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Do We Need a Control Group?

Interesting ... I hadn't seen those blood type comparisons before .

I think blood science is way behind where it should be. Medicine seems to have jumped head first into the genome while blood science hasn't changed much in a LONG time. The advent of super computers would make it possible to quickly analyze a gazillion blood variables.
I'm sure that many medicine side effects and effectiveness are related to individual blood characteristics. Medicine seems to like to pretend everyone is affected the same by everything instead of accepting us all as individuals .... guess that is too complicated for them.
A dog can smell a person and know whether they have cancer or not .... probably Covid too if they trained them for that. Medicine needs to figure out how to determine that via other means.

Well .... just did a quick search and they are already doing Covid detection with dogs.

Why don't they just have one of these dogs at every nursing home entrance? A lot faster and cheaper than a PCR test.
Simple math cuomo is reported to have murdered around 15,000 ppl. Average SSi is about $1500 a month = $22,500,000
$22,500,000X12= $ 270,000,000 Times 5 governors doing it $270,000,000 x 5 = $1,350,000,000 a year back into the system every year We won't talk about money saved by not spending medicare medicaid .

Murdering the elderly does a lot of good things for the Govt. Most cases The elderly died all alone. In some cases the children were glad because anything that remained from Estate were now theirs. Did you know that the more educated ppl are then the more likely they are to dump their elderly parents an forget them. Burdens. Maybe that is why no one complains in those 5 democrat States where the elderly were murdered.
Simple math cuomo is reported to have murdered around 15,000 ppl. Average SSi is about $1500 a month = $22,500,000
$22,500,000X12= $ 270,000,000 Times 5 governors doing it $270,000,000 x 5 = $1,350,000,000 a year back into the system every year We won't talk about money saved by not spending medicare medicaid .

Murdering the elderly does a lot of good things for the Govt. Most cases The elderly died all alone. In some cases the children were glad because anything that remained from Estate were now theirs. Did you know that the more educated ppl are then the more likely they are to dump their elderly parents an forget them. Burdens. Maybe that is why no one complains in those 5 democrat States where the elderly were murdered.
You don't have to be familiar with what is happening in the US to spot the nonsense.
What happened in those 5 democratic States was planned murder Leo. They obvious denied the Science that the Elderly are the most ppl at risk and dumped covid infected upon them. They denied science and open warnings on purpose. That is called murder in the 1st degree..... planned and executed. That is basic law in USA..... as published. Am sure lawyers and Judges will bend and twist it if paid enough even members on a jury will be weighed and selected for the out come during selections.

So again what country are you? You stated at 33 bought and paid for your home with meager means as is your life style? Sweat of your equity rewarded. So you are not a full fledged communist .... why hide your country of origin when asked? What industry did you come from for your meager living? I came from several walks of life before my retirement. I earned everything that I am entitled. ? So again where are you from and at now. If it is so great may need to escape there and fuck it up.


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What happened in those 5 democratic States was planned murder Leo. They obvious denied the Science that the Elderly are the most ppl at risk and dumped covid infected upon them. They denied science and open warnings on purpose. That is called murder in the 1st degree..... planned and executed. That is basic law in USA..... as published. Am sure lawyers and Judges will bend and twist it if paid enough even members on a jury will be weighed and selected for the out come during selections.

So again what country are you? You stated at 33 bought and paid for your home with meager means as is your life style? Sweat of your equity rewarded. So you are not a full fledged communist .... why hide your country of origin when asked? What industry did you come from for your meager living? I came from several walks of life before my retirement. I earned everything that I am entitled. ? So again where are you from and at now. If it is so great may need to escape there and fuck it up.
More nonsense.
Well .... the House had a 4 hour hearing about the Covid response today ..... I watched about 1/2 of it at 1.5 speed and then just couldn't handle the BS any more.
The Republicans did ask some very pointed question but allowed the white wash answers they got .... The Democrats just opined ... if only we could have gotten more people vaccinated earlier .... The CDC spokes person actually expressed concern that disinformation is preventing young children from being vaccinated .... and also still thinks that it is good for children to wear masks at school.

I'm going to be REALLY surprised if anything is accomplished by these hearings. I think that overwhelming evidence is going to have to be developed outside government and then these agencies are going to have to be gutted so we can start over. They are rotten to the core.
Again, what is up with the desire to labeling people and your weird fantasies about me?
Why not tell ppl where you are from and where you live? No harm no foul? Are you worried "ppl might use that information in ways you might not like or want?" When ppl are granted guardianship they have responsibilities and trust to uphold. Even the slightest infraction is major. Loss of trust. Why be so EVASIVE ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY

Do the democrats pay ppl to be on social media to push their agendas = yes.

So what part are you saying is bs vs the the recorded actions of the democratic governors in the United States concerning covid being sent to retirement homes?
Are you going by this typical governmental case as a proof?
"The data requests and Soldiers’ Home investigation are not accusations of fault or wrongdoing by the states or any other individual or entity, and the department has not reached any conclusions about these matters."

Typical letter sent to Cuomo no active investigation was ordered - carried out by federal government. Matter of fact letter states Cuomo and self inform vs a real criminal investigation being conducted.

Follow the money has always been a typical law enforcement policy.

So the usa govt says we are looking out for your best interest pay this company with tax payer monies. Take these eua shots that you can't sue them for with adverse effects and thank your govt for being there to help. Fuck pfizer fuck that vaccine fuck the govt and fuck you DUMB ASS

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Why not tell ppl where you are from and where you live? No harm no foul? Are you worried "ppl might use that information in ways you might not like or want?" When ppl are granted guardianship they have responsibilities and trust to uphold. Even the slightest infraction is major. Loss of trust. Why be so EVASIVE ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY

Do the democrats pay ppl to be on social media to push their agendas = yes.

So what part are you saying is bs vs the the recorded actions of the democratic governors in the United States concerning covid being sent to retirement homes?
Are you going by this typical governmental case as a proof?
"The data requests and Soldiers’ Home investigation are not accusations of fault or wrongdoing by the states or any other individual or entity, and the department has not reached any conclusions about these matters."

Typical letter sent to Cuomo no active investigation was ordered - carried out by federal government. Matter of fact letter states Cuomo and self inform vs a real criminal investigation being conducted.

Follow the money has always been a typical law enforcement policy.

Ordering covid infected people back with vulnerable people is stupid.

But here is a question for you, are you saying that allowing people with covid to come into contact with vulnerable people is murder?
Well .... the House had a 4 hour hearing about the Covid response today ..... I watched about 1/2 of it at 1.5 speed and then just couldn't handle the BS any more.
The Republicans did ask some very pointed question but allowed the white wash answers they got .... The Democrats just opined ... if only we could have gotten more people vaccinated earlier .... The CDC spokes person actually expressed concern that disinformation is preventing young children from being vaccinated .... and also still thinks that it is good for children to wear masks at school.

I'm going to be REALLY surprised if anything is accomplished by these hearings. I think that overwhelming evidence is going to have to be developed outside government and then these agencies are going to have to be gutted so we can start over. They are rotten to the core.
Great clip here.
I honestly cannot tell if this is satire or not. We've reached critical levels of stupid in this world and it's throwing my meters off.
Ordering covid infected people back with vulnerable people is stupid.

But here is a question for you, are you saying that allowing people with covid to come into contact with vulnerable people is murder?
Same as ppl with aids allowed to work in the food industry which was previous forbidden but now allowed after numerous law suits. Aids-Another Infected Dick Sucker can bleed in your salad. Eat up. AIDS was once known as the queer disease or blood transfusion passed. The areas it hit most like san francisco or frisco was a former military dump ground for homo-sexual booted from the service another was New York. Corn holing really doesn't work as a natural form of existence. Love is not love. Only a man and woman can reproduce unless you be a test tube baby. Are you parents a petri dish and a beaker?

I have never stated sick ppl when known sick should not stay at home. Common cold - flu even. I fought like hell for sick days at my last work place to keep - motivate ppl that were sick not to infect the whole work place. I don't want those sick mf'ers around me. Most every time been sick was right after a doctor visit ie regular yearly physical exam. The fact is once exposed it either kills us or makes us stronger. Back to the age old saying "what does not kill us only makes us stronger."

Why women should give new born babies their last immunity transfer with a titty suck. Women that don't do that often end up with sickly children that falls over at sight of a peanut butter sandwich.

My own views about covid and what was known as covid19 are hard formed from personal loss and sickness.
2 family dead both vaxxed one johnson johnson and one pfizer both listed sepsis vs covid. 1 family member no vax listed covid died with untreated sepsis. As for myself survived both times fuck the hospitals and doctors. They did not get a chance to strap me to a bed and limit my fluids until kidney failure and sepsis took for hold.

Beside Leo am following the leftist lean for covid policies and the results. Democratic governors caused great harm and death. Free Charles Manson as he did not directly murder anyone. Wait Manson died in prison guilty of killing no one. Well not directly
Same as ppl with aids allowed to work in the food industry which was previous forbidden but now allowed after numerous law suits.
Are you saying that allowing people with covid who come into contact with other people is murder?

Aids-Another Infected Dick Sucker can bleed in your salad. Eat up.
So there are other ways people can transmit aids other then by sucking dick, but you focus on sucking dick, you really have some weird fantasies.

AIDS was once known as the queer disease or blood transfusion passed.
Actually it wasn't, it was know as more common among sexual promiscuous people.

The areas it hit most like san francisco or frisco was a former military dump ground for homo-sexual booted from the service another was New York. Corn holing really doesn't work as a natural form of existence. Love is not love. Only a man and woman can reproduce unless you be a test tube baby. Are you parents a petri dish and a beaker?
Again, what is up with your weird fantasies, why do you care what consenting adults do unless you feel like doing it?

I have never stated sick ppl when known sick should not stay at home. Common cold - flu even. I fought like hell for sick days at my last work place to keep - motivate ppl that were sick not to infect the whole work place. I don't want those sick mf'ers around me. Most every time been sick was right after a doctor visit ie regular yearly physical exam. The fact is once exposed it either kills us or makes us stronger. Back to the age old saying "what does not kill us only makes us stronger."
The old saying is nonsense, long covid is an example. So you are in favour of social distancing?

Why women should give new born babies their last immunity transfer with a titty suck. Women that don't do that often end up with sickly children that falls over at sight of a peanut butter sandwich.
There are other ways to make sure the babies are healthy, but our obsession with germs and cleanness, combinned with a whole lot of unnatural substances in the homes might be a contributing factor to allergies.

My own views about covid and what was known as covid19 are hard formed from personal loss and sickness.
2 family dead both vaxxed one johnson johnson and one pfizer both listed sepsis vs covid. 1 family member no vax listed covid died with untreated sepsis. As for myself survived both times fuck the hospitals and doctors. They did not get a chance to strap me to a bed and limit my fluids until kidney failure and sepsis took for hold.
That is anecdotal evidence, (assuming your story is true) very real to you, but unreliable as to the safety of vaccines.

Beside Leo am following the leftist lean for covid policies and the results. Democratic governors caused great harm and death. Free Charles Manson as he did not directly murder anyone. Wait Manson died in prison guilty of killing no one.

Bit late for that.
Are you saying that allowing people with covid who come into contact with other people is murder?
So there are other ways people can transmit aids other then by sucking dick, but you focus on sucking dick, you really have some weird fantasies.
Actually it wasn't, it was know as more common among sexual promiscuous people.
Again, what is up with your weird fantasies, why do you care what consenting adults do unless you feel like doing it?
The old saying is nonsense, long covid is an example. So you are in favour of social distancing?
There are other ways to make sure the babies are healthy, but our obsession with germs and cleanness, combinned with a whole lot of unnatural substances in the homes might be a contributing factor to allergies.
That is anecdotal evidence, (assuming your story is true) very real to you, but unreliable as to the safety of vaccines.
Bit late for that.

YOU GOT ME ON THOSE QUOTES FOR AIDS AND SUCH. I LEFT OUT THE QUOTE MARKS. Please don't come after me for plagiarism like a troll or break out the grammar - spelling rules. Hahaha Do whatever you like. I actually watched Broke Back Mountain. No pickle wiggle for me. Did you get a whack a mole chubby during your view of it? I read once ppl that are truly homophobia in reality want to be gay. Lot of blacks and hispanics are very homophobia so are you saying they really want to nurse from a dick and nut sack? Have you ever tried it? They say never know if you like it until tried it. Me never tried it or pickled pigs feet. No matter how drunk got. Ever suck a pickled pigs foot.... i was told need to pull the toe nails off but some ppl just eat them too. Is a pig's pussy pork? Would you eat it? Imagine a dead pigs pussy would be Necrophilia Beastiality. Most pigs roll and live mired in their own piss and feces.

Save ppl the broke back mountain movie here is the broke back mountain short.

There are relevant facts that can be found by a person that is not lazy to look. As typical you screwed the real facts. Aids was a queer first. Known fact. Ask Dr Fauci when you uncouple from his junk. His exact protocols were also tried for AIDS.... most ppl stopped fucking because they were afraid. Give it to Bill Clinton not being afraid still splattered some dna on Monica's dress. She recently took a dress to the dry cleaners and as she was leaving they owner of the dry cleaners said cum again..... she giggled and said why no it is tooth paste this time. Depends on your definition of "is". Or under oath " I didn't have sexual relations with that woman in the oval office." "I did not stick a cigar in her snatch and commit sodomy for the second time." During -After clinton there was a huge turn over of democrats to RINO. They had to change over to get re-elected. Same after Carter account he ran the country worse then biden .....

If stated my family died in holocaust doubt you would question it. Social training. I don't worry about those lines for obvious reasons hahaha They might have only been 10 years old when died from covid-SEPSIS but you should never question the holocaust. You of all ppl should know better and I need to ask why so antisemitic. Logic and time frames be damned. But yes 3 members of my family died 2 for 1 vax vs unvaxxed. Me as a survivor. I survived the covid holocaust. Only a million reported killed murdered by a GAIN OF FUNCTION - INDUCED RELEASED SICKNESS which Our Govt funded the research...via Fauci.. . Part of the USA covid relief was paid to foreign countries for stupid shit like gender training. My real guess is we exposed them to covid by proxy. We paid a lot of foreign countries money. So much in fact that "Trump said Nancy give the ppl some money too." I remembered to quote it as a basic statement.. happy?

Why keep hiding your country of origin? Do you think it will be used as a VOCAL weapon AGAINST YOU?
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Here's another video showing exactly how they .... in the case the NIH ..... use study data to reach the conclusion they want ..... the inexplicable thing is .... why. How can these people be so intentionally incompetent and not be held to account?
Here's another video showing exactly how they .... in the case the NIH ..... use study data to reach the conclusion they want ..... the inexplicable thing is .... why. How can these people be so intentionally incompetent and not be held to account?
Sunshine kills covid That is a known. It supposedly can't survive without a host. But it does manage to mutate much like AIDS which never really got a cure from Fauci. So Fauci failed to cure AIDS - HIV. Sunshine gives your body natural vitamin D . Hmmmm is that why Our Govt ran ppl away from parks and beaches even if they were willing to social distance. Bob think you are onto something.

In former soviet union ppl - women in particular were stated to wear big fur coats to this Park - place that had granite like walls like at our vietnam memorial. These women were naked under neath fur coats and in dead of winter they would open their fur coats to get sunshine next to those warm granite walls. Natural vitamin D. Glad never seen it ..... look at attached pictures.
Ukraine has an interesting past. The USA dissembled the families in the 1960s and started welfare in earnest. The soviets did it in the 1930s. Now both parents work and are worse off then when only the husband made a living. The State raises your children and tells them what and how to think in the govt schools. CRT is another communist ploy. By DESIGN.


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Sunshine kills covid That is a known. It supposedly can't survive without a host. But it does manage to mutate much like AIDS which never really got a cure from Fauci. So Fauci failed to cure AIDS - HIV. Sunshine gives your body natural vitamin D . Hmmmm is that why Our Govt ran ppl away from parks and beaches even if they were willing to social distance. Bob think you are onto something.

In former soviet union ppl - women in particular were stated to wear big fur coats to this Park - place that had granite like walls like at our vietnam memorial. These women were naked under neath fur coats and in dead of winter they would open their fur coats to get sunshine next to those warm granite walls. Natural vitamin D. Glad never seen it ..... look at attached pictures.
Ukraine has an interesting past. The USA dissembled the families in the 1960s and started welfare in earnest. The soviets did it in the 1930s. Now both parents work and are worse off then when only the husband made a living. The State raises your children and tells them what and how to think in the govt schools. CRT is another communist ploy. By DESIGN.

The only way to know for sure where your Vit D levels are is to get a blood test. It will vary from person to person pretty radically .... and as he stated in the video, once you end up in the hospital, it is way late in the game and nearly impossible to get Vit D levels high enough without large intravenous doses. It does it's thing best when you have good levels prior to exposure.
The fact that the NIH was only looking at studies where they gave Vit D to people when they were already so sick they were hospitalized shows how badly they didn't want to have to report a good result. They just sent it to the .... needs more study ..... grave along with other promising measures.

Sunshine is the best way to get your Vit D, but in the winter is pretty difficult .... or even in the summer in the northern latitudes. The darker your skin, the harder it is to get sufficient Vit D from sunshine.

I ran across some of the information he is talking about early on ..... about the poor outcomes almost universally had low Vit d levels .... we got ours checked and were in the lower 1/3 of the normal range. Started supplementing Vit D plus K2. It takes some time to change your levels .... but after a few months, we got ours retested and were in the top 2/3 of the normal range .... been doing that ever since.

Myself, my wife, and my daughter have never had Covid .... that we know of .... My daughter works in a retail store and is the only one there who has never gotten it.
Optimizing Vit D levels is just one of our strategies.

If you start researching Vit D, keeping optimum Vit D levels is good for a whole host of things.
The only way to know for sure where your Vit D levels are is to get a blood test. It will vary from person to person pretty radically .... and as he stated in the video, once you end up in the hospital, it is way late in the game and nearly impossible to get Vit D levels high enough without large intravenous doses. It does it's thing best when you have good levels prior to exposure.
The fact that the NIH was only looking at studies where they gave Vit D to people when they were already so sick they were hospitalized shows how badly they didn't want to have to report a good result. They just sent it to the .... needs more study ..... grave along with other promising measures.

Sunshine is the best way to get your Vit D, but in the winter is pretty difficult .... or even in the summer in the northern latitudes. The darker your skin, the harder it is to get sufficient Vit D from sunshine.

I ran across some of the information he is talking about early on ..... about the poor outcomes almost universally had low Vit d levels .... we got ours checked and were in the lower 1/3 of the normal range. Started supplementing Vit D plus K2. It takes some time to change your levels .... but after a few months, we got ours retested and were in the top 2/3 of the normal range .... been doing that ever since.

Myself, my wife, and my daughter have never had Covid .... that we know of .... My daughter works in a retail store and is the only one there who has never gotten it.
Optimizing Vit D levels is just one of our strategies.

If you start researching Vit D, keeping optimum Vit D levels is good for a whole host of things.
Are you O type blood? Those tests were done by several notable websites. Why ppl dismiss them is beyond me. As you said they shove stuff into a slot of limbo instead of committing one way or the other.

I am A type... had the shit 2 times. Back jan - feb 2020 first time - no one knew shit about it and then again for the omicron version (tested positive and sick) or whatever it was. Been taking vitamin D for over 6 years. A doctor told me about it for back - joint pains. Seems to help that. Who knows maybe it saved my life. Maybe not. Those covid test weren't real accurate either. Influenza A was floating around then too.

A-friend sent me a meme screen shot appears as the Board at Project Veritas laid OKeefe off for his coverage of the pfizer executive. Something about the Board at project veritas may even replace him. Hahaha that is exactly what happens when a corporation like Pfizer grows to strong. They got our money and gave us a shit EUA vaccine ..... now they have enough of our pocket change in their pocket to control..... project veritas board of directors are no doubt on the wire. If you read the EUA it kinda believe it or not gives Pfizer a lot of room to experiment .... they covered their bases rather well.
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Are you O type blood?
I don't know what my blood type is .... I've lost track of it.
Those tests were done by several notable websites. Why ppl dismiss them is beyond me. As you said they shove stuff into a slot of limbo instead of committing one way or the other.

I am A type... had the shit 2 times. Back jan - feb 2020 first time - no one knew shit about it and then again for the omicron version (tested positive and sick) or whatever it was. Been taking vitamin D for over 6 years. A doctor told me about it for back - joint pains. Seems to help that. Who knows maybe it saved my life. Maybe not. Those covid test weren't real accurate either. Influenza A was floating around then too.
We also supplement with zinc .... and some quercitin that helps it get into the cells. From what I have read, zinc can reduce copper so we take one called zinc balance that also has some copper in it.
We also use a nebulizer treatment designed to kill the virus off in the sinus and throat if we have been around a lot of people.
A-friend sent me a meme screen shot appears as the Board at Project Veritas laid OKeefe off for his coverage of the pfizer executive.
I didn't know that .... If they actually did that, I imagine there is going to be a big uproar. There are a LOT of people happy with what he has been doing ... and they have been fund raising off that Pfizer video.

Something about the Board at project veritas may even replace him. Hahaha that is exactly what happens when a corporation like Pfizer grows to strong. They got our money and gave us a shit EUA vaccine ..... now they have enough of our pocket change in their pocket to control..... project veritas board of directors are no doubt on the wire. If you read the EUA it kinda believe it or not gives Pfizer a lot of room to experiment .... they covered their bases rather well.
There are a LOT of people happy with what he has been doing ... and they have been fund raising off that Pfizer video.
I just verified that it is true .... they are trying to push him out. That's extremely crazy since he founded the place and if he leave will probably do another start up ... they will crumble. Must be some sort of HUGE payoff.

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