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Do We Need a Control Group?

What difference would it make if I were one?

No offense but I don't really care about the opinions foreigners have of Americans and topics of national interest.

You're not inferior it's just that your opinion is irrelevant.

If you're not a U.S citizen, I'm going to put you on ignore.

The exception I would make would be for a Canadian trucker who participated in the protests and blockades. I'll talk to those guys and buy their lunch any day of the week.
No offense but I don't really care about the opinions foreigners have of Americans and topics of national interest.
No offense taken.

You're not inferior it's just that your opinion is irrelevant.
My opinion is irrelevant to you because you disagree and I site my sources.

If you're not a U.S citizen, I'm going to put you on ignore.

The exception I would make would be for a Canadian trucker who participated in the protests and blockades. I'll talk to those guys and buy their lunch any day of the week.
And there you contradict yourself lol.
Piers Morgan used his position and public tv show to influence USA politics He was not a US Citizen. Obama allowed him to stay even though we signed a huge petition to have him deported. He could not return to England because the Crown was supposedly mad at him for something. It is called foreign intervention and subversion and against the laws in USA.
No offense taken.

My opinion is irrelevant to you because you disagree and I site my sources.


And there you contradict yourself lol.

It's always weird to me when foreigners occupy and inject themselves into U.S. political issues.

I do want to thank Leo for helping boost Pfizer's (A U.S. company) sales and assisting it in extracting your own tax dollars from your government for their own profit gain. That's very helpful to our 401k's and local citizens pocketbooks.
Piers Morgan used his position and public tv show to influence USA politics He was not a US Citizen. Obama allowed him to stay even though we signed a huge petition to have him deported. He could not return to England because the Crown was supposedly mad at him for something. It is called foreign intervention and subversion and against the laws in USA.

It's odd.

Why would any foreign non-citizen inject themselves into u.s. politics as if their own country doesn't have problems.

They are almost always super lefties too.
If there had been no vaccine there is no proof of what would of happened unless we have more then 1 dimension. No one knows how many would have died and even if there might have been fewer - less deaths for a total. USA had highest death toll most major places like africa india and china which have our population plus a billion more ppl per each of their populations They lost no where near our number proportionally. India and africa are dirt poor and extremely over crowded in places. Again no masse deaths to equal our death numbers..... Accredited to covid
Piers Morgan used his position and public tv show to influence USA politics.
Keith Rupert Murdoch is an Australian-born business magnate. Through his company News Corp, he is the owner of hundreds of local, national, and international publishing outlets around the world, including Fox News (through the Fox Corporation).
Keith Rupert Murdoch is an Australian-born business magnate. Through his company News Corp, he is the owner of hundreds of local, national, and international publishing outlets around the world, including Fox News (through the Fox Corporation).
Same news station that called AZ early... in 2020. A news station reporter job is to report. Not make the news by calling. They are and should have waited until the election officials set the count by official release. The election officials have a job. The news has a job to report not call an election. So by doing that Murdoch was the foreign interference foreign influence in 2020. Keep digging the holes for sunshine.

Again a news agency is not suppose to call anything until the official count is in. Why ? The reasons are obvious then makes ppl not trust the sources...... especially when official count takes days or week to confirm.

You as a foreigner have no business in USA politics. Especially if your country is sucking up USA tax payer monies.

Piers Morgan should have been deported Obama sided with a foreigner over the population aka citizens. Just proves petitions to our own govt even with over whelming numbers does not matter. Piers Morgan was promoting anti-gun anti constitution 2nd amendment polices and changes based off of Sandy Hook. Obama was sided with him in foreign influence.... against his - Obama's oath .

News media are initially swayed by viewers to gather them in, then changes focus to advertisers to pay the bills for profits, then inevitably must decide between viewers and advertisers. Almost always news Media outlet choice is the advertisers until viewers drops off and sales drop - advertisers start to pull out or renegotiate. Busted. See how it works for a simply view.
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Some real life data.
Apparently cases are spiking where I work.. I've been around vaxed and boosted people quite a bit that recently tested positive. 1 was quite bad and had to go to the hospital....
I feel great, besides being overworked and underpaid.
I'll take some extra vitamins when I get home.
Some real life data.

I'll take some extra vitamins when I get home.
You do that.

Then we hit the peak of information and mis-information

We know PFIZER is a Major Advertiser for everything to include news media and research that would be in their favor. We know PFIZER is a major lobbying force inside USA politics .... We know until the Big Pharma in Israel was caught drugging ppl in USA-Israel for the largest Pharma law suit ever were king. Pfizer had biggest law suit of lying and advertising - lost it. Guilty.
Teva is biggest drug pusher in the World .... remember the USA War on Drugs. Who would of thought.
Teva lawsuit

Pfizer lawsuit at a source you should be able to trust:

Super Fund often means usa and usa tax payers getting screwed again.

So is there any wonder that ppl who actually look behind the curtain don't trust the Wizard of Oz?


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Want to know who controls you then look at who you are not suppose to speak, question, or accuse:

If ppl don't know who AIPAC and IPAC are then they need to search internet for them. Israel is a foreign country that survives off of the USA Tax payer Teet. Modern Israel is not biblical it is a product of the Balfour Declaration brought on by none other then, Lord Rothschild. Modern Israel has been used to play both sides against the middle.... as has countries like USA, France, and Great Britain. Look at who really controls the news media some time. The CFR was a Rockefeller dream come true. State of Israel was a Rothschild dream come true.
Israel uses a small percentage of the money they get from USA to control the US Govt policy concerning them and their views. Lobbying with our donations to get more.

When Biden stated quid pro quo under the banner of the CFR it was his shield against being prosecuted or ever really being questioned by major news.

Video under banner of CFR remember hunter making all that money? It was on the hunter laptop that cfr denied along with our bought paid for govt.

Snicker the Vaccine Nazi posted a picture of a nazi that resembles him.... hahaha I made this up for your valentines present.... snicker snicker. A

Why do ppl on the far left still deny the hunter laptop biden quid pro quo? If it is ever stated the vaccines were a waste then the far left will never believe it. Polar opposites of the Right no matter what. The best seat is usually in the middle. Eyes open ears listening and mouth speaking when you know better.


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In that regard the 2020 election was definitely fraudulent as the information voters use to make decisions was distorted and hidden by the FBI.

Incredible really.

Albeit, the voters are such fools they probably wouldn't have cared anyway.
I think there were multiple ways the election was rigged .... If you have never watched 2000 mules, that would be a good start.
I think there were multiple ways the election was rigged .... If you have never watched 2000 mules, that would be a good start.

It is a pretty good chance that elections have been rigged for a very long time. The "selection" process was probably a bit more honest 30 years ago (maybe) but you were still choosing from preselected puppets, who in reality have no real power. Isnt it interesting that despite even heavy popular opposition, these politicians always vote in what they are told, and the little guy always get screwed. Your taxes keep going up. Your freedoms keep going down. This has been the trend for a very long time.
If elections mattered, they would not let us do it.
I think there were multiple ways the election was rigged .... If you have never watched 2000 mules, that would be a good start.
Bob, they ppl on left will call you an election selection denier. 2020 was an orchestral played out so well that Satan is in fear of losing his job.

This was 12 years ago. If back then you could have smirked and laughed, now, unless you are a complete idiot, this should be obvious!

They used to ask me whats the difference between Russian and American Elites.
The answer used to be In Russia, the Elites shit on your head, openly!
In America, they wrap the shit into a nice paper and feed it to the people as if its candy!
Guess what changed in 2020?
The American (and western) elites are now shitting on everyone's head openly! Just like in Russia!

And then he died he died from heart attack leading cause of death higher then covid. Had covid been around and he died unvaxxed then covid would of been the factor on death certificate not heart attack. See the vaccine saved lives ppl started being listed as other causes if vaccinated but if not then death was covid unvax

Anyone not figure that out yet? Sepsis was the major killer left untreated you will die quickly
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One of the things "they" didn't anticipate .... or if they did, it is even more egregious.
It is going to be a LONG time before people trust their government or public health organization once they find out the full truth of what was going on.
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One of the things "they" didn't anticipate .... or if they did, it is even more egregious.
It is going to be a LONG time before people trust their government or public health organization once they find out the full truth of what was going on.
I wish that was truth but you forget how lazy some ppl are and the outside factors are for them to confirm-conform. Look at Leo. He is a conformist. Would take a turkey baster size of vaccination if they told him it was needed and would work. Or maybe a vaccine shower. He is just downright silly with it.

I think he would force vaccinate ppl if thought could get away with it. Crazies on the left were talking about how to vax ppl that refused ..... run up and inject them and darts all kinds of stupid shit. Problem was some were joking and some were not. Jokes hide a darker side.
This was 12 years ago. If back then you could have smirked and laughed, now, unless you are a complete idiot, this should be obvious!

They used to ask me whats the difference between Russian and American Elites.
The answer used to be In Russia, the Elites shit on your head, openly!
In America, they wrap the shit into a nice paper and feed it to the people as if its candy!
Guess what changed in 2020?
The American (and western) elites are now shitting on everyone's head openly! Just like in Russia!

It is pretty clear they THINK they are in control to the point it no longer matters if we know what they are up to ..... they don't think they can be stopped.
I haven't decided yet if the pandemic forced them into the open before they planned ... or if the pandemic was part of their plan.

If I could just name 1 thing, it would be the assault on free speech ... they know it is necessary. I have been absolutely amazed at how many politicians have been openly calling for shutting down free speech .... and the FBI and other government agencies have been covertly participating in shutting down free speech.

It is down right weird how casually Biden announce he was creating a "Disinformation Governance Board" to be part of DHS .... and the absolute left wing whacko he tried to put in charge of it.
This has been put on hold for now, but they haven't given up on it.
Also, how casually he announce that we should all be getting ready for the great reset. Below is a snippet from John Kerry .... who also openly admits that the great reset is the goal and he believes it has already happened.

I have been totally astonished how openly they show their lack of regard for the constitution.
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Only gullible people trust their government.
I have lived long enough to realize that no government in the world cares about their populace. At best they view them as a cow to be milked. At worst, we are useless eaters.
In the US ..... there used to be a phrase that went around congress .... that politics ended at the waters edge .... When I saw that philosophy being openly violated a number of years a ago, I knew we were in deep shit.

You do that.

cdc info is funny, the center of dummy control. They got you...

And thanks for confirming the vitamins are helpful and not harmful. My diet could be better and I don't get out in the sun as much as I should in the winter, though there isn't as much sun.

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diy solar