diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

Imagine John Lennon
"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today, I

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for''

Yeah ..... there are an awful LOT of rare occurrences .... that's an oxyMORON .... with the moron part being what you are if you believe the rare part.

It's kinda like how rare it is for people treated with Paxlovid to have rebound Covid ..... but, it happened to pretty much all the high profile people who received that treatment including Fauci and Biden.

Do you believe what they are telling us or what we can see with our own eyes.
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Bunch of randoms I have saved over the plandemic, all relevant to the thread.


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Another little known fact is that pilots have to routinely have an EKG. In October 2022, the FAA significantly increased the acceptable of the EKG results..... the previous range had been used for the last 100 years and pilots were grounded if their results were outside the range.

We really need to get to the bottom of the reason they did this .... unfortunately, you can find articles supporting whatever opinion you want to have about it.

Here's an article discussing the concern.

This fact check article decided they only needed to defend a narrow range of the concern .... they went to the FAA and asked them if they increased the range because of the Covid vaccines .... FAA answer .... We didn't do it because of the Covid vaccines .... so, fact check found the claim isn't true.

But, the FAA didn't say ..... We didn't increase the range .... because they did.
The "fact checkers" weren't curious enough to ask the FAA if they had seen an uptick in the number of pilots who failed their EKG.

There have been other studies done around the world that show alteration of the cardiac electrical signals after the vaccine.
I am amazed about the number of doctors and nurses that have given saline solution for covid injections vs the vaccines.
Did anyone they injected with saline solution die?

I had read some of the first pfizer and such vaccines were placebo in an on going trial after EUA was established. That flipped like a fish out of water for confirming or not. That is why so many ppl doubt our govt that plus when billions or trillions of dollars are involved ppl setup to get money lie like a bug in the rug. Who is monitoring Pfizer to keep them honest. The CEO caught by Project Veritas already admitted the govt monitors lie so they can get hired by pfizer. Corruption.
You really need to know the initial plot of some zombie movies and shows ...... some come from outer space too....... FEAR PORN is alive and well
I don't think of zombie movies as fear porn, I think of it as entertainment, just not the sort of thing I like to watch.

I like science fiction, big fan of Jules Verne, books that make you think of the possibilities. I like tinkering with solar because it interests me, the shortcomings and various solutions other tinkerers have come up with, some of them are really well done.
I don't think of zombie movies as fear porn, I think of it as entertainment, just not the sort of thing I like to watch.

I like science fiction, big fan of Jules Verne, books that make you think of the possibilities. I like tinkering with solar because it interests me, the shortcomings and various solutions other tinkerers have come up with, some of them are really well done.
I put 1 of my 3 solar racks together yesterday in between the rain. I don't watch tv..... all the news is tainted.

A news station is never suppose to call an election..... their job is to get the final results from the elections officials and REPORT the results. That has not happend in years. Somehow news stations now call the elections before the election officials announce the official results.

Anything wrong with that?
I put 1 of my 3 solar racks together yesterday in between the rain. I don't watch tv..... all the news is tainted.

A news station is never suppose to call an election..... their job is to get the final results from the elections officials and REPORT the results. That has not happend in years. Somehow news stations now call the elections before the election officials announce the official results.

Anything wrong with that?
If you can do both at once, try listening to public broadcasts instead, they tend to be more in depth than the sound bites. I can do that while I am driving, not when I am working. I prefer music while I work...
Excellent journalism as usual from Corbett today

" James Corbett and Meryl Nass continue their efforts to unpack the WHO’s vast bureaucratic overreach toward a global biosecurity state. Interpreting recently drafted amendments to the International Health Regulations for future pandemics, Nass and Corbett remind us of the sordid history of so-called pandemics, from Smallpox, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Zika, Ebola, Monkeypox to COVID, pointing out the failures of the WHO at dealing with nearly every one of them. Yet one area continuously prevails, curiously evading public questioning — the demand for toxic products and the success of selling pharmaceuticals, and the sleeper contracts which activate the WHO’s financial fangs. Don’t miss this quintessential duo on today’s ‘Good Morning CHD’."


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diy solar