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diy solar

Central or string inverter 25MW

Central or string inverter for 25MW

  • String

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Central

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Apr 19, 2024
Hi, I need to design 25MW ground mount system. Please any one suggest whether to select Central inverter or string inverter?
But it's the same thing. A central inverter is one inverter that takes the solar DC strings to it and makes is AC. A string inverter is the same thing. It might very well be that the terminology is used differently and that it's called a 'central inverter' when talking grid scale or whatever in some regions, but the principle is the same. It's just that a central inverter is just much larger. At 25MW, you'll hence be looking at a central inverter.

Largest sol-ark (string inverter) is 60kW.
Largest central inverter is 500kW.

50 central inverters vs 417 string inverters for 25MW, I would go for central.

Tigo optimizers for panel level monitoring?

Largest sol-ark (string inverter) is 60kW.
Largest central inverter is 500kW.

50 central inverters vs 417 string inverters for 25MW, I would go for central.

Tigo optimizers for panel level monitoring?
Sol-Ark 60K is hybrid. OP might not need battery charge. Deye (=Sol-Ark manufacturer) makes GTI string inverters more than twice that size. Still ~180 string inverters vs 50 bigger string inverters (=central).
I feel certain the OP meant 25KW, not 25MW. But it’s an opportunity to engage in a little smartassery ….
Thankyou for your valuable comments.
I got my solution from OEM vendors. I thought here people are mature enough to answer or discuss.

Largest sol-ark (string inverter) is 60kW.
Largest central inverter is 500kW.

50 central inverters vs 417 string inverters for 25MW, I would go for central.

Tigo optimizers for panel level monitoring?
Hi, No going for 3.3MW central inverter. And yes central inverters are better and convenient
Thankyou for your valuable comment sir
Thankyou for your valuable comments.
I got my solution from OEM vendors. I thought here people are mature enough to answer or discuss.
Nope, we just had a school project here asking essentially the sane nonsensical question, with the same apparent understanding of the terminology.

“Ask a silly question, get a silly answer.”
Nope, we just had a school project here asking essentially the sane nonsensical question, with the same apparent understanding of the terminology.

“Ask a silly question, get a silly answer.”
That might be silly for you, not for all. Get some air kiddo
Which town you dwell? In INDIA we have lots of money
Sorry, I misspoke, that should read “Billions of Rupees to spend”.

And the hard part isn’t what panels, inverters, and wiring should you use, the hard part on a project that size is the political and financial interface with the power company, and the financing package and civil engineering to actually get it done. No one is going to ask how strict your AJ is with permitting and inspections…

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