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Do We Need a Control Group?

Leo, you said you trust experts, not evidence.
In every field there are outliers, I see that as a good thing as it keeps the experts on their toes. I accept the consensus, not because the consensus is always right, but because those experts believe it is the best advise available at the time.

Your argument was that you don't know enough to make good decisions and thus defer to the experts.
Absolutely, I don't go shopping for an expert that agrees with my ideas.
No you are not, overall mortality rate is less than 0.5%, but the chances of surviving is higher among those who did get vaccinated, which you, for some weird dismiss

Leo, average age of covid deaths is higher than average life expectancy.
In every field there are outliers, I see that as a good thing as it keeps the experts on their toes. I accept the consensus, not because the consensus is always right, but because those experts believe it is the best advise available at the time.

Absolutely, I don't go shopping for an expert that agrees with my ideas.

You caught covid after getting the vaccine 3 times. The experts said you wouldn't catch it if you did.

Did the experts have bad data or were they lying?
Leo, average age of covid deaths is higher than average life expectancy.
So what is your point? Do you want to lower the life expectancy for Americans even further?

Therein lies the main problem; determining whether the data has been manipulated and to what extent, and whether the "expert" opinion is colored by motivation outside of finding truth. Those concerns apply to just about everything these days.
The problem is that only a few of us have the expertise to determine those things, we can't be good at everything.
He was clinically obese, only in America is that called healthy, increased risk factor. Send us an example of a person in their BMI that passed away FROM COVID, when was the last time you saw a skinny or non overweight person on a “He died so will you” propaganda hit piece? Never!!!!

PS, how did he die, car accident? Dying with Covid and from Covid are two different things and conveniently you left that part out. ?
He was clinically obese, only in America is that called healthy, increased risk factor. Send us an example of a person in their BMI that passed away FROM COVID, when was the last time you saw a skinny or non overweight person on a “He died so will you” propaganda hit piece? Never!!!!

PS, how did he die, car accident? Dying with Covid and from Covid are two different things and conveniently you left that part out. ?
Covid related.
"'He said Rose was known for making people laugh.
“The passing of Rick has shaken those who knew him,” Glidden said. “The guy had the kind of personality that people would gravitate to. He was fun, passionate, and enjoyed making people laugh. He was also the kind of guy who would post things on Facebook, not particularly because he felt a certain way, but because he knew it would stir the pot. People would have something to say and argue but at least people were talking about issues.”
Glidden told Heavy that he hopes the hateful comments people are leaving on Facebook stop. He said they had to report some of the comments for harassment, but Facebook didn’t take any action.
“Since his passing, people have come out of the woodworks, posting nasty, hateful, comments about a man they knew nothing about,” Glidden said. “To top it all off, they did this as his friends and family were still mourning less than a week after his passing. Most of it crossed the line into harassment. When reported to Facebook, nothing was taken down nor was there ANY action taken. Those that defended Richard faced consequences from Facebook in way of bans. Though the wounds were and are still fresh the reality is quite comical in a sense. The way Rick could stir the pot was great, but this by far was his best one. He’s probably laughing at all of us and enjoying every bit of it. We all fell for it. Bravo Rick. You will certainly be missed.”
Rose’s friend Nick Conley told Cleveland 19 that Rose’s Facebook page was getting “slaughtered” by mean comments and he wishes people would have compassion even if they don’t agree with his views.""

died in 2020 Definitely .... kind of obvious how facebook works and how facebook let's awful ppl keep post. Absolutely zero proof a mask would have helped. None......

I guess so as a result when vax ppl start dying you will see some of us act the same way of not caring. that sound fair?

1918 spanish flu went away on it's own


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"'He said Rose was known for making people laugh.
“The passing of Rick has shaken those who knew him,” Glidden said. “The guy had the kind of personality that people would gravitate to. He was fun, passionate, and enjoyed making people laugh. He was also the kind of guy who would post things on Facebook, not particularly because he felt a certain way, but because he knew it would stir the pot. People would have something to say and argue but at least people were talking about issues.”
Glidden told Heavy that he hopes the hateful comments people are leaving on Facebook stop. He said they had to report some of the comments for harassment, but Facebook didn’t take any action.
“Since his passing, people have come out of the woodworks, posting nasty, hateful, comments about a man they knew nothing about,” Glidden said. “To top it all off, they did this as his friends and family were still mourning less than a week after his passing. Most of it crossed the line into harassment. When reported to Facebook, nothing was taken down nor was there ANY action taken. Those that defended Richard faced consequences from Facebook in way of bans. Though the wounds were and are still fresh the reality is quite comical in a sense. The way Rick could stir the pot was great, but this by far was his best one. He’s probably laughing at all of us and enjoying every bit of it. We all fell for it. Bravo Rick. You will certainly be missed.”
Rose’s friend Nick Conley told Cleveland 19 that Rose’s Facebook page was getting “slaughtered” by mean comments and he wishes people would have compassion even if they don’t agree with his views.""

died in 2020 Definitely .... kind of obvious how facebook works and how facebook let's awful ppl keep post. Absolutely zero proof a mask would have helped. None......

I guess so as a result when vax ppl start dying you will see some of us act the same way of not caring. that sound fair?
Going to a packed pool certainly did not help. but it is nice that we have a control group willing to sacrifice themselves.

they should have stayed home and worn a mask..... the covid cured the flu So it did something..... how many ppl died of the flu in 2020 and 2021 Would bet they got stamped covid
He’s even more overweight in the other photos, goes to a S&M bar ?‍♀️ then says he can’t breath, and 3 days later passed away on July 4 from what they call complications of COVID-19…. OF!!!! Not from..,, everything back then was classified as related to Covid cus they got more money per death… Lose weight = increase your odds ?
Any idea why at least 5 democratic governors placed covid sick in with retired seniors which weere reported as the weakest most likely ppl to get sick.

this happened and ppl were intentionally exposed and made to die by the actions of these governors and yet no charges of wrong doing have been done Governor Cuomo of NY is one

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