diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

Hey, don't blame me for scoring in an open goal.
Whatever… you’ve already proven you believe what you want, not facts. Some of us are makers and some are takers, I have to get back to my day job so I can pay for all these poison shots you all are giving away for free. Have a great day… remember, get the wife to carry the groceries today.
No it isn't, it hints at the hold large corporations have in the for profit news media, but that could be easily extended for all advertising and claim that if it advertised it is false. You still have to prove that the vaccine is poison as she falsely claimed.
You have no idea WTF you are talking about, the video has nothing to do with the lame stream Kool Aid dispensers, see, just more of you talking out of your poop shoot.

I don’t have to prove anything, the video does, as do all the bodies hitting the floor, or is that just a coincidence?
Whatever… you’ve already proven you believe what you want, not facts. Some of us are makers and some are takers, I have to get back to my day job so I can pay for all these poison shots you all are giving away for free. Have a great day… remember, get the wife to carry the groceries today.
Why the ad hominem?
You have no idea WTF you are talking about, the video has nothing to do with the lame stream Kool Aid dispensers, see, just more of you talking out of your poop shoot.

I don’t have to prove anything, the video does, as do all the bodies hitting the floor, or is that just a coincidence?
The video provides no evidence, you are just regurgitating misinformation.
Whatever… you’ve already proven you believe what you want, not facts. Some of us are makers and some are takers, I have to get back to my day job so I can pay for all these poison shots you all are giving away for free. Have a great day… remember, get the wife to carry the groceries today.
Thank you for your service..
Ok, I'll bite why did you let over US$5 trillion be spent?
Because we are into ppl - corporations whipping our ass and taking all our money.... to use against us. Ppl that do not stand up will fall for anything and everything.
With Covid ppl should see the greatest transfer of wealth in history as it has been played out. Fear mongering. Our govt and corporations always capitalize from fear. Ppl in the USA are stuck holding the bill now. The ppl-companies that got rich from it will now use the wealth we transferred to them to control us even more. We will pay for everything. I mean everything. Already see it in my owed taxes this year.

We just financed $5 trillion dollars of foreign power and our fiat slavery is confirmed. We could have used the]at $5 trillion dollars very wisely and been way ahead. Nope now we are way behind and so far in debt that we will sink even more.

if you don't live in USA you will be immune from repaying the debt...... you are vaxxed
The video provides no evidence, you are just regurgitating misinformation.
You’ve watched the hour plus long documentary in 15 minutes and feel confident making that statement, see that’s what gets you people in trouble, you don’t even try to make it look like your doing a good faith effort to look at the facts before debating…. Not wasting my time, put down the x-box and go outside to play.
Ppl in the USA are stuck holding the bill now. The ppl-companies that got rich from it will now use the wealth we transferred to them to control us even more. We will pay for everything. I mean everything. Already see it in my owed taxes this year.
I disagree with one part, “ppl in the USA aren’t stuck paying” taxpayers in the USA are….. huge difference ?… that said, “I’d gladly pay that twice if it’ll keep thinning/culling the herd of these idiots”. Cheap price to pay if you ask me!!!!
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I disagree with one part, “ppl in the USA aren’t stuck paying” taxpayers in the USA are….. huge difference ?
Correction accepted but most won't undrrstand it. ? you know why. 'Money from govt is free''
Correction accepted but most won't undrrstand it. ? you know why. Money from govt is free
Yup, hate that term “we’ve sent **** millions of govt dollars to Ukraine” no we haven’t, we’ve sent ***** millions of TAX PAYERS dollars”
Yup, hate that term “we’ve sent **** millions of govt dollars to Ukraine” no we haven’t, we’ve sent ***** millions of TAX PAYERS dollars”
The most expensive dancer on the planet
Wow .... It has been pretty fun catching up on the flurry of post .... and only reading one side of the conversations .... but I doubt you are going to shame the trolls into submission. They are beyond shame.
I have decided to have a happier life by just ignoring them .... but do appreciate you guys ... and gals ... demonstrating their stupidity .... and it does look like you are having fun doing it.
I also agree that the unvaxed are the winners.
There is starting to be more fallout from the Project Veritas undercover video of the Pfizer executive ..... Senator Ron Johnson has released the following statement after seeing the video.

I do think he has good intentions .... he hosted roundtable discussions before the elections ..... but, I will only believe anyone will actually be held accountable when I see it happen.

It IS starting to look like more people are aware of what is really going on than I thought.
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Because we are into ppl - corporations whipping our ass and taking all our money.... to use against us. Ppl that do not stand up will fall for anything and everything.
With Covid ppl should see the greatest transfer of wealth in history as it has been played out. Fear mongering. Our govt and corporations always capitalize from fear. Ppl in the USA are stuck holding the bill now. The ppl-companies that got rich from it will now use the wealth we transferred to them to control us even more. We will pay for everything. I mean everything. Already see it in my owed taxes this year.

We just financed $5 trillion dollars of foreign power and our fiat slavery is confirmed. We could have used the]at $5 trillion dollars very wisely and been way ahead. Nope now we are way behind and so far in debt that we will sink even more.

if you don't live in USA you will be immune from repaying the debt...... you are vaxxed
Aren't you fear mongering? Seriously, I can see the pitfalls in both capitalism and communism, maybe, instead of fearmongering, maybe you could post some of your thoughts on a positive way forward.

Why do you expect me to fall for fearmongering? I am not falling for yours either... I got vaccinated and will get the boosters because it is the smaller risk (and everything in the world has risks) My main concern with GM is patenting of living organisms. My main concern with gene editing is the creation of super babies for only those who can afford it. My main concern with religion is the penchant of the extremists making religious laws. My main concern with Capitalism is that it leaves too many people behind. My main concern with socialism is that it reduce the drive for innovation, and an increase in pointless arguments. My main concern with today's society is that there are people who believe they know better than the experts and spread lies.

Why do you keep spouting nonsense, are you under the impression that people, governments and corporations in other countries have debts? Do you realize that not all debt is bad and that those debts have funded the growth in prosperity?

While contrary to instinct, debt is mostly a good thing for society as a whole, I don't have any personal debts, I had my house payed off when I was 33 (over 30 years ago) I am a minimalist and I am I am happy with less stuff, being debt free meant working long days, studying part time, rebuild my old house in the little spare time I had instead of watching the telly, bringing lunch from home, cook dinner and breakfast. And I loved doing it.

Not every one is willing or capable, a lot of people do need help and I still help people for free, donate money to charities. (Even though I am an atheist, I have even helped out in church) I want a fairer and better world world for all, but you are not going to get there by forcing people. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. I don't mind that you don't get vaccinated, I really don't care if you believe the lie that it is more dangerous to get vaccinated, just stop your fearmongering, your projecting, your baseless accusations and all the other nonsense.

Seriously, there is a self selected control group, I posted the link that shows they are dying at a far greater rate than the vaccinated, but somehow you and all the other anti-vaxxers are too stupid to comprehend that.
Aren't you fear mongering? Seriously, I can see the pitfalls in both capitalism and communism, maybe, instead of fearmongering, maybe you could post some of your thoughts on a positive way forward.

Why do you expect me to fall for fearmongering? I am not falling for yours either... I got vaccinated and will get the boosters because it is the smaller risk (and everything in the world has risks) My main concern with GM is patenting of living organisms. My main concern with gene editing is the creation of super babies for only those who can afford it. My main concern with religion is the penchant of the extremists making religious laws. My main concern with Capitalism is that it leaves too many people behind. My main concern with socialism is that it reduce the drive for innovation, and an increase in pointless arguments. My main concern with today's society is that there are people who believe they know better than the experts and spread lies.

Why do you keep spouting nonsense, are you under the impression that people, governments and corporations in other countries have debts? Do you realize that not all debt is bad and that those debts have funded the growth in prosperity?

While contrary to instinct, debt is mostly a good thing for society as a whole, I don't have any personal debts, I had my house payed off when I was 33 (over 30 years ago) I am a minimalist and I am I am happy with less stuff, being debt free meant working long days, studying part time, rebuild my old house in the little spare time I had instead of watching the telly, bringing lunch from home, cook dinner and breakfast. And I loved doing it.

Not every one is willing or capable, a lot of people do need help and I still help people for free, donate money to charities. (Even though I am an atheist, I have even helped out in church) I want a fairer and better world world for all, but you are not going to get there by forcing people. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. I don't mind that you don't get vaccinated, I really don't care if you believe the lie that it is more dangerous to get vaccinated, just stop your fearmongering, your projecting, your baseless accusations and all the other nonsense.
I'm late to the party here and probably shouldn't have joined but I'd really like to know what kool-aid your drinking, I'm glad I haven't had any of that flavor. Have you paid attention to anything besides the Tunnel Vision you must be watching every day?
You seem like an intelligent person from your posts, I'd be shocked if your view doesn't change as things continue to unfold.
Seriously, there is a self selected control group, I posted the link that shows they are dying at a far greater rate than the vaccinated, but somehow you and all the other anti-vaxxers are too stupid to comprehend that.
Please post that link again, I'd like to review it. I feel great and quite informed based on the research I've done.
I'm late to the party here and probably shouldn't have joined but I'd really like to know what kool-aid your drinking, I'm glad I haven't had any of that flavor. Have you paid attention to anything besides the Tunnel Vision you must be watching every day?
You seem like an intelligent person from your posts, I'd be shocked if your view doesn't change as things continue to unfold.
Cool-aid? Tunnel vission? Really? For the record I would love to see ivermectin (that Bob and other conspiracy theorists are pushing) or any drug cure covid. And while I expect that one day something will be found, the current problem is that even the makers of ivermectin claim it doesn't work. That does not prevent the Bob's of this world pushing it.

Please post that link again, I'd like to review it. I feel great and quite informed based on the research I've done.
Cool-aid? Tunnel vission? Really? For the record I would love to see ivermectin (that Bob and other conspiracy theorists are pushing) or any drug cure covid. And while I expect that one day something will be found, the current problem is that even the makers of ivermectin claim it doesn't work. That does not prevent the Bob's of this world pushing it.

Thanks for following up, I'll take a better look at the data on a bigger screen tomorrow. Yes, I went there with the cool-aid and TV, figured it would get your attention.
Conspiracy theorist, really? What's that term even mean these days?
Ivermectin has every right to be pushed, it's effective, as well as many other existing drugs. It's also interesting to note what ivermectin was initially designed to treat and how cheap it is per dose. Imagine the money big pharma would lose if word got out there were existing treatments that were widely available and cheap to make. Instead the money won and experimental drugs were given to the masses with no chance of recourse because of side effects. Have you heard of event 201? What's your opinions on it?
Note that I've had 'covid' at least once, I only found out because I was forced to be tested to return to work... Felt like a sinus infection combined with one of the worst hangovers of my life; lots of fluids, vitamins, antioxidants, etc and I was fine.
Please don't label me as an antivaxer, I've had plenty; this time around I felt like I was pushed in to being a guinea pig.
I have numerous friends in the medical field that relocated or obtained exemptions from the experimental claimed treatment, they are all still thriving. I also have numerous friends that chose to take the jab, fortunately they are OK too.
Anyway, I could go on but my hands are cramping up from all this typing on a mobile device with poor posture and I need to get some sleep so I can be woke by my alarms in the morning. ?
I'm looking forward to following this thread more and so glad I found the chit chat zone.
Ps, I'll dig up some links I have saved on ivermectin studies and share them later as well as other data.
If you are interested in Ivermectin studies ..... There were 95 of them last time I checked ..... go here and take a look.

They keep it updated.... This is ALL the Ivermectin studies ... not just the ones people want to cherry pick. The analysis contains links to every study.
As can be seen, the vast majority of them are positive for this ... safe ... inexpensive .... Nobel Prize winning medication.
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diy solar

diy solar