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diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

This guy was "the little gnome's" chief of staff.
He was giving out instruction to others he was emailing about how to get around FOIA ..... He'd be a good one to throw in jail, but it's not going to happen.
He us telling bald faced lies under oath ..... There a a lot of clips of his testimony to be found.
The only good news I see is that even the Democrats on the committee weren't willing to accept his lies.


'I Did Delete All Of Peter's Emails Relating To Origin': COVID Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests​

A new trove of emails released by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic reveal that top researchers involved in manipulating bat coronaviruses to better-infect humans then conspired to delete email evidence of their communications surrounding the Covid-19 outbreak.

Peter Daszak, David Morens, Peter Hotez
The communications focus on top NIH adviser Dr. David Morens, who solicited help from the NIH's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) office to dodge records requests. Morens is currently on administrative leave.

"Evidence in possession of the Select Subcommittee suggests that Dr. Morens, while employed by NIAID and NIH acted as an agent on behalf of a federal grantee, EcoHealth," the Subcommittee notes. "Morens began assisting Dr. Daszak in how to respond to NIH compliance efforts," the release continues - referring to EcoHealth Alliance boss Peter Daszak, whose organization was suspended this month from receiving federal funds for three years.

"i learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear after I am foia’d but before the search starts," Morens wrote in a Feb. 24, 2021 email to an unknown recipient, adding "Plus i deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail."

In another email, Morens claims that "With the help of our IT folks, I went over the whole computer and phone situation... Basically, my gmail is safe from FOIA."

"Please pass this on to Peter and I ask you both that NOTHING gets sent to me except to my gmail."

Morens also emailed Daszak, advising him: "We are all smart enough to know never to have smoking guns, and if we did we wouldn't put them in emails and if we found them we'd delete them."

And in another email to Peter Hotez, Morens writes: "The email somehow fell into the hands of the Congressman, probably via FOIA of someone who didn't delete it, as I did (delete all of Peter's emails and others relating to origin) when the shit started hitting the fan."

Meanwhile, Morens joked about getting a kickback from EcoHealth, to which Daszak replied jokingly: "of course there's a kickback. It starts with 5 more years of FoIA requests ... I just hope it doesn't culminate in 5 years in Federal jail, or even Chinese 're-education camp'...

According to Diane Cutler, an ex-investigator for the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, "He has violated the ethical standards of conduct for executive branch employees and has potentially violated criminal law," she said, referring to Morens, the NY Post reports.

Both Republicans and Democrats on the panel were united in their denunciations of Morens.
The information contained in these 30,000 pages of emails are deeply concerning, and in my opinion reflects poorly upon Dr. Morens and the Office of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease under Dr. Fauci’s leadership and the NIH under Dr. Francis Collins,” Subcommittee chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) said in his opening remarks.
“Dr. Fauci’s NIAID was unfortunately less pristine than so many, including the media, would have had us all believe,” he added.
Ranking member Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.) echoed Wenstrup’s remarks in calling Morens’ behavior was “deeply troubling” — but cautioned the emails were “not a breakthrough moment in actually understanding the actual origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.” -NY Post
There are now two instances of documented emails from Peter Hotez and Anthony Fauci on how to delete official emails over the course of the pandemic and concerning origins of the virus.

NY Times put 3 people on a story about a pine tree flag from last year.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 23, 2024
first, they banned us from twitter. Now, the best the "trust the science" criminals can do is block us
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) May 23, 2024
Now what?
Wow, I'm wondering when this will become the norm... wait, its already the norm.


'I Did Delete All Of Peter's Emails Relating To Origin': COVID Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests​

A new trove of emails released by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic reveal that top researchers involved in manipulating bat coronaviruses to better-infect humans then conspired to delete email evidence of their communications surrounding the Covid-19 outbreak.

Peter Daszak, David Morens, Peter Hotez
The communications focus on top NIH adviser Dr. David Morens, who solicited help from the NIH's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) office to dodge records requests. Morens is currently on administrative leave.

"Evidence in possession of the Select Subcommittee suggests that Dr. Morens, while employed by NIAID and NIH acted as an agent on behalf of a federal grantee, EcoHealth," the Subcommittee notes. "Morens began assisting Dr. Daszak in how to respond to NIH compliance efforts," the release continues - referring to EcoHealth Alliance boss Peter Daszak, whose organization was suspended this month from receiving federal funds for three years.

"i learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear after I am foia’d but before the search starts," Morens wrote in a Feb. 24, 2021 email to an unknown recipient, adding "Plus i deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail."

In another email, Morens claims that "With the help of our IT folks, I went over the whole computer and phone situation... Basically, my gmail is safe from FOIA."

"Please pass this on to Peter and I ask you both that NOTHING gets sent to me except to my gmail."

Morens also emailed Daszak, advising him: "We are all smart enough to know never to have smoking guns, and if we did we wouldn't put them in emails and if we found them we'd delete them."

And in another email to Peter Hotez, Morens writes: "The email somehow fell into the hands of the Congressman, probably via FOIA of someone who didn't delete it, as I did (delete all of Peter's emails and others relating to origin) when the shit started hitting the fan."

Meanwhile, Morens joked about getting a kickback from EcoHealth, to which Daszak replied jokingly: "of course there's a kickback. It starts with 5 more years of FoIA requests ... I just hope it doesn't culminate in 5 years in Federal jail, or even Chinese 're-education camp'...

According to Diane Cutler, an ex-investigator for the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, "He has violated the ethical standards of conduct for executive branch employees and has potentially violated criminal law," she said, referring to Morens, the NY Post reports.

Now what?

Every last one of these little freaks is like a child when they refer to Trump.

They are all libtard goofball creeps.
The primary target needs to be getting the money out ...... Regulators should NEVER benefit financially from the thing they are regulating.
The huge amount of money mentioned in this article doesn't even include the patent $ received by Fauci and team in the NIAID.

The mere fact a govt employee was allowed $1 million reward from Israel for faked pay off is insane out in the open ..... we give Israel billions of dollars every year as a gift. They use it to buy our ppl. Hahaha. Seriously connect the dots. The rest govt workers politicians are rewarded in likewise manners. Tax payer money given out comes back to our govt workers aka policians. Why congress sends money out.

Criminals will never regulate criminals unless feel cheated out of their cut. Real simple.

These things are previous exposed like fauci making up mask and distancing but revived as if now is different. . Recycled news. Just like then nothing will be done. Soros and Gates will most likely out live me and never be punished either. Time to let it go and be at peace.
I see them doing good or bad. Musk has stated it could be used to answer the phone and such all that is doable. Last thing want is some extended car warranty dealer calling me on a brain phone and can’t hang up. You will buy the auto extended warranty. 🤣
worse yet your wife calling and nagging 24-7 and you cant shut her off...
She may have anger issues ..... but she has a spine.

She is in tiny minority . They learned long ago not to totally silence groups of ppl and alienate them so let her talk so ppl feel represented. The unrepresented eventually lash out. The ppl in charge were taught since their childhood to be ruthless rulers.
That is why when public see them - they seem so abnormal. They are not part of humanity .... she spoke of humanity as if we are all part but to them we only exist to serve them. They are humanity . Their mind is very complicated. The person she complained about the most should be looked into. 😁 interesting background snicker. 😁👀

This one's even better. Make him listen to what people think about his .... science.

This has been talked about before. I mentioned it in earlier post about mask and distancing. These things are recycled news and that is the nature of things let go in catch and release events. They won’t touch him. They can’t because like most criminals he would talk and it would domino. So…. it would be Epstein event or nothing at all. Most likely nothing at all just like last time. Just knowing and talking does not do anything. It is a proven fact most mass murderers killed tortured animals first then graduate to humans.

Again this will go no where …. to many are involved World Wide. They stole $5 trillion dollars best motive and advice is always follow the money. Their mindset is tied to Globalism and Climate Change aka saving the World with population reduction. Some did it with screwed morals and no rewards other then feeling part of a greater whole. Lot of doctors and hospital staff were in on it. Emails plenty. Everyone keeps trying to piece it together as tiny puzzle ….it is a huge plan that went off like clock work. Why the terminology and wording go from one to another EVENTS like water flowing. Words “trust the science.” “Baseless” “fathom” “conspiracy” Smile you will never make them pay. They know it. Why Fauci can lie with confidence - our military also had him on pay roll.

Here is a hint: The Chinese don’t do debt forgiveness. They take things. They had a police office in New York. No one denies it. Hahahaha come on wise up everybody. We are in debt beyond belief. We were sold to highest bidder in modern slave auction. Most ppl just haven’t figured it out other then they are seeing the old rules redefined as things get played out for the change. Welcome to communism. Why the border is wide open. Lot of other events….that just don’t seem to make sense. Hint think of movie red dawn when the politicians run to work for the communist. 😁 This is just the beginning of a roller coaster ride. The chinese will get the Old Silk Road aka Road Belt back in place. Ukraine was in the old one as a central point.


Trump did tell everyone where the bug was made. Fauci was all over it with finger prints. Ppl just can’t ever seem to understand the World events because they can’t think. Most ppl can’t see past the RAPE some one is trying ram down their throat with all the current WOKE. Instead of whipping ass the ppl being assaulted are trying to be polite and say no thanks. You might understand why America wants Ukraine to win as we are forced to finance it. Amazed the Chinese are not making us draft to fight it. Probably not because think Russia is on and off with China. Certainly why CIA was all over Ukraine. Hmmmmm …. Again most ppl can’t remember what they had for supper last night. The vaccines retard you so does rest of pollution for total effect. Combiners. There you go. Good Luck. 😁 The CIA wants everyone to be confused. Most likely America is doing what China tells us to do.

China won big when Covid screwed us. $5 trillion dollars more to our new owners as debt. What are we $35 trillion in debt now? Couple trillion dollars more on debt every year from the interest?


What happens when white ppl kill other white ppl over a foreign race….that will never accept or appreciate them.