diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

I have to admit .... I don't know whether masks prevent transmission of Covid or any other virus. I have seen arguments on both sides, and both side think they are absolutely right.
I will wear a mask if mandated but won't do it voluntarily. I'm perfectly OK with other people wearing a mask in a reasonable fashion .... meaning, not outside and not in a vehicle by yourself.
I also think there are downsides to mask wearing ..... I wonder if the downsides are greater than the benefit.

I absolutely don't think the Covid vaccines are effective and are not safe. .... especially the new ones these people are mandating.
If the vaccine is mandated in order to participate in an activity ... I will either avoid that activity or go somewhere there isn't a mandate.

My defense against Covid involves maximizing my Vit D levels as determined by a blood test .... take zinc and quercitin a few times a week ... us a nebulizer treatment to kill off the virus in my nose and throat if I feel even a slight sore throat or sniffle.... or even sometimes just if I have been inside with a large group of people. In the early going, we would do a nebulizer treatment anytime we had been around other people.
So far, that has been working for my family.

Most important thing is healthy diet.

Almost as important is vigorous daily excercise.

Your body LOL's at viruses when you're in decent aerobic shape.
I have to admit .... I don't know whether masks prevent transmission of Covid or any other virus. I have seen arguments on both sides, and both side think they are absolutely right.
I will wear a mask if mandated but won't do it voluntarily. I'm perfectly OK with other people wearing a mask in a reasonable fashion .... meaning, not outside and not in a vehicle by yourself.
I also think there are downsides to mask wearing ..... I wonder if the downsides are greater than the benefit.

I absolutely don't think the Covid vaccines are effective and are not safe. .... especially the new ones these people are mandating.
If the vaccine is mandated in order to participate in an activity ... I will either avoid that activity or go somewhere there isn't a mandate.

My defense against Covid involves maximizing my Vit D levels as determined by a blood test .... take zinc and quercitin a few times a week ... us a nebulizer treatment to kill off the virus in my nose and throat if I feel even a slight sore throat or sniffle.... or even sometimes just if I have been inside with a large group of people. In the early going, we would do a nebulizer treatment anytime we had been around other people.
So far, that has been working for my family.

Let's say masks work.

You have to wear it 100% of the time or there is no point.

They generate piles of waste and drastically lower quality of life so even if they do work, who gives a shit.

Unless you wear it forever, as soon as you take it off, all the viruses it was preventing you from catching are novel again and were back at square one.
N95 masking was a good way to avoid the more harmful variants of Covid-19, if you were in circulation recent years.
The new variant is not something you want, but it seems to be much less harmful, and provides inoculation.
My kids are grown-up now but I wouldn't but if they were born today I wouldn't get them vaccinated for anything at all.

I don't trust any of this stuff at all anymore.

I would consider select vaccines, in particular those used before the liability was removed.
I would try to avoid adjuvants, which I think cause auto-immune disorders.

For our pets, we are able to select 1-year rabies vaccine without adjuvant, rather than 3-year which adjuvant which is known to be cause of cancer.

German Whistleblower Finds DNA Contamination Up To 354 Times Recommended Limit in BioNTech-Pfizer Vaccine​

Replicating the findings of American scientists Kevin McKernan and Phillip Buckhaults, the German biologist Jürgen O. Kirchner has also found massive levels of DNA contamination in vials of the BioNTech-Pfizer mRNA vaccine deployed in the home country of the vaccine, Germany. Although commonly referred to as the ‘Pfizer’ vaccine outside of Germany, the vaccine was in fact developed by the German company BioNTech and BioNTech is its legal manufacturer.

Whereas Pfizer manufactures the mRNA for U.S. supply of the finished drug, BioNTech itself is responsible for manufacturing the mRNA for EU supply in partnership with European subcontractors. This does not appear to have made any difference for the issue of DNA contamination, however.

Kirchner first warned about the problem of DNA contamination of the BioNTech vaccine already in 2022 in the book Die mRNA-Maschine – ‘The mRNA Machine’ – which he published under the pseudonym David O. Fischer. The book contains an entire chapter on ‘The DNA Contamination of BioNTech’s mRNA Vaccine and its Risks’ and cites European Medical Agency documents which acknowledge the problem without quantifying it.

In the meanwhile, however, Kirchner himself procured five unopened vials of the BioNTech vaccine and submitted them for analysis to the Magdeburg-based lab of Professor Brigitte König of Leipzig University Hospital. The results of Prof.’s König’s analyses are summarised in the below table. Prof. König found massive DNA contamination, up to 354 times higher than the 10 nanogram per dose limit recommended by the WHO and applicable in the EU. Like Kevin McKernan, she also found full residual bacterial plasmids. The plasmids are used in the industrial production process of the mRNA (‘process 2’), which differs in this respect from the process which was used to produce vaccine batches for the clinical trials of the drug (‘process 1’).


The table is adapted from Kirchner’s August 9th letter to the German regulator, the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), calling for “the immediate withdrawal of BioNTech’s Comirnaty mRNA vaccine from the market” on account of the DNA contamination. (The letter is attached to Kirchner’s September 16th letter to German Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, which is available here.)

In the same August 9th letter, Kirchner also criticised the Paul Ehrlich Institute for failing to perform adequate quality control of the vaccine before approving batches for release. As noted in the letter, and also touched upon in my previous articles here, here and here, the PEI is responsible for batch release of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine not only for Germany but the entire EU.

Citing one of the PEI’s own publications, Kirchner notes in particular that it does not test the purity of the vaccine solution:

Instead, a “visual inspection” is conducted, whose usual standard, looking at the vaccine solution on a white and on a black background, only allows crude contaminants to be identified: like, for example, if a bug fell into the vaccine when the vial was being filled. DNA or protein contamination cannot be identified in this way. It appears that the required testing of the purity of the solution was systematically not done.
In an interview with the German edition of the Epoch Times, Kirchner notes that whereas the PEI did not conduct advanced testing for contaminants of the BioNTech vaccine – even though the EMA had already identified the risk of DNA contamination in the industrial production process – it did require such testing for the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, which is based on more traditional recombinant protein technology:

A vaccine [Novavax] which can be very purely produced was tested for contamination and the mRNA vaccine, which cannot be purely produced at all for mass consumption, that one is not tested. So, one has to wonder: why is that?
As I have written about before, there is a longstanding, collaborative relationship between the German regulator – the Paul Ehrlich Institute – and the firm BioNTech. Questions are now being asked about how collaborative it is.

Not a suprise to anyone who has been following this.

German Whistleblower Finds DNA Contamination Up To 354 Times Recommended Limit in BioNTech-Pfizer Vaccine​

Replicating the findings of American scientists Kevin McKernan and Phillip Buckhaults, the German biologist Jürgen O. Kirchner has also found massive levels of DNA contamination in vials of the BioNTech-Pfizer mRNA vaccine deployed in the home country of the vaccine, Germany. Although commonly referred to as the ‘Pfizer’ vaccine outside of Germany, the vaccine was in fact developed by the German company BioNTech and BioNTech is its legal manufacturer.

Whereas Pfizer manufactures the mRNA for U.S. supply of the finished drug, BioNTech itself is responsible for manufacturing the mRNA for EU supply in partnership with European subcontractors. This does not appear to have made any difference for the issue of DNA contamination, however.

Kirchner first warned about the problem of DNA contamination of the BioNTech vaccine already in 2022 in the book Die mRNA-Maschine – ‘The mRNA Machine’ – which he published under the pseudonym David O. Fischer. The book contains an entire chapter on ‘The DNA Contamination of BioNTech’s mRNA Vaccine and its Risks’ and cites European Medical Agency documents which acknowledge the problem without quantifying it.

In the meanwhile, however, Kirchner himself procured five unopened vials of the BioNTech vaccine and submitted them for analysis to the Magdeburg-based lab of Professor Brigitte König of Leipzig University Hospital. The results of Prof.’s König’s analyses are summarised in the below table. Prof. König found massive DNA contamination, up to 354 times higher than the 10 nanogram per dose limit recommended by the WHO and applicable in the EU. Like Kevin McKernan, she also found full residual bacterial plasmids. The plasmids are used in the industrial production process of the mRNA (‘process 2’), which differs in this respect from the process which was used to produce vaccine batches for the clinical trials of the drug (‘process 1’).


The table is adapted from Kirchner’s August 9th letter to the German regulator, the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), calling for “the immediate withdrawal of BioNTech’s Comirnaty mRNA vaccine from the market” on account of the DNA contamination. (The letter is attached to Kirchner’s September 16th letter to German Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, which is available here.)

In the same August 9th letter, Kirchner also criticised the Paul Ehrlich Institute for failing to perform adequate quality control of the vaccine before approving batches for release. As noted in the letter, and also touched upon in my previous articles here, here and here, the PEI is responsible for batch release of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine not only for Germany but the entire EU.

Citing one of the PEI’s own publications, Kirchner notes in particular that it does not test the purity of the vaccine solution:

In an interview with the German edition of the Epoch Times, Kirchner notes that whereas the PEI did not conduct advanced testing for contaminants of the BioNTech vaccine – even though the EMA had already identified the risk of DNA contamination in the industrial production process – it did require such testing for the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, which is based on more traditional recombinant protein technology:

As I have written about before, there is a longstanding, collaborative relationship between the German regulator – the Paul Ehrlich Institute – and the firm BioNTech. Questions are now being asked about how collaborative it is.

Not a suprise to anyone who has been following this.

They changed the manufacturing process after they were 90% of the way thru the clinical trials .... So, what was tested in the trials wasn't what was delivered to the world.
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It's very disturbing. Literally...the last place you want a kid to be is in school. If you're sick the last place you want to be is in a hospital. If you're looking for justice the last place you'll find it is in a court. If you have any money the last place you want to put is in a bank. If you want to stay informed the last place you'll learning anything is by watching news. You could do this all day.
Another "conspiracy theory' becomes conspiracy fact.

"A CIA Front Organization": Revisiting EcoHealth COVID-19 Claims After Fauci 'Influence' Campaign Bombshell​

Following Tuesday night's bombshell report from Congressional investigators that Dr. Anthony Fauci was smuggled into CIA headquarters "without a record of entry" where he "participated in the analysis to "influence" the Agency's" Covid-19 investigation," it's worth revisiting claims made by former EcoHealth Alliance scientist, Andrew Huff about the CIA's connections to EcoHealth and Covid-19.
A Brief Review

Recall that EcoHealth received lucrative contracts to perform experiments on bat Covid in Wuhan, China after the Obama administration banned gain-of-function research in 2014. Four months prior to the ban, the NIH effectively shifted this research to EcoHealth, headed by Peter Daszak. The research was shielded from government oversight by Fauci's NIAID, and Daszak was forced to report after the fact that he'd engaged in gain-of-function experiments.

Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci pose for a picture.
"As a virologist, I personally think creating chimeras of SARS-related bat coronaviruses that are thought to pose high risk to humans entails unacceptable risks," virologist Jesse Bloom told The Intercept.

A researcher works in a lab of Wuhan Institute of Virology in central China’s Hubei province on Feb. 23, 2017. Photo: FeatureChina via AP
After Sars-CoV-2 broke out in the same town where Daszak was manipulating Bat Covid, The Lancet published a screed by Daszak (signed by over two-dozen scientists), which insisted the virus could have only come from a natural spillover event, likely from a wet market, and that the scientists "stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin." The Lancet only later noted Daszak's conflicts of interest.

Back To Huff And The CIA

According to a January, 2022 Twitter (now "X") thread by Huff, who worked at EcoHealth from 2014 to 2016, "I knew in December of 2019 that COVID was likely a lab leak." Huff then claimed that "Not only is EcoHealth Alliance a CIA front organization, but the United States of America is primarily responsible for COVID, not China."

... of the story. Not only is EcoHealth Alliance a CIA front organization, but the United States of America is primarily responsible for COVID, not China. COVID was a US scientific R&D program where COVID was transferred to China, so that...
— Andrew G. Huff, PhD, MS ?? (@AGHuff) January 23, 2022
Huff also told Fox Business in January: "This was actually a failed intelligence operation. We were actually trading China advanced biotechnology for access to and collect intelligence on their bioweapons laboratory. I believe. I can’t prove that but a number of agencies that I discuss in the book, including Dr. Peter Daszak telling me he worked with the CIA."

From Huff's book, "The Truth About Wuhan":

"These discussions resulted in publications indicating that Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, was working with the CIA, and that the biological agent commonly known as COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) had been in development at EcoHealth Alliance since 2012, and other evidence suggested that SARS-CoV-2 began earlier than 2012. The development of SARS-CoV-2 included several prominent US-based scientists and US academic institutions that received funding from numerous federal government agencies and private non-governmental organizations to complete the gain of function work on SARS-CoV-2."
Huff also posted a document obtained by Project Veritas and published in January of 2022 purportedly authored (and not denied) by Maj. Joseph Murphy (USMC), which states "SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine" which was "created by an EcoHealth Alliance program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)."

Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.
The report states that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the basis gain of function research moratorium.
According to the documents, NAIAD, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in Wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S. -Project Veritas
— Andrew G. Huff, PhD, MS ?? (@AGHuff) March 7, 2023
More on that:

And way more on that...
Huff also provided a report to Congress, under oath, which claims:

1. SARS-COV2 was created in the lab in Wuhan, China;
2. Anthony Fauci funded the creation of SARS-COV2 and lied to Congress about funding Gain-of-Function work;
3. The US Intelligence Community was aware of and appeared to have been involved with the funding of said Gain-of-Function work;
4. A number of well-connected public and private partners were involved in the Gain-of-Function work that resulted in the creation and release of SARS-COV2;
5. Anthony Fauci and others coordinated to cover-up the funding of the Gain-of-Function work that resulted in SARS-COV2.

"The creation of SARS-CoV-2 and the mRNA jabs was essentially a joint operation between the DoD & the intelligence community …They were co-developed. There are actually US government patents to prove this" —
— Dr. ZW (@ZombyWoof2022) February 26, 2023
And if you really want to get into the weeds on this, check out these threads by journalist KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) which includes claims by Huff, DRASTIC, RFK Jr. and more. Click on each tweet to jump into said threads.

Dr. Robert Redfield, the former CDC Director, says that U.S. taxpayer money from NIH, State Department, USAID, and DOD funded the creation of SARS-CoV-2:

"They wanted a single narrative, and I had a different point of view... Science has debate, and they squashed any debate...…
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) September 13, 2023

?THREAD: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top-paid US federal employee, has developed bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002. In 2014, Obama shut down 18 of Fauci's gain-of-function experiments after lab leaks, and 300 top scientists complained about his dangerous bioweapons research.
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) March 15, 2023

#18 That's why Senator @RandPaul accused Dr. Fauci of funding “supervirus” research in the US and “making a huge mistake” by trading the know-how to China.

Fauci denied the accusation, stating categorically: “The NIH has not ever, and does not now, fund gain-of-function research…
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) March 15, 2023
More on Baric and the programs:

2018 Baric paper wanting to infect Chinese horseshoe bats with WIV1, just like Defuse, submitted months after DARPA rejection letter
— Jim Haslam (@jhas5) January 23, 2022
From the original EHA proposal documents we are told the objectives and deliverables required by USAID, NIH, DOD ...
— Moneypenny (@nic_moneypenny) September 13, 2023
EcoHealth - no strangers to damage control, refuted Huff's claims, writing in December 2022 (almost a year after Huff turned whistleblower), that claims of gain-of-function research aren't true, that a lab leak is 'not true,' and that his claims about the 'nature of the collaboration between EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology' are similarly, 'not true.'

Ecohealth notably did not refute Huff's claims about working with, or for, the CIA.

Hey @CIA we have questions
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 27, 2023
Huff also provided a report to Congress, under oath, which claims:

And if you really want to get into the weeds on this, check out these threads by journalist KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) which includes claims by Huff, DRASTIC, RFK Jr. and more. Click on each tweet to jump into said threads.



More on Baric and the programs:

EcoHealth - no strangers to damage control, refuted Huff's claims, writing in December 2022 (almost a year after Huff turned whistleblower), that claims of gain-of-function research aren't true, that a lab leak is 'not true,' and that his claims about the 'nature of the collaboration between EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology' are similarly, 'not true.'

Ecohealth notably did not refute Huff's claims about working with, or for, the CIA.

To me, The key thing about Fauci was that he was being paid 2 salaries ..... The responsibilities were totally in opposition to each other.
From your post ...... Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top-paid US federal employee, has developed bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002
Obama made a couple of lame attempts to shut down Fauci's bioweapon research but this just pushed him to use Chinese and other foreign labs .... there were bunch of the in Ukraine.
This research should have been shut down at the source .... the Pentagon.
MORE bad news about the pharma response to Covid.

It's hard to imagine a strategy that would have been worse .... Treat Covid with drugs that CAUSE it to mutate and spread those mutations ..... while at the same time developing a vaccine designed for previous mutations.

Merck Covid drug linked to virus mutations that can spread between people, new study says​

There are several articles about this study .... I just chose this one randomly.
Thats the problem. They are all just going into hiding.
Noone was punished. They all got off the hook, and simply changed positions (with many going to work for places like UN, etc).

As expected - these slime beta tested technocracy on the populace and are now rewarded by their globalist masters.
The CDC and NIH are there to grab new viruses and torture them in the lab until they are lethal.

The argument here is that this is a DOD function I.E. to counter germ warfare and make germs to release into enemy territory. That argument falls flat when you're outsourcing research to China.

Idiot liberals think the CDC is there to protect them from disease in everyday life.