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diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

It’s ok, us pure bloods don’t blame you all for not being fully informed…. Just please don’t breath near us, sheddings a real thing. (search engine it).

Try opening your mind, not the tv guide!!



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Any idea why at least 5 democratic governors placed covid sick in with retired seniors which weere reported as the weakest most likely ppl to get sick.

this happened and ppl were intentionally exposed and made to die by the actions of these governors and yet no charges of wrong doing have been done Governor Cuomo of NY is one
They’ll complain about his sexual harassment but they won’t touch his murdering our grandma and grandpa, see previous Pfizer ad video for reason why.

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Newsflash, there is a vaccine for the flu, a vaccine for the flue D71
It is more effective then covid vaccine 2 family dead with vax 1 dead without all had sepsis The sepsis was the real killer
Newsflash, there is a vaccine for the flu, a vaccine for the flue D71
News flash, yea a TESTED one, that wasn’t created by someone over a long weekend who profited from killing aids patients in the 80’s by pushing poison into them like he did with this one… stop saying all anti untested death jab woke people are anti vax, we’re not, we’re anti un tested obviously killing people vax and by medical definition is not even a vaccine. It’s obvious what you all are doing when you do that, it’s pathetic…. just resign to yourself your time here till you have a full on massive clot is limited and go enjoy life while you can…. We’ll stay here and take care of your wives for you when you’re gone ?
In other news.

If we are going to post bullshit from people who aren't really MDs...might as well post silly memes....especially if they are from 2nd accounts!!!! Gotta love the post from the one that says " I have been looking for a year and decided to join in". What a crock of shit!
Here we go again
So now you are calling me a liar! Kinda figures....fucking moron!

Over a million people died from Covid in the US.
name calling and Trump, Trump, Trump Again
Don't get the vaccine, I no longer wear a mask when I go out, if I pass it on to you if I do have it (without knowing as last time I was asymptomatic) it is no longer my problem as you have had every opportunity to get vaccinated.

That does not mean I don't want funding for research into finding effective cures for covid or other illnesses.
News flash, yea a TESTED one, that wasn’t created by someone who profited from killing aids patients in the 80’s by pushing poison into them like he did with this one… stop saying all anti untested death jab woke people are anti vax, we’re not, we’re anti un tested obviously killing people vax and by medical definition is not even a vaccine.
mRNA vaccines are not poison, you guys are nuts!
Don't get the vaccine, I no longer wear a mask when I go out, if I pass it on to you if I do have it (without knowing as last time I was asymptomatic) it is no longer my problem as you have had every opportunity to get vaccinated.

That does not mean I don't want funding for research into finding effective cures for covid or other illnesses.
Head to a Walmart and lick all the shopping cart handles ..... you will either get sick and die or become strongest immune system on the planet. Small Kids do it all the time.... lick windows and eat boogers ..... immunity builders. I suspect some ppl would still eat boogers if a doctor told them too
LOL....I believe after my first two shots....was very mild...thanks to the vaccine.

BTW...I have always given a rat's ass if people get vaccinated. I also don't care if people wear seat's everyone's right to be stupid.
belittling again....
LOL...again...a 2018 article.

You said San Diego ERs are ALWAYs overflowing. You from San Diego?

You remind me a LOT of that dipshit Batvette guy that was on here posting his BS.
Hmmmm belittling again.....
mRNA vaccines are not poison, you guys are nuts!
Let’s ask the doctor who invented MRNA shall we, this was back in Dec 21 BEFORE healthy athletes were dropping like flies…. But no, it’s against your agenda so you’ll brush him off as not educated on the topic? The inventor…

Here’s a link to read if you don’t want to open your mind and listen to him… must be strange living in your world where you consider it normal for kids on the school football field to drop like flies… it’s a Stepford wives world you live in.

I would have to see studies by real medical doctors if there is actually such a phenomenon and the reasons behind it.

I don't listen to morons who post BS from conspirators like "DR" Campbell.
Hmmm belittling again
Head to a Walmart and lick all the shopping cart handles ..... you will either get sick and die or become strongest immune system on the planet. Small Kids do it all the time.... lick windows and eat boogers ..... immunity builders. I suspect some ppl would still eat boogers if a doctor told them too

Trump, Trump, Trump. Like a broken record.
The covid vaccine doesn't work anymore so what's next will you take the covid pill daily or eat boogers?

If you believe that, I really don't know, you could try inecting (or snorting) disinfectant or shine UV light inside your body I guess?

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