diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

Keep posting by all means .
We have a match the vaccine nazi revealed himself.
Leo are you a german or a jew? Hitler had over 160,000 jews openly servicing him in his military. Funny but left called Trump a nazi and he has jewish grand children - jew son in law and converted daughter. Some ppl even say Trump converted to be a jew. Since jews trace families by mother maybe trump doesn't have jewish grand kids? Mama's baby - daddy's maybe. Unless hospital mixed them up. Problem in judaism converts are still treated as non-believer - out siders. Jews actively discourage converts.... one of the few religions that does that vs compared to christianity and islam. Get an orthodox jew to sit down and teach you all about the Talmud.

Communism worships the State. Lying Biden is their supreme leader. He admitted we were going to need gasoline for a lot longer then realized in State of the Union. Gift of Joe shutting down domestic oil productions. Roosevelt called Stalin good ol uncle joe in WW2 .... we in UsA sided with the communist and with Biden have done so once again. Russia russia russia... was bs Hunter's laptop was real and our entire govt and news media lied to us but a few.

The chair is against the wall the communist have control..... or so they think. The persons and groups that hated Nazi more then any others were communist .... lot of the jews lost from judaism converted to Communism aka Karl Marx religion.

Same tooth gap and everything


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Photoshopped from real lethal injection execution


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Some good articles there .... As I scanned thru the first one, I noticed the following statement. This was in the context of weakness of the data.

I do not want any one to die and the fact is that the risk of dying from covid is higher for those who do not get vaccinated. And while anti-vaxxer die in higher numbers, even the majority of anti-vaxxers will survive the curent strains of covid. I imagine that those who survive will build up immunity as well. As far as I am aware, rabies is the only virus where, once symptoms appear, the result is virtually always death, regardless of treatment. You have no one arguing (one would hope) not to get the vaccine for rabies if they were bitten by a bat.

The sad thing is that many of the deaths of anti-vaxxers were preventable and people knowingly spreading misinformation, false claims like "the vaccines will kill you", or "ivermectin works", play a part in that.

It is an attempt at humour in reaction to the anti-vaxxer message that the (covid) vaccines will kill you. This thread is asking if there should be a control group and the answer is "there is a self selected control group and they are dying in greater numbers", this is ignored and even ridiculed. There have been calls even on this forum for "Nuremberg Trials" for the scientists for making and testing the vaccines, doctors and nurses for administering the vaccines and people publicly advocating the vaccines.

The purpose of the cartoons is not to claim you or any one is going to die if you don't get vaccinated, the aim is to show that the risk of dying is higher for the anti-vaxxers while inject some humour as advocating to hang people is just sick.

Blah blah blah.

You have been given information over and over. You're just thinking and saying what you're told to think and say.
Some people have had concerns that ASD might be linked to the vaccines children receive, but studies have shown that there is no link between receiving vaccines and developing ASD. The National Academy of Medicine, formerly known as Institute of Medicine, reviewed the safety of 8 vaccines to children and adults. The review found that with rare exceptions, these vaccines are very safe.

This is the other thing.

You for some bizzarre reason, think the MRNA "vaccine" for covid is the same as the vaccines of the past.

You don't bother to distinguish between the two because I don't think you know the difference.

You caught covid after taking the jabs. You gained zero benefit from getting jabbed and only acquired risk.
Go look at the world meter for places like Africa it is climbing.

Now look at the World compare deaths births

Do you see our world population increasing or decreasing?

Why is the USA moving so slow?
Apologies if this was already posted, it's tough to keep up with this thread. Leo the kitten is doing a great job of sharting all over it.

Lots of references in the article.
Like the USA the Chinese have been declining their birth rates. Our country is the same basic size as china they have our population plus a billion more but they are declining in population too. Go look at the graphs. Spread out over rthe years

Places like Africa are exploding their population. Go up look at the link. Above. How bad did covid effect Africa. Why did the USA lose more ppl then any of these countries to Covid. India and China did not use Pfizer their drugs in India did not get the eua clause. China supposedly made a traditional covid vaccine. Again no one regardless of population had the amount of deaths as the USA .... china basically had no reported covid deaths same for India based on population ratios. Remember India is a 1/3 the size of usa and china for country land mass but very few deaths compared by population ratio. India has USA population plus a billion more and extremely crowded poor. Why did they not die in huge numbers?
Because them- India and africa take malaria medication?

Africa very few deaths our population plus a billion more ppl USA smoked them in reported coronavirus deaths. Their poor ass taking malaria medication. Look at their exploding population

Pay attention to how the USA has the highest immigration rate climbing soaring vs most all the others getting negative numbers They are coming here

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So ..... were some hospitalized Covid patients actually being euthanized?

Like the USA the Chinese have been declining their birth rates. Our country is the same basic size as china they have our population plus a billion more but they are declining in population too. Go look at the graphs. Spread out over rthe years

Places like Africa are exploding their population. Go up look at the link. Above. How bad did covid effect Africa. Why did the USA lose more ppl then any of these countries to Covid. India and China did not use Pfizer their drugs in India did not get the eua clause. China supposedly made a traditional covid vaccine. Again no one regardless of population had the amount of deaths as the USA china basically had no reported covid deaths same for india. Remember india is a 1/3 the size of usa and china for country but very few deaths compared by population ratio. India has USA population plus a billion more and extremely crowded poor. Why did they not die in huge numbers?
Because them- India and africa take malaria medication?

Africa very few deaths our population plus a billion more ppl USA smoked them in reported coronavirus deaths. Their poor ass taking malaria medication. Look at their exploding population

Pay attention to how the USA has the highest immigration rate climbing soaring vs most all the others getting negative numbers They are coming here


On other threads I brought a LOT of evidence about how a province in India .... Uttar Pradesh .... that had incredibly low death rates .... a lot lower than other provinces in India.
They were giving out a care kit with instruction .... for people to use if they got Covid. I haven't continued to follow them, but at one point when cases were rampant here ... they had almost eliminated cases.
I am 100% convinced that the correct response should have been EARLY TREATMENT with one of the many protocols that were effective ... Uttar Pradesh proved how effective it could be.
It took them a LONG time to get a drug they could make money on to market .... Paxlovid .... and then they suddenly recognized the importance of treating as soon as Covid was confirmed instead of waiting to treat people til they were almost dead and had to be admitted to the hospital.

If the early treatment protocols had been used the vaccines would / couldn't have ever been utilized. They were never necessary .... much better options were available.

If interested in some of the protocols, look up the FLCCC here in the US.
So ..... were some hospitalized Covid patients actually being euthanized?

Absolutely the goal is to eliminate the most vulnerable - elderly ..... that is why those democratic governors targeted them for elder genocide. Biological weapons to kill ppl that are drawing their entitlements out The big problem the Govt has borrowed and stolen the entitlements that elderly have paid into. It is easy to see the murder they have done as a direct result. What year is social security on the chopping block?
The govt robbed it. Most of the reported tax payer monies going in is a repayment from where govt robbed it and ppl are given social security that did not pay into it. Again robbed it circumvented the rules.

The covid vaccine are a farce. 2 family dead that were vaccinated and 1 dead that was not. The2 vax were listed as sepsis the unvaxxed as covid. All 3 were allowed to degrade and expire with untreated sepsis. All 3 had reported covid. 1 vax had clots. The vaccines did not work

Again if ppl had not taken the vaccines it is just nothing but a guess as to what might have happened as we really don't know. We don't know. Any information otherwise is not founded 0 creditability that vaccine would save ppl ..... it is speculation 100%.

The USA lost more ppl to reported covid then any country in the world africa india china all 3 have our population plus a billion more ppl Stacked like sardines in a can we out died them all.

Had they taken our vaccines what would their death rates have been?
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This is the other thing.

You for some bizzarre reason, think the MRNA "vaccine" for covid is the same as the vaccines of the past.
That is your fantasy.

You don't bother to distinguish between the two because I don't think you know the difference.

There are viruses that are weakened so they reproduce very poorly once inside the body. The vaccines for measles, mumps, German measles (rubella), rotavirus, oral polio (not used in the U.S.), chickenpox (varicella), and influenza (intranasal version) vaccines are made this way.

There are viruses that are completely inactivated (or killed) with a chemical. By killing the virus, it cannot possibly reproduce itself or cause disease. The inactivated polio, hepatitis A, influenza (shot), and rabies vaccines are made this way

There are vaccines where part of the virus is removed and used as a vaccine. The hepatitis B, shingles, human papillomavirus (HPV), and one of the influenza vaccines are made this way. The vaccine is composed of a protein that resides on the surface of the virus. This strategy can be used when an immune response to one part of the virus (or bacteria) is responsible for protection against disease.

The COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine contains mRNA that is the code, or blueprint, for the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The vaccinated person’s dendritic cells use the blueprint to make the spike protein from the surface of the virus. Once the immune system realizes this protein is “foreign,” it creates an immune response against it, including immunologic memory, so the next time, the person is exposed to the virus, the immune system is ready to respond rapidly. Similar to vaccination strategies that inject parts of a virus directly, this strategy can be used when an immune response to one part of the virus is capable of protecting against disease. The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are made this way.

Another way to deliver the gene that codes for the coronavirus spike protein is to put that gene into a virus that can’t reproduce itself but can still enter cells and deliver the needed gene. This strategy is being used in so-called replication-deficient human or simian adenovirus vaccines. Although adenoviruses can cause disease in people, these vectored viruses are engineered so that they can’t cause disease; as such, they can be given to people who are immune-compromised.

The Johnson & Johnson (J&J)/Janssen and AstraZeneca (AZ) COVID-19 vaccines are made this way. The J&J/Janssen vaccine is given as one dose and the AZ vaccine is given as two doses.

DNA vaccines deliver the genetic code from which mRNA is made. The mRNA then serves as the blueprint for making the viral protein, and the immune system, recognizing it is “foreign,” responds to protect the body and create immunologic memory. Currently, no DNA vaccines are commercially available.

You caught covid after taking the jabs. You gained zero benefit from getting jabbed and only acquired risk.

Correction, I probably caught covid, as I was in close contact with people who tested positive, I myself was asymptomatic and tested negative. But my personal experience is meaningless, what matters is the overall mortality rate by vaccination status, which is why Bob suggested there should be a control group of unvaxxed people. That control group exists...

Absolutely the goal is to eliminate the most vulnerable - elderly ..... that is why those democratic governors targeted them for elder genocide. Biological weapons to kill ppl that are drawing their entitlements out

Leo wants other people to wear a life vest so that he won't drown. (Vaccine mandate)

Leo puts on a life vest, still drowns but doesn't die and thinks the life vest still did it's job.
Leo wants other people to wear a life vest so that he won't drown. (Vaccine mandate)
No, I am vaccinated, in your analogy, I would be the one wearing the life vest.

Leo puts on a life vest
You are contradicting yourself.

still drowns but doesn't die and thinks the life vest still did it's job.
People with life vest can still drown, drowning is of course far less likely for people who de wear life vests. BUT if you want to be part of the control group who doesn't want to wear life vests, that is of course fine with me. Advocating against wearing life vests, when the ship is sinking, is something that would be stupid, right?
No, I am vaccinated, in your analogy, I would be the one wearing the life vest.

You are contradicting yourself.

People with life vest can still drown, drowning is of course far less likely for people who de wear life vests. BUT if you want to be part of the control group who doesn't want to wear life vests, that is of course fine with me. Advocating against wearing life vests, when the ship is sinking, is something that would be stupid, right?

No, you took the jab and caught the cooties. Thats akin to a life jacket that still allows you to drown but you would still claim the life jacket worked because sheople.

Leo has the FDA ever recalled any pharmaceutical products?

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diy solar