diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

At that point in time .... the vaccine did SEEM to be working against the delta variant. We will never know how this would have played out if Trump had been re-elected.
I read some states ie RED States got a different version of covid-19 vaccine then other states ie Blue States
You shouldn’t need any boosters with as many injections as you have received. You should look like a Trump loving porcupine. IMG_2505.jpeg
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That has no validity Prove it. You can’t. That is specualtion and not proven. You have been fact checked and found “full of shit” as Joe Biden told a concerned Union Worker simply asking him a question.
Totally baseless.
It's stunning how many simple effective strategies there are for Covid .... I used a somewhat more complex nebulizer nasal solution ... but this is a simple easy strategy to kill the virus before it gets a foothold.

Bob everyone made fun of Trump over drinking bleach but right on their website it has direction to mix with water to purify it to drink. The idiots blazed right over it. Anyone that knows about survival knows about using bleach to make EUA drinking water. Except, Leo which has ignorantly brought it up about drinking bleach.

In hindsight when had covid would have taken ivermectin if had it to do over. Would have given to my family too. They might not have died.
The USA population is only around 5% of total world population. We have spent money like we have a massive gdp. Just over covid we spent $5+ trillion dollars. They want population reduced.
The 95% - World are the breeders and eaters. Our USA population is the nerd couple.

If the vaccine did not stop you and your family from catching covid a while back then if heart problem comes just from covid ….. welcome to the party. Plus you got an unsafe EUA vaccine to boot. Double whammy

Does Leo know that we wish him no harm.

I don't want the people who took it to die or have complications.

The people who were for mandates though I don't wish them harm, I won't help then if I see them stranded on the side of the road or anything like that.
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Bob everyone made fun of Trump over drinking bleach but right on their website it has direction to mix with water to purify it to drink. The idiots blazed right over it. Anyone that knows about survival knows about using bleach to make EUA drinking water. Except, Leo which has ignorantly brought it up about drinking bleach.

In hindsight when had covid would have taken ivermectin if had it to do over. Would have given to my family too. They might not have died.
The USA population is only around 5% of total world population. We have spent money like we have a massive gdp. Just over covid we spent $5+ trillion dollars. They want population reduced.
The 95% - World are the breeders and eaters. Our USA population is the nerd couple.

Look at the FLCCC website .... there are protocols for every stage of Covid .... and a few other things.
I think they have a kit of things they recommend having on hand.
This one is the early treatment protocol they recommend.

Does Leo know that we wish him no harm.

I don't want the people who took it to die or have complications.

The people who were for mandates though I don't wish them harm, I won't help then if I see them stranded on the side of the road or anything like that.
Who knows ….. if Leo was dying think his final words would be “the vaccine is safe and effective.”

diy solar

diy solar