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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

LOL, been there, done that.
Maybe Murphy should say which thing I'm being paid to push ? I'd like to know.
I know a large % of republicans who are either using or think ivermectin is very effective.
These democrats are so blind, they don't know that doctors want to use these generics, but are being threatened not to use them.
It's a scandal that will hopefully end soon. Indiana has a bill coming out and I suspect many states will follow where
hospitals will be forced to allow these generics to be used.
"The pandemic is over..." January 5, 2022 by BMcl, the renowned Tennessee epidemiologist and water utility worker.

Thank God for doctors like this and the FLCCC Alliance here in America.
If you go to the 18 minute mark, that's where he starts to talk about his treatments.
I have been an ivermectin believer ever since I was watching the news one day in December 2020,
and Dr Pierre Kory was testifying before a Senate committee with Senator Ron Johnson presiding.

I have followed Ron Johnson's career since I was working in milwaukee in 2010 and he was running for the Senate.

Dr Kory was extremely passionate in his testimony that the pandemic could be stopped if a cheap generic drug
called ivermectin was distributed all over the US.

I studied his history. He was a democrat from New York and there was obviously no profit motive in pushing
a generic drug that was mainly manufactured in India and if purchased in bulk, the cost was about 1 cent per pill.

Here is his testimony. You tell me if Pfizer is more trustworthy.
Dr. Kory’s impressive testimony had 5 million views on YouTube within the first 10 days of its posting.
After 6 weeks, the video was deleted by Youtube.

The video is 28 minutes. If you want a quick take, go to the 25 minute mark and watch the last 3 minutes.

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I have been an ivermectin believer ever since I was watching the news one day in December 2020,
and Dr Pierre Kory was testifying before a Senate committee with Senator Ron Johnson presiding.

I have followed Ron Johnson's career since I was working in milwaukee in 2010 and he was running for the Senate.

Dr Kory was extremely passionate in his testimony that the pandemic could be stopped if a cheap generic drug
called ivermectin was distributed all over the US.

I studied his history. He was a democrat from New York and there was obviously no profit motive in pushing
a generic drug that was mainly manufactured in India and if purchased in bulk, the cost was about 1 cent per pill.

Here is his testimony. You tell me if Pfizer is more trustworthy.
Dr. Kory’s impressive testimony had 5 million views on YouTube within the first 10 days of its posting.
After 6 weeks, the video was deleted by Youtube.

Yes, yes, the great Dr Kory whose December 2020 study in The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine was retracted due to fraud because a hospital where the research took place told the journal that patients there weren’t systematically offered Kory’s treatment, contrary to his claims, and that Kory misrepresented outcomes for the patients who did receive his treatment.

GREAT evidence BMcl. You guys know how to pick them!
I studied his history. He was a democrat from New York and there was obviously no profit motive in pushing
a generic drug that was mainly manufactured in India and if purchased in bulk, the cost was about 1 cent per pill.
You studied his history?????????? You studied his history?????????? And you somehow missed his research was pulled for fraud????????

You studied his history??????????

You studied his history?????????? You studied his history?????????? And you somehow missed his research was pulled for fraud????????

You studied his history??????????
BMcl you are either lying or extremely incompetent. Or both.
I have been an ivermectin believer ever since I was watching the news one day in December 2020,
and Dr Pierre Kory was testifying before a Senate committee with Senator Ron Johnson presiding.

I have followed Ron Johnson's career since I was working in milwaukee in 2010 and he was running for the Senate.

Dr Kory was extremely passionate in his testimony that the pandemic could be stopped if a cheap generic drug
called ivermectin was distributed all over the US.

I studied his history. He was a democrat from New York and there was obviously no profit motive in pushing
a generic drug that was mainly manufactured in India and if purchased in bulk, the cost was about 1 cent per pill.

Here is his testimony. You tell me if Pfizer is more trustworthy.
Dr. Kory’s impressive testimony had 5 million views on YouTube within the first 10 days of its posting.
After 6 weeks, the video was deleted by Youtube.

BMcl. "The pandemic is over" January 5, 2022

BMcl "I studied his history" January 17, 2022 while proclaiming the virtue of a man whose research had been pulled for fraud.
You studied his history?????????? You studied his history?????????? And you somehow missed his research was pulled for fraud????????
One medical study was pulled for a math error, you moron. There was no fraud.
The study that was pulled
did not effect the conclusion that ivermectin is highly effective
in treating viral infections.

Are you more interested in being right than saving people with a cheap drug ?
It costs a penny a pill and you are going to pretend you are saving lives, you POS ?
(is it ok to use POS?) LOL

FLCCC and Allied Publications​

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One medical study was pulled for a math error, you moron. There was no fraud.
The study that was pulled
did not effect the conclusion that ivermectin is highly effective
in treating viral infections.

FLCCC and Allied Publications​

It was exactly as I described it. So you did know and posted it anyway. Now you are posting more bs as though that redeems him. If it was a math error they would have done the whole erratum. They pulled the whole study. You believe the explanation of a BSer who has been caught red handed.
You might feel he is a troll due to his polarized (from your) views. On some things he has posted I would actually take your side, though wouldnt agree he is trolling if he believes what he posts and has references.
It doesnt add credibility to your argument when you speculate his presence is paid for. This suggests you are aloof of the possible large numbers of people who hold views opposed to yours. Or worse, paranoia that there couldnt be views opposed to yours and if they appeared were part of some great conspiracy by unknown entities with large budgets who had reason to silence you.
It isn't remotely that simple.. although I wish it was.

Propaganda and lies, in the context of what we are discussing, normally have two stages.. 1) The a-hole who starts it, 2) The idiots who believe it.

Both stages will spread the lie. The a-hole who starts it is evil.. the idiots who believe it are just gullible. But in some instances, there's a third stage, and that is those who spread the lie and don't know or care if its true or not. This person falls under the 3rd stage. Some recent examples are the stolen election, hydrochloriquine (sp?) and now ivermectin, the democrat child molestation clinics, the Hillary death squads, global warming, etc. I don't know if all of these are paid propaganda schemes, probably not.. but I'm pretty sure the ivermectin is and I know the global warming is.. The Koch Brothers were caught red-handed...

The only other actor who would be willing to put forth the effort BMCL has is the a-hole who started the lie.. obviously, that's not BMCL.. The idiots who believe it are just not going to put in large amounts of effort and resources as there is no return for their investment, not unless that return comes in the form of a check.
And lets face it.. it would take a really special kind of loser moron to put in that much effort without a reward or some other measurable benefit.

That's the difference. That's why I don't go posting all kinds of studies, articles, and youtube video's of various sources.. I stated my position, provided reasons for my position, and really don't care if someone wants to suck an ivermectin lollipop. If some moron wants to think an essential oil will cure their brain cancer, my only moral obligation is to inform them its not true.. if they don't believe me, that's on them.. I do not have a moral obligation to try to convince them, nor would I want to put forth the effort as my life and time are more valuable than that.

The result of all this? Honest people will expend a minimal amount of effort. The honest people include both those who are correct and those who are incorrect.. Dishonest people, such as the a-hole who starts the lie, those being paid to propagate it, or those who personally benefit from it in some way, will put in far more effort because there is a reward for that effort.

There are paid actors on the internet. They dont make a lot of money and are pretty rare. From what I understand getting under your skin as a troll youd need to call out and draw attention to is absolutely the last kind of behavior they would exhibit. If I am wrong about that I am shocked.
I saw some of the russian posts on hillary in 2016. They blend in, make a few suggestions, take a jab or two like releasing an ember on a warm summer day, into a hot wind. Nobody notices and it floats down and turns into a fire.

Not a lot of direction in the results either.

But who would pay him and why? Isnt it even a more likely allegation that posts opposed to his are from big pharma who reap huge profits from vaccines?
Big pharma also makes ivermectin. Big pharma wins no matter which direction you go. The cost of a covid vaccine is about $35 which just happens to be about the same cost for Ivermectin if you check or any of the other prescription places.

Being that the two drugs are about the same cost (I didn't check dose rates), your statement wouldn't hold water in that context... well. Unless you want to claim that a specific pharma corp is responsible for the propaganda.

Who wins due to the propaganda? Any state actor (Russia? China?) who would benefit from the economic damage incurred due to a bunch of idiots who believe nonsense, get sick enough to need hospitalization, or in any other way attribute to reducing the GDP of the USA.

Hundreds of billions lost due to the economic damage.. all for the cost of a few ten million dollars to pay for an online misinformation campaign. And if you have any doubt, feel free to google the GDP of the USA and then that of Russia and China.. You won't need a finance degree to see a pattern.

Want to see another pattern? Check the relative value of accumulated campaign funds for elected officials over the past 30 years and then compare the rise in those funds to the rise in propaganda.. and those figures are but a small minuscule fraction of what happens at the foreign state actor level.

Or posts enforcing mask mandates are from chinese mask mfrs?

Where does it end?

And would it even matter? Does someone getting paid argue better for it than someone arguing for beliefs and ideology?
It doesn't work that way. Its not about who has the better argument, for if it were, ivermectin wouldn't even be on the table, the argument would be over which brand of vaccine to get, or some other argument.

Keep your eye on the bigger picture.
I absolutely love this guy .... If I were trained as a Dr ... I would be him.
Near the end of this video he mentions that he trained a Dr in Honduras ... That Dr had the clout to actually change the policy of the Honduran government in favor of early treatment.
I hadn't looked at Honduras before .... but they are actually doing even better than Uttar Pradesh....

See Honduras cases below the video link.

It was exactly as I described it. So you did know and posted it anyway. Now you are posting more bs as though that redeems him. If it was a math error they would have done the whole erratum. They pulled the whole study. You believe the explanation of a BSer who has been caught red handed.
One medical study was pulled for a math error, you moron. There was no fraud.
The study that was pulled
did not effect the conclusion that ivermectin is highly effective
in treating viral infections.

Are you more interested in being right than saving people with a cheap drug ?
It costs a penny a pill and you are going to pretend you are saving lives, you POS ?
(is it ok to use POS?) LOL

FLCCC and Allied Publications​

First it is not only one article as another one in preprint in another journal was also pulled. Second when I am at my computer I will post the actual retraction. Saying you gave the medicine to people you didn’t give it too is not a math error. It is fraud.
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But in some instances, there's a third stage, and that is those who spread the lie and don't know or care if its true or not. but I'm pretty sure the ivermectin is and I know the global warming is..
What lie about Global Warming are you talking about ?
Big pharma also makes ivermectin. Big pharma wins no matter which direction you go. The cost of a covid vaccine is about $35 which just happens to be about the same cost for Ivermectin if you check or any of the other prescription places.

So you are an Economics expert ? I don't know if I've ever seen a dumber economic analysis to justify your hate for me.

Moderna announced today 2021 third quarter sales of US$5 billion worldwide. The corporation’s sales year to date for 2021 were $11.3 billion, with up to $18 billion forecasted for the whole year from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine alone.

BMcL : One million of $35 prescriptions sold at $10 profit per transaction = $10 million bucks
BMcL: Yeah Murphy, you are one smart guy.
You said : "Big Pharma wins no matter which way you go."
No They don't !

They win by crushing generic drugs you asshole ! You know it ! Admit it !
What lie about Global Warming are you talking about ?

So you are an Economics expert ? I don't know if I've ever seen a dumber economic analysis to justify your hate for me.

Moderna announced today 2021 third quarter sales of US$5 billion worldwide. The corporation’s sales year to date for 2021 were $11.3 billion, with up to $18 billion forecasted for the whole year from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine alone.

BMcL : One million of $35 prescriptions sold at $10 profit per transaction = $10 million bucks
BMcL: Yeah Murphy, you are one smart guy.
You said : "Big Pharma wins no matter which way you go."
No They don't !

They win by crushing generic drugs you asshole ! You know it ! Admit it !

What lie about Global Warming are you talking about ?

So you are an Economics expert ? I don't know if I've ever seen a dumber economic analysis to justify your hate for me.

Moderna announced today 2021 third quarter sales of US$5 billion worldwide. The corporation’s sales year to date for 2021 were $11.3 billion, with up to $18 billion forecasted for the whole year from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine alone.

BMcL : One million of $35 prescriptions sold at $10 profit per transaction = $10 million bucks
BMcL: Yeah Murphy, you are one smart guy.
You said : "Big Pharma wins no matter which way you go."
No They don't !

They win by crushing generic drugs you asshole ! You know it ! Admit it !
Well Trump cut the deal with the pharma companies on patent protection and expediting approval. Now he is still pushing for the vaccine even while guys in the know like DeSantis and you are against it. Trump must be paid off, right? Follow the money.
What lie about Global Warming are you talking about ?

So you are an Economics expert ? I don't know if I've ever seen a dumber economic analysis to justify your hate for me.

Moderna announced today 2021 third quarter sales of US$5 billion worldwide. The corporation’s sales year to date for 2021 were $11.3 billion, with up to $18 billion forecasted for the whole year from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine alone.

BMcL : One million of $35 prescriptions sold at $10 profit per transaction = $10 million bucks
BMcL: Yeah Murphy, you are one smart guy.
You said : "Big Pharma wins no matter which way you go."
No They don't !

They win by crushing generic drugs you asshole ! You know it ! Admit it !
What did they call your economist class in high school? Was that Home Ec or something?
Is English your second or third language?
Look at this one I give him so much material to work with and thats all hes got.

I said he could have the last word and he has it.

To anyone that cares, my English composition skills are impeccable when they need to be. Im posting all mobile phone with small touch screen and dropping apostrophes on contractions, possessives etc is acceptable communication being taught to children in school today, as is some short hand type abbreviations. Grade schools consider texting the future of linguistics, cursive writing isnt even taught any more. I never, ever, use spell check so once in a while get one wrong feel free to point out when that happens so I will not repeat the mistake as I did in the 8th grade county spelling bee finals coming in second to the nerdy chinese kid. Independance? How could I get that wrong? I even got subpoena right!
I tested at 600 wpm in 4th grade, the fastest reading score in placement tests in the whole santa clara (san jose) county unified school district of any student in my grade. 1000 wpm by 6th grade.
They thought I was a freak the reality was simply I misbehaved a lot and got sent to my room where mom and dad stored two entire encyclopedia sets, funk and wagnalls and brittanica, time life hard covers etc etc. Box after box of grandmas old national geographics. I wasnt confined to my room I had the whole world at my fingertips, decades before the internet. I had few toys to distract me. Likely those books were not stored there by accident.

If youre going to bring up something I fail at do show some competance and make it something I really fail at, so I dont feel compelled to bore the hell out of both of us and the whole forum with another life story rant and the ridiculous notion it serves any purpose other than me owning you with your inability to look away from it.
Just popping in to remind everyone that the COVID numbers are inflated. Good night!

Look at this one I give him so much material to work with and thats all hes got.

I said he could have the last word and he has it.

To anyone that cares, my English composition skills are impeccable when they need to be. Im posting all mobile phone with small touch screen and dropping apostrophes on contractions, possessives etc is acceptable communication being taught to children in school today, as is some short hand type abbreviations. Grade schools consider texting the future of linguistics, cursive writing isnt even taught any more. I never, ever, use spell check so once in a while get one wrong feel free to point out when that happens so I will not repeat the mistake as I did in the 8th grade county spelling bee finals coming in second to the nerdy chinese kid. Independance? How could I get that wrong? I even got subpoena right!
I tested at 600 wpm in 4th grade, the fastest reading score in placement tests in the whole santa clara (san jose) county unified school district of any student in my grade. 1000 wpm by 6th grade.
They thought I was a freak the reality was simply I misbehaved a lot and got sent to my room where mom and dad stored two entire encyclopedia sets, funk and wagnalls and brittanica, time life hard covers etc etc. Box after box of grandmas old national geographics. I wasnt confined to my room I had the whole world at my fingertips, decades before the internet. I had few toys to distract me. Likely those books were not stored there by accident.

If youre going to bring up something I fail at do show some competance and make it something I really fail at, so I dont feel compelled to bore the hell out of both of us and the whole forum with another life story rant and the ridiculous notion it serves any purpose other than me owning you with your inability to look away from it.
Well somehow you took all of that and became a conspiracy nut who thinks he is being hit by energy beams. Mayne your ready skills were so fast you lost your damn mind. Now you can’t even read a study. What happened? Drugs? What made you an angry loser?
Youve got some good points there I cant dispute or involve topical issues I have steered clear of.
I still think the premise of him being paid is without real basis.
Youve expended the effort of a well thought out reply and that is good.
I have this bad habit of seizing upon one passage of a lengthy post when I know its something that can be proven wrong with reliable reference sources.

Working backwards well global warming is a complex issue its a mistake to assume a homogenous position amongst all republicans. Many of are unsure whats going on and despite the denials of malfeasance, climategate was a clear example of political tainting of science. (Specifically conspiring behind the scenes to black list scientists from publishing alternate views of solar variations influence.)

I found it frustrating to come up against arguments that scientists were so logical and pure their work was never approached with predetermined outcome and were free from human faults like ideology, greed, fame seeking, professional accomplishments. Climate change research by its very nature is only populated with maturing students who believe the climate is changing and man caused it. Who the hell makes their lifes work, a career of something they dont believe is happening?

Since this questions your ideology which I dont expect to change I wont push the argument (and am not questioning AGW at all) I just find it very troubling that all along the way when the science wasnt settled, nobody could see the obvious problem of what they were doing wasnt objective science at all. Fully 90% of the field, estimate, got into that research to prove mans activity was harming the planet and they silenced any dissent.

If theres a question its what is mans role because the speed of polar melting makes a change undeniable but it has not been established that solar variation (unusually high sun output over most of the latter 20th century compared to the 400 year previous average) didnt cause significant polar melt, with a resulting methane release causing residual forcing preventing the expected cooling when solar cycles decreased.

If these theories were honestly explored and not silenced by ideologues whatever is going on might be accepted.

Overshadowing this I made my position clear in the relevant thread. Its hard to take seriously the claims of gloom and doom when every alleged solution involves a robin hood economic scheme that for the near future gives developing countries the ability to pollute more and more while penalizing first world countries already working to cut back, in the premise that we must make sacrifices, as good faith gestures, that contribute to raising the living standards of developing nations.

The result so far is raising GGE total and a rise in the rate they are rising. Obviously that isnt denial if global warming but pointing out that based upon policies so far, either somebody doesnt have a clue what they are doing, or they do and mitigating climate change isnt the primary concern here and its not conspiracy theory to note this.

Hillary death squads well I dont go for most of that Clinton body count thing but I challenge any of his supporters to explain the bizarre coincidences in the death of Ron Brown, and why the media seized on the stupidest reason to not further probe the obvious. Yeah sure that wasnt a bullet hole in his skull its dumb to think theyd send an assasin on a suicide mission. So we ridicule that and forget what Brown was going to tell congress the next day would put Willy in prison, that the air force just never got around to purting black boxes in air force 2, that the only 2 bosnian technicians responsible for the calibration of the landing beacon, inexplicably committed suicide a week after the crash both for reasons unrelated to each other, or the crash, before they could be interviewed by our investigators? If thats not enough one of the suicides was by rifle to the chest!
The sole survivor of the crash a female enlisted flight attendant whose station was near the cockpit, died on the way down the hill. Not sure if that is notable.

All these things I believe are factual and amount to a tale of great interest. I dont know the Clintons personally but have read too many accounts of their cold sinister relationship with each other. I know Bill pulled so much skull duggery in office with campaign finance (all factually verifiable and not simply a right wing plot) people have killed for a lot less.
I looked at some of the other body claims a lot of silliness there.

So on the discrepencies of Ron Browns death and the utter failure of media watchdogs to expose Clinton scandals like campaign finance, chinagate, technology trsnsfers by MD and Boeing, Loral space and its owners huge payoff when Clinton allowed missile guidance tech to be shared, the Clinton Foundation, even that its now been revealed that Russian collusion by Trump was a manufactured scandal with her hands all over it- and feel free to randomly poke at anything above I can assure you theres references....

The medias failure to really expose any of the above leads me to not ridicule "hillary death squads" as conspiracy theory until the same attention is given they gave Trump over Ukraine, Russia, Jan 6, whatever.

Which leads to returning to this later with the stolen election.

The nothing to see here narrative is crumbling, the straw man defenses of Bidens supposed win (trump lost in court, election officials, some GOP, claimed no fraud) have been parroted too long.

But investigative journalists on BOTH sides tell the same story about zuckerberg buying influence, none of the underlying facts being disputed.

Those really concerned with democracy can digest it or pick it apart but lets not keep insisting theres no evidence.

Whether you like the sugar coated version your sides telling.

Or the uglier side revealed quite a while back and that article is just a brief summary hemmingway names names, exposes who did what where and how the money was spent-

Its really hard to take seriously anyone still saying fraud didnt happen. Anyone sharing evidence was censored and banned from zuckerbergs platform, twitter, youtube, nearly all MSM before voted were even all in.

Youve been demanding to see unicorns, why dont you look at what weve got that we found despite a coverup.

The very fact zuckerberg gave $419 million for dubious partisan causes then ordered his platform to lead a coverup of any election fraud evidence should be flashing red lights.

Are you ready to come to grips with your partys dishonesty, any of you? You didnt do it, dont take it personally.
Speechless ? You should be when you claim "Big Pharma wins no matter if they choose vaccinations or ivermectin".
It's $18,000,000,000 (18 BILLION) versus $10,000,000 (10 million).

That's 1800% more money if they kill ivermectin.
Well yes. But it is our fault for electing people that would put in justices that would allow corporations to fund campaigns. The horse is out of the barn and I see no way of going back. Many politicians could not care less what the majority thinks or what their constituents think but are focused completely on campaign contributions and appealing to the most extreme interests so the media does not criticize them.

Corporations are funding campaigns, and the state legislatures are making bizarre district lines in combination with restricting voting rights. I just see no hope.

Yes, politicians used to compromise but they also had districts that were blended and they did not have partisan media blaring at them all day long. Remember when we used to have media provide equal time? Remember when if a politician or media person lied they would have irreparable damage to their reputation?

As you say, Bob the entire constitution was premised on people acting in good faith. The constitution simply cannot withstand what is happening. We are a failed state and I see no way around it.

I find myself wishing there actually is a deep state that could step in or that corporate America would realize we were killing the goose that killed the golden egg and stop this.

I just don't see how we get out of this absent a new constitution and I don't see that happening without extreme scenarios.
I don't want to see a deep state, j
Fauci has tried to hide the fact he funded the research that started this Covid mess. And he did it after the Dept of Defense withheld the funds, saying it was too dangerous.
First is was your god who created the virus, and now you are saying dr Fauci created the virus?
You mad bruh?
Having a meltdown I see.
proving again if you want to anger a conservative tell him a lie. If you want to anger a liberal tell him the truth.
BMcL was suspended because he lied. None of the conservatives were angry.

A liberal is "a person who understands and respects other people’s opinions and behaviour, especially when they are different from their own.


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