap Chinese cars in Europe. The Biden administration has already taken action, increasing tariffs on cars imported from China from 25% to 100%. While that may put paid to Chinese imports, it won’t do anything to alleviate unsold stocks of U.S.-made electric cars. The great electric revolution that was promised just three years ago is already failing – and it will bring the car manufacturers down with it.
If there ever was a real-world demonstration of the old proverb ‘you can lead a horse to water…’, it is electric cars. Elon Musk’s visionary work with Tesla panicked the old combustion engine firms, which set themselves ambitious targets to phaseout petrol completely: Fiat, Ford, Jeep, Nissan and Lexus by 2030, Vauxhall by 2028, Jaguar by 2025. One of the most dramatic announcements came three years ago when Hertz declared that a quarter of its entire rental fleet would be electric by 2025. “The new Hertz is going to lead the way as a mobility company,” it said. It certainly did lead the way – into headlong retreat.
At the time, Hertz signed a $4 billion deal with Tesla and announced plans to buy 175,000 EVs from General Motors. In January it went into reverse and said it would instead start selling 20,000 EVs (later raising this to 30,000). It has pledged to “re-invest a portion of the proceeds from the sale of EVs into the purchase of internal combustion engine vehicles”. Its share price (down 80% since the Tesla announcement) has made it a case study.
In Britain, things don’t look much better. The slowing EV momentum led Rishi Sunak to drop his target of banning new petrol car sales by 2030 and push it back to 2035. The number of electric cars sold to drivers (as opposed to companies) was falling by 20% as of last month. The U.K.’s market for EVs is being propped up by fleet companies which, spurred on by Government incentives, now buy five in every six EVs sold.
They’re not even cost-effective, says Clark: “Not only are EVs themselves 40% more expensive to buy than petrol cars, but they are also costlier to run. The average charge for refuelling at a rapid charger is 22p per mile, compared with 17p for petrol.”

Worth reading in full.
The study linked below examines in detail how a reduction in earths magnetic field DOES affect climate.
Nice find Bob! Thank you!

So, if I'm understanding it, the theory they propose is the additional charged particles weaken the atmospheric ionization so more UV light hits the surface. That auroras were seen as far south as 40 degrees (we just saw them at 22 degrees, but that was a carrington-like event). A bunch of things had to happen for warming:

...decreasing stratospheric O3 concentrations... weakening the Arctic polar vortex ... an increase in the Brewer-Dobson Circulation... a wavier jet stream...increasing gravity-wave production...negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)

A quote from this STUDY: Previous studies may have failed to identify such a relationship between the Laschamps and climatic impacts because of the lack of temporal resolution
I can see using a carbon analysis from tree rings at a single site from before the event could lead to their conclusions. Pretty scary.

...I am sure there are a gazillion .... give or take a few .... articles that try to downplay the findings of this study ....
I did find a couple:
...these authors misrepresent both the data and interpretations of cited work on extinctions and human cultural changes, so the specific claims they make about extinctions and cultural changes are false.
Of course, that's about extinctions and not climate change. Some of the peer reviewed comments are quite funny:

The peer-reviewed study is basically a collection of just-so anecdotes striving to prove that it was the reversal of the Earth magnetic pole 42,000 years ago which drove the extinction of mega-fauna worldwide, and in particularly also of Neanderthals, the extinct human subspecies which remains the butt of constant popular and academic ridicule. According to Cooper et al, solar radiation mercilessly hit the unprotected Earth, Neanderthals and other dumb hairy beasts stumbled around grunting in the sun till they dropped dead from skin cancer, but intelligent modern humans covered themselves in protective ochre clay while busy decorating the shadowy caves they hid in. The story of the mass extinction 42k years ago is too silly not to be published in Science, especial since it has the number 42 in it.

If they did twist other's research who knows about the authenticity of the other
findings? While he might be wrong about why Neanderthals died off, pretty
sure the reversal has been linked to mass die offs.

To the right is the 42,000 year old fossilized tree they dug up and
was the single source of data for the paper.

The problem with singular data points is you never know how reliable they are.
In fact, their paper says the same thing about the Greenland data (although
Greenland is much bigger than that tree). For example, a local volcano
enriching the CO2 in the area might be the cause.

So whew! Mankind is off the hook for global warming right?

Well no. In fact, it seems to me if anything it should be even more urgent. For example we know what we're seeing today is not an Adams event as describe in the paper because from what they say:
...because of the weakened geomagnetic field are likely to have increased atmospheric ionization and decreased stratospheric ozone levels, potentially generating regional climatic impacts, particularly in lower latitudes (79).
This is the opposite as to what we are seeing today with global warming. So, it still sounds like the Greenhouse Gas theory more closely matches what the planet is experiencing. If their paper is correct and we do start to see warming from this, we could be in for a world of hurt if both coincide.

...mean annual temperatures within 1° to 1.5°C of those today...
The total impact from the Adams event wasn't that much all in all, especially when coupled with natural climate change which gives those temperatures.

This I didn't get:
The same period in North America saw the rapid, pronounced expansion of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
So, if the north American glaciers were forming at the time of the Adams event, how was it even global warming and not localized warming?
Guessing they must have meant the field reversal event when things were cooling?

Another thing that seemed odd was how far apart the Adams event was from
the Field reversal as shown to the right.

The field reversal looks like is was in an ice age, and the Adams event long before
that. In fact, it looks very much like a normal climate cycle except for the peak
afterwards and extra-long cold cycle.

We know the field reversals, when they happen, are quite quick geologically (< 1000y).

Finally, there is a lot of evidence that cosmic rays won't affect global warming:

Are you just intentionally ignoring the facts?
Welcome to my world! ; -)

Update: Looked around to link mass die-offs with the magnetic field reversal, general consensus seems to be that's there's little evidence to support it. ref
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