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Do We Need a Control Group?

You do realize a large number of pulmonologist stated the vents were the wrong equipment for covid in most cases. A person not trained and not constantly monitoring-adjusting a vent can and will do more damage. Vents were suppose to be done with proper training. Might want to research it for a change. Try to actually look at it for once for all info. Think of it as a well rounded education vs tunnel vision
You do realize a large number of pulmonologist stated the vents were the wrong equipment for covid in most cases. A person not trained and not constantly monitoring-adjusting a vent can and will do more damage. Vents were suppose to be done with proper training. Might want to research it for a change. Try to actually look at it for once for all info. Think of it as a well rounded education vs tunnel vision
From what I have read people actually did better on high flow oxygen and laying face down. Another case where the protocol got it wrong.
From what I have read people actually did better on high flow oxygen and laying face down. Another case where the protocol got it wrong.
Read the same .... makes perfect sense to keep oxygen levels up on side or stomach is a natural clearing method for lungs. On back is not

I am not a religious person myself, but I have never felt the need to criticize people who are. These types of posts as well as others that are similar in nature are borne of a personality disorder and enabled by mental weakness (you just cannot seem to help yourself even though you know it won't accomplish anything). They bring nothing to the conversation and are only posted in an attempt to shame, embarrass, or ridicule the target; they are done in the hope that there will be others who will join in the ridicule and pile on. There are a handful of these types here and everyone knows exactly who I am talking about.
Don't tell no one but if you start looking will find a report in 2022 that states covid will now give you BLOOD CLOTS. Think back and remember that was a side effect from vaccines. One of my family member got clots covid and ALREADY had the shot.... died from sepsis.

They are betting ppl have already forgotten the side effects from the EuA protected vaccines

Now it is covid causing the clots.
Don't tell no one but if you start looking will find a report in 2022 that states covid will now give you BLOOD CLOTS. Think back and remember that was a side effect from vaccines. One of my family member got clots covid and ALREADY had the shot.... died from sepsis.

They are betting ppl have already forgotten the side effects from the EuA protected vaccines

Now it is covid causing the clots.
That's exactly the purpose for this thread ....they are going to try to spin and blame Covid and long Covid for a lot of these things ... the ONLY way to disprove it is for studies to compare the vaxed to the unvaxed
Here is the O Keefe Project Veritas story.... real journalism died a long time ago. Anybody that tries it now is doomed. 20/20 and 60 minutes use to to do this same thing. They were the Original in your face news.
Pretty hard to know what's real .... unless you have it on video like O'Keefe did.
The timing is VERY suspicious and I don't believe in these kind of co-incidences.
Throw another shrimp on the bbq. All these massive heart attacks They blamed this one on kidneys. Everyone now says it is covid not the vaccine. We don't even know her status.

Yes just as suspected it is Covid causing all the heart attacks whew there for a second thought they were going to list side effects from taking the vaccines. Can you imagine all the panic and fear that would cause? The vaxxed would be so frightened.

Hahaha don't worry they say the heart attacks get you whether vaxxed or not. Why did they take the vax? If you had covid heart attack coming.

'They are just now starting to notice heart attacks and Doctors want to know why?" Almost shit myself laughing so hard.


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I am not a religious person myself, but I have never felt the need to criticize people who are. These types of posts as well as others that are similar in nature are borne of a personality disorder and enabled by mental weakness (you just cannot seem to help yourself even though you know it won't accomplish anything). They bring nothing to the conversation and are only posted in an attempt to shame, embarrass, or ridicule the target; they are done in the hope that there will be others who will join in the ridicule and pile on. There are a handful of these types here and everyone knows exactly who I am talking about.
Antivaxxers deserve to be ridiculed, the idea that some random person on-line somehow knows better than the experts is utterly ridiculous. IF they were serious about their concerns they would voice those concerns within the medical community, not here.
One other thing when you attack religion you might lose more then you gain. Just a warning. Most folks know communism murders religion
Religion murders religion, the number of wars fought over who's "god is best" is never ending.

Communism is an economic system, not anti or pro religion. Where it is tried it has failed because of the central planning, which basically turned into a dictatorship (which is not limited to communism) and even self selected communes have failed because of infighting.
You do realize a large number of pulmonologist stated the vents were the wrong equipment for covid in most cases. A person not trained and not constantly monitoring-adjusting a vent can and will do more damage. Vents were suppose to be done with proper training. Might want to research it for a change. Try to actually look at it for once for all info. Think of it as a well rounded education vs tunnel vision
When I look things up, I look for reputable sources. Something antivaxxers (like all other conspiracy theorists) do not.
We can surely play the picture game :)
Oh and yes, decades of "scientific proof" for an injection that has been concocted in a few months (it takes decades to truly test any drug)
And oh yeah, pharmaceutical products have complete legal immunity, wonder why THAT IS...
And oh yeah, ModeRNA, than has never manufactured ANYTHING, suddenly comes up with an injection
And oh yeah, Pfizer (yes that Pfizer that was ACTUALLY CONVICTED of FELONY (Look this up, even MSM is not hiding it)
Start thinking critically!
But yes, it will be very difficult for people to admit that they have been had!!!!

PS. If you were following the MRNA "vaccine" (actually called gene therapy until 2021) development as early as 2003 when they were testing it on mice during the original SARS-COV outbreak, there was one very interesting bit if you were really paying attention. All mice in the experiment died. Do you know what they died from? Cardiac deficiency. Hmmm.....
So cardiac problems were well known to anyone who bothered to ask questions, but most plugged their ears and did what they were told, and generally I fully support people making and living with their own decisions. But when they tried to force this junk on everyone with threats to cut you off from society, I have huge problem with that!


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I got Leo to show his true colors. Excellent the real Leo is a Cowardly lion but is now emerging for his true self. His lines are BLM repeats and Leo's love of George Soros has been previously stated on this forum. For ppl that don't know the Soros Open Society Foundation and Democratic party have and do run forum mass media - posters. They get paid to post on topics like this one. How do I know.... my nephew is a self admitted communist and worked for Soros' foundation. Nephew spews the same EXACT line of shit as Leo about communism.
Leo left out " true communism has never been tried or seen " as that is always used to promote communism.

Blm and Antifa tried that shit during "the summer of love campaign" when they were allowed to take over whole section of a city that had been under democratic control and it ended when they blm antifa began to turn on each other - become violent. They blm antifa had took over a portion of a city and declared blm antifa supreme and their own form of govt. Tolerated and boasted on national news. All you have to do was look for it.

Problem is some ppl want to act like a turtle and only come out of their shell for just a piece of info here or there then hit full reverse and retreat to their own shell.
Leo has shown up saying "wants ppl to be informed then he starts lecturing how he is the only one that is learned or knowledgable. Hahaha

Leo is afraid of his own shadow..... probably never stood up to anyone in real life. Why he wants to murder Bob .... in Bob's own post. He sees Bob as weaker then him and therefore wants to attack him.
Leo the cowardly lion. Origin aka country unknown. Again, I bet he gets paid to post and elicit responses. Earn your money Leo.

Leo what problemS did Karl Marx have with the Jews. Remember Karl Marx wrote a book on communism and was himself self claimed as jewish back ground until communism. Say he was lutheran hahaha The communism became his STATE OF WORSHIP. Why not discuss 1920 Red Wave of communism in New York and how it spread to Hollywood. Bring up McCarthy too. ? bring of the AntiCommunism Law in the USA that prohibits communism signed by Eisenhower. Communism always ends the same way... the opposition is very often starved to death at an early stage. Watch the food supply being messed with in the USA. It is obvious. Direction Mis-Direction Distraction after Distraction. The pace for these things are speeding up.

Now as posted above the USA News is reporting "ppl are dying more and more from heart attacks.... doctors want to know why." I didn't make that shit up.... it is linked and posted above. See for yourself. " If you had covid it matters not for heart attacks whether you were vaxxed with known side effects or not. Now it is anyone and everyone that had covid will can die from heart attack whether vaxxed or not" it is in their on and on video but to save face they now say little less likely if vaxxed. To admit they lied and you are the failed experiment will never happen.

Nothing in singular has killed more ppl then communism in the last 100 or so years. "True real communism has never been seen or tried" is always the mantra when training young ppl. Pipe Piper. There is a reason children were told fables and old stories from generation to generation. "The king has no clothes on" Be glad Leo is not the king.
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I generally do not care what decisions people make for themselves. I fully believe in personal freedom that comes with personal responsibility.
But "useful idiots" (look up this term) are a real threat these days, because of their compliance and mindless obedience we are risking everything good humanity has ever stood for. And the reason for this is simple. For the first time in known human history, technology has advanced far enough to enable every tyrant's wet dream - total and complete control over the lessers (in their twisted psycho/sociopathic minds). And they are trying and will keep trying, which is why being vigilant and critically thinking is key. Otherwise we will be enslaved for hundreds of years.

BTW, you are 100% spot on the favorite leftist rhetoric "Communism has not been tried before, what was tried was not communism" ROFL.
To the communists wanna be - where do you draw the line? Are you going to share your girlfriend/wife too comrade? (And before everyone laughs, early communists (1920's) in the USSR actually tried just that, only once the useful idiots stopped being useful, they were STEAMROLLED by the system with 1000% efficiency.

I recommend people read "We" by Zamyatin. He was basically the first to describe technocratic dystopia. But with modern tech, all of this is possible. If we let them
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Ronald Reagan kept telling everyone "that for them to do what they - communist want for a take over = all you have to do is nothing."
Anyone that remembers Reagan's presidency also remembers communist - antifa type. They have been with us since the 1920's. bLM Antifa are self proclaimed communist and the brown shirts for their movement. These are the EXACT ppl that Hitler hated and threw in work camps. Want to make a communist mad... give them a job. Want to make them happy say the govt will provide and take care of them.

Israel is or was littered with Kibbutz aka communes. Bernie Sanders admits to living at one but report was they kicked him out - being lazy. Communism is a pyramid scheme.... if you are at the top you can always remain there and challengers will be literally destroyed.
Obama the gay like commie was all about obtaining power. He pulled off what Nixon wanted to do for the republican party .... politicized all the branches of government and the military. For ppl that don't know the military is an indentured servant social group. Medicine is socialized and obvious for ppl that look into the VA healthcare. Any young ppl wanting to try authoritarian socialism are free to join the Military. I hear they are now training lgbtq to fight the enemy..... they modern lgbtq military will be deployed to face the enemy and then by high command aka commander in-chief biden orders will run and scream across the battlefield, yank the enemies pants down and suck the enemies dick. The enemy will of course immediately surrender.

I am personally ashamed of the modern military that has formed under Biden. I recommend ppl not let their sons and daughters join. Let the leftist faggots go fight for a change or suck dick... whatever

The problem with blm is that it is mostly white ppl working for an under laying goal. It is not really concerned about average black ppl It is capitalizing on self promotions.... look at all the young brain damaged whites ask them if they want communism

Portland Oregon had and has a communism problem. VAST Majority are white. Communism seeks racial divides and whatever else it can grasp as weapons to take over. Make catchy names like Black Lives matter Patriot Act Home Land Security FBI and weaponize them. Reason why they get so mad at ppl saying all lives matter is because it is counter productive

Leo admitted he is EXTREME FAR LEFT


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Just as black lives is was used same for vaccine and covid. That is exactly why we have no clear facts.

"Now doctors want to know why we are seeing a rise in young ppl having heart attacks and sudden death."

They - blm communist cost us billions in crumbling infrastructure damages. That is nothing compared to the trillions that was stolen from USA for covid. Show us your vaccine badge of stupidity .... they handed them out after vaccines. Napoleon once stated if he would have had enough ribbons and medals then could have ruled the world. George soros financed blm antifa like he admits for Ferguson riots

Just for Ford ppl in WW2 if raised the hoods of german trucks would find a ford engine The ford manager was in charge before WW2 During and After. The USA had to pay Ford for any war damages to his factory. Rockfeller and several others to include Rothschild was a party too. 1 of Rothschild were held by nazi during the war for ransom. Several prominent if captured were held for ransoms during WW2 by Germans.

History that survived but is not common knowledge because it was not taught. Anyone will surely at first questions or say bs because again they were indoctrinated and taught to not think and parrot. In other words for young ppl fuckery get the mind fuck on.

Covid is a vehicle and practice of control. Ppl in china have been wearing mask well before Covid Sars hit them in around 2001... unless there is like a sand storm Arabs - islamist only have women cover their face and hair. Did anyone read or hear the reason Afghanistan fell so quickly is account the president there got $100 million dollars. Who what when where why Follow the money. Put on your mask covid will give you massive heart attacks vax won't stop it
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The government agencies response to Covid is only the tip of the iceberg .... a few years ago, I wouldn't have believed it possible that ALL our government agencies have been captured .... but now, it is impossible for me to deny. I still don't know where this is being controlled from .... People like Soros, but not only Soros.
Even Biden goes around saying to be ready for the "great reset" because it is coming.
The FBI used to be our elite "blue blood" law enforcement agency .... I have no doubt there are still mostly excellent full on patriotic people working there .... but, the control of the FBI and DOJ has been totally coopted.
There have always been totalitarians who want to take over the world ..... We have had to fight a lot of wars to put them down .... but now, the fight isn't on the battlefield, it is in the board rooms and in the Tech programming. The digital world that is swiftly taking over all aspects of our lives is a dream come true for the totalitarian ... it finally gives them the tools they need to accomplish their goal.
It's not just the US, it is world wide.
To see some examples of what is coming, look at the social credit system that is growing in China .... violate some social rule, and your digital currency will be debited or cut off. Look what is happening in Canada right now .... if you don't sign up for the digital ID ... they are going to cut off your health insurance.
All this is possible now because of the dependence on technology.
If you don't believe our justice system in the US has been captured, start watching the hearing now taking place in congress and go look at the Twitter files.
I think there is a possibility that the pandemic has forced them to show their hand sooner than they planned .... because the corruption is now in full view everywhere you look.
Here's a glimpse of how bad it is.

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