diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

I think it is better to leave Freudian Slips for posterior.

(After all, we wouldn't want anyone to think you were being an ass ...)
Last fall a coworker got both the flu shot and booster in one day, took ill the next day and landed in the hospital with.... the flu, he was released after 3 days and couldn't come back for another week... he told me never again


I could go on, but I trust you get the point.

Just in case you don't get the point, here it is: The Big Lie that the establishment loves to push is that they are all-powerful and that their dictates are law. Those who resist will be hunted down, arrested in the most humiliating fashion and, when the mood strikes, beaten and kicked for good measure. And there is nothing you can do about it, citizen!

But this is a lie. Time and time again, we find that the phoney, trumped-up charges that these brave COVID resisters were slapped with didn't hold up in court. Even the often-wrong justices of the usually corrupt court system have to concede that presumed "emergencies" do not, in fact, grant politicians and their appointees the right to impose whatever arbitrary mandates and pass whatever irrational edicts they want.

Now, it is certainly the case that, as the old saying has it, "justice delayed is justice denied." It is also true that politicians and their lapdog enforcers know that "you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride" and that merely putting activists and protesters like Buhler and Vizi and Stephens and others through the legal process is itself a form of punishment that can have profound impacts on the mental health and the family life of any would-be resisters, regardless of the outcome.

But it is also true that, time and again, these resisters say they have no regrets about their decision to stand up to tyranny and would do it again if they were forced to.

Perhaps the real meaning of these cases, then, is what we make of them.

Will these examples of bravery and self-sacrifice in the face of dire consequences dissuade us from standing up ourselves? Will these traumatic scenes have the effect, intended by the establishment media, of keeping us cowed and afraid?

Or will they be the examples of resilience that we turn to as sources of strength during those times when our rights are being violated by the state? Will we use our knowledge of these stories and their little-known denouements as inspiration when the time comes for us to take a stand against tyranny?

The choice is ours to make. Let's hope we choose wisely.
Apparently dissent about the Covid vaccines is still alive and well in Canada .... but, they better watch out or their bank accounts will be frozen.
Now that we are heading into fall .... John does a timely Vit D video. Discussing Vit D in general and also a study from Japan that utilized activated Vit D which gets into the system much faster .... so, it would be a good option when already sick.

I consider maintaining optimum Vit D levels one of the most important things a person can do for their health for a whole host of reasons.

Now that we are heading into fall .... John does a timely Vit D video. Discussing Vit D in general and also a study from Japan that utilized activated Vit D which gets into the system much faster .... so, it would be a good option when already sick.

I consider maintaining optimum Vit D levels one of the most important things a person can do for their health for a whole host of reasons.

Yup. Adequate sun on your whole body.
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Politico reports some good news for a change.

But, of course, they can't resist lies like this ... everything this administration does is based on politics and pretend science. The REAL science is promptly ignored.

View attachment 168644

Read a little more of the article .... They are truly enraged that they don't seem to be able to trick people into the latest Covid vaccines.

They go on to quote Peter Hotez who has been one of the biggest vaccine shills all the way along. I posted earlier how he was challenged to a debate and refused .... Now he is going out and saying none of the antivaxxers will engage with him .... What a joke.

The good part is the recognition that people are waking up.
Something else we haven't talked about much on here is the possible association of Guillian-barre syndrome with the Covid vaccines.

My dad had Guillian-barre, so I can tell you first hand that it is VERY devastating. This happened in the mid 70's.
The doctors at that time said it was triggered by a high temperature from a kidney infection. He woke up one morning paralyzed from the neck down. They told him at the time that he would never walk again .... but he pushed himself and recovered to the point that he was actually able to work again ... but never got rid of all the effects.
Vaccines in that era have been found to be associated with Guillian-barre, including the swine flu vaccine. I am angry that even that long ago, the cause of his problems may have been misrepresented.

Peru has declared a national health emergency due to the number of Guillian-barre cases ..... Some are speculating it is the result of the Covid vaccines because there was a BIG push for the Pfizer vaccines preceding the outbreak.

Love this! I know so many normies that are declining the typical ??? at their well checks for kids
I think they made a BIG mistake when they started pushing the Covid vaccines on kids ..... I know that's one of the things that forced me awake.
Since this is a DIY forum, a high volume DIY air purifier:

Peru has declared a national health emergency due to the number of Guillian-barre cases ..... Some are speculating it is the result of the Covid vaccines because there was a BIG push for the Pfizer vaccines preceding the outbreak.

"from May 20–July 27, 2019, the Government identified 683 suspected or confirmed GBS cases in Peru."

"The CDC stated this GBS outbreak was unusual because of the many cases. The incidence rate was nearly 25 times higher than expected.

And the rapid increase in numbers was followed by an equally precipitous decrease, which might suggest a point-source exposure."

Isn't this outbreak entirely before any Covid-19 vaccine was available, and before much if any suspected circulation of Covid itself?

So it wouldn't seem at all related. Unless it was an early field trial of the vaccine before making decision to launch the pandemic??
Since this is a DIY forum, a high volume DIY air purifier:

"from May 20–July 27, 2019, the Government identified 683 suspected or confirmed GBS cases in Peru."

"The CDC stated this GBS outbreak was unusual because of the many cases. The incidence rate was nearly 25 times higher than expected.

And the rapid increase in numbers was followed by an equally precipitous decrease, which might suggest a point-source exposure."

Isn't this outbreak entirely before any Covid-19 vaccine was available, and before much if any suspected circulation of Covid itself?

So it wouldn't seem at all related. Unless it was an early field trial of the vaccine before making decision to launch the pandemic??

Did they ever identify what the association was?

As I stated in my post .... OTHER vaccines have been associated with Guillian-barre. Had there been a different vaccine push before that outbreak.?
Certainly in my father's case, it was long before the Covid vaccine,