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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Fauci has tried to hide the fact he funded the research that started this Covid mess. And he did it after the Dept of Defense withheld the funds, saying it was too dangerous.


"Because we now know without a doubt that Dr. Fauci knew on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 that this thing came from a lab," Jordan argued on Sunday. "The top scientists in the country were saying it came from a lab. One scientist says we got the notes now from the conference call on February 1st. One scientist says, ‘I don’t see how this can happen in nature, but it would be easy to do in a lab.’"
"And yet just in a matter of days, they changed their position, write the article that appears in Nature of Medicine Magazine, which then gets cited in the now famous letter The Lancet, which became the gospel for the fact that Fauci can go out and tell people it didn’t come from a lab when in fact they knew it did," Jordan continued. "The interesting thing is. We point this out. We just learned this last week, the two doctors who were most adamant that this thing came from a lab early on: one is Dr. Kristian Anderson. On Jan. 31, 2020, he says this to Dr. Fauci in an email: ‘Virus looks engineered. Virus not consistent with evolutionary theory.’ So, he knew it came from a lab."

"They changed their position," Jordan argued. "And a few months later, guess what? They get an $8.9 million,
both him and Dr. [Robert] Garry – the guy who said it couldn’t happen naturally."
Here is an in depth report of the effects of different types of oral zinc on common colds ( which are often coronaviruses)

Look at how much shorter the duration of the cold was. We could directly translate that to a decrease in severity and the difference between life and death in many individuals.

As the doctor said its important to start this immediately at the onset of symptoms.

In my case I had them ready and started immediately when I noticed I had lost my sense of smell and had a fever.

You can bicker all you like about why this study hasnt been done all over again for this new virus, but the mechanisms for its early stages are similar.

Why would people prevent others from knowing about this just to prove they are right?
"In my case I had them ready and started immediately when I noticed I had lost my sense of smell and had a fever."

Both fever and loss of smell are signs of systemic Covid infection. The virus was reproducing throughout your body.

"You can bicker all you like about why this study hasnt been done all over again for this new virus, but the mechanisms for its early stages are similar."

No they absolutely are NOT. SARS 2 attacks ACE 2 receptors throughout your body. It is a very serious systemic disease. I must not have shown you this chart before but this is where Ace 2 receptors are throughout the body.


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Fauci has tried to hide the fact he funded the research that started this Covid mess. And he did it after the Dept of Defense withheld the funds, saying it was too dangerous.

View attachment 80050

"Because we now know without a doubt that Dr. Fauci knew on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 that this thing came from a lab," Jordan argued on Sunday. "The top scientists in the country were saying it came from a lab. One scientist says we got the notes now from the conference call on February 1st. One scientist says, ‘I don’t see how this can happen in nature, but it would be easy to do in a lab.’"
"And yet just in a matter of days, they changed their position, write the article that appears in Nature of Medicine Magazine, which then gets cited in the now famous letter The Lancet, which became the gospel for the fact that Fauci can go out and tell people it didn’t come from a lab when in fact they knew it did," Jordan continued. "The interesting thing is. We point this out. We just learned this last week, the two doctors who were most adamant that this thing came from a lab early on: one is Dr. Kristian Anderson. On Jan. 31, 2020, he says this to Dr. Fauci in an email: ‘Virus looks engineered. Virus not consistent with evolutionary theory.’ So, he knew it came from a lab."

"They changed their position," Jordan argued. "And a few months later, guess what? They get an $8.9 million,
both him and Dr. [Robert] Garry – the guy who said it couldn’t happen naturally."

So yesterday Fauci had the thing created and today he doesn't even know about it until January or February????//

The whole world has access to the genome. They have elite-level scientists also. Do you think they are all going to cover this up for Fauci? Why would any country do that?

In this scenario Russia would have this information and despite getting pounded with sanctions and wanting to invade Ukraine. They would just sit on this???????

It is all garbage.
I have said the exact same thing from the beginning. Look at my first response.
I said they have effectiveness for the common cold.
It is hard to discuss these things with someone that does not have a medical science background.

To quote from your own report involving 4 people:

"In this uncontrolled case series,"

"Given the low toxicity and ease of administration of zinc lozenges it would seem prudent to begin testing of zinc in a controlled setting as a potential therapy for COVID-19."

I don't think I have ever posted for you before the hierarchy of medical research.
Take a look.

Now if you look at the second chart you will see case series is the second rung from the bottom above animal studies. Additionally, it involves only 4 people so it seems very very very generous to call it a case series
Would you stop posting that goddamn chart. Your condescending arrogance doesnt make you right and saying youve never posted something you have REPEATEDLY posted is a bizzare thing to do. Are you senile or just skipped your morning coffee?
Id go back and count how many times but theres dozens of pages and you. just. arent. worth. more effort than this rants already taking.
Youve posted it so thats another thing youre wrong about.

A medical science background. More than a few doctors I have met lack the common sense to walk down a street without falling into an uncovered manhole, and if youre suggesting you value argument from authority you readily dismiss the professional opinions of that pathologist and every other expert in the links provided.
If you refuse to recognize the things youve clearly been wrong about,(such as confusing zinc lozenges dissolved in the throat for ingesting zinc as a dietary supplement) why should anyone believe you when you insist you are right?

NUMEROUS studies going back to 1984 show effectiveness of zinc lozenges used in this manner against common colds which include coronaviruses. There is no evidence that covid 19 has any special resistance against zinc and the limited research available shows effectiveness consistent with previous results.
Im not really concerned with your disbelief but your efforts to suppress this info for the sake of your petty vanity really displays what a horrible person you must be.

AKA a "progressive". You know, those people that rigged an election but claimed they were "saving democracy".

$419 million can buy a lot of influence in election officials in 6 states.

Cant change that but stopped using facebook and getting the word out on this wherever its not censored.

You people... Your party... Your ideology... Sick, dishonest, corrupt, been gaslighting us so long you believe your lies are true just like youre lying right here in this thread.

Reminds me of gilbert godfried in beverly hills cop.

"What if theres something I could have in this hand... Which would make you completely forget about whats in that hand? What... Is it?"

Would you stop posting that goddamn chart. Your condescending arrogance doesnt make you right and saying youve never posted something you have REPEATEDLY posted is a bizzare thing to do. Are you senile or just skipped your morning coffee?
Id go back and count how many times but theres dozens of pages and you. just. arent. worth. more effort than this rants already taking.
Youve posted it so thats another thing youre wrong about.

A medical science background. More than a few doctors I have met lack the common sense to walk down a street without falling into an uncovered manhole, and if youre suggesting you value argument from authority you readily dismiss the professional opinions of that pathologist and every other expert in the links provided.
If you refuse to recognize the things youve clearly been wrong about,(such as confusing zinc lozenges dissolved in the throat for ingesting zinc as a dietary supplement) why should anyone believe you when you insist you are right?

NUMEROUS studies going back to 1984 show effectiveness of zinc lozenges used in this manner against common colds which include coronaviruses. There is no evidence that covid 19 has any special resistance against zinc and the limited research available shows effectiveness consistent with previous results.
Im not really concerned with your disbelief but your efforts to suppress this info for the sake of your petty vanity really displays what a horrible person you must be.

AKA a "progressive". You know, those people that rigged an election but claimed they were "saving democracy".

$419 million can buy a lot of influence in election officials in 6 states.

Cant change that but stopped using facebook and getting the word out on this wherever its not censored.

You people... Your party... Your ideology... Sick, dishonest, corrupt, been gaslighting us so long you believe your lies are true just like youre lying right here in this thread.

Reminds me of gilbert godfried in beverly hills cop.

"What if theres something I could have in this hand... Which would make you completely forget about whats in that hand? What... Is it?"

I see you are just in a frenzy of conspiracy theories now!!!!!!!
Shooting them off in every direction.
How are your energy beams coming along?
Anyway, I apologize for posting the same charts. here are a few I don't think you have seen before.


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So yesterday Fauci had the thing created and today he doesn't even know about it until January or February????//

The whole world has access to the genome. They have elite-level scientists also. Do you think they are all going to cover this up for Fauci? Why would any country do that?

In this scenario Russia would have this information and despite getting pounded with sanctions and wanting to invade Ukraine. They would just sit on this???????

It is all garbage.
Why was that idiot on tv in late january 2020 saying Americans had "nothing to worry about?"
Why are you staunchly defending him when any superficial review reveals that he has been all over the spectrum with his statements and something fishy is going on?
I see you are just in a frenzy of conspiracy theories now!!!!!!!
Shooting them off in every direction.
How are your energy beams coming along?
Anyway, I apologize for posting the same charts. here are a few I don't think you have seen before.
Droll. I guess youve finally conceded you lost the topical argument.
Why was that idiot on tv in late january 2020 saying Americans had "nothing to worry about?"
Why are you staunchly defending him when any superficial review reveals that he has been all over the spectrum with his statements and something fishy is going on?
I presume because was telling WHO and all that would listen was that it was not human to human transmissible. Why do you think? OH right, a huge conspiracy!!!!!! Have I ever shown you the graph where the ace 2 receptors are located?


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Droll. I guess youve finally conceded you lost the topical argument.
Not at all. Have you looked at the materials I posted that prove you wrong/ I am sorry reading and comprehension are involved?

I do agree with this however!!!!!!

Definition of droll

(Entry 1 of 3)
: having a humorous, whimsical, or odd quality
I presume because was telling WHO and all that would listen was that it was not human to human transmissible. Why do you think? OH right, a huge conspiracy!!!!!! Have I ever shown you the graph where the ace 2 receptors are located?
I got a graph for you buddy, bend over and grab your ankles. Its kinda like a digital exam only involves a size 13 boot.
Now ukdailymail and msn are reporting conspiracy theories as factual news, eh?
you will need to be more specific.

Essential Meaning of specific
2: clearly and exactly presented or stated : precise or exact

Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD

· 1h
We likely hit 850,000 US Covid deaths today, at roughly now 2,000 deaths per day, we could hit 900,000 deaths in early February. Most of the last 250,000 American deaths were among those who refused or defiant of vaccines despite their wide availability. Death by antiscience
Covid deaths red states and blue states based on presidential elections.


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Batvette loses the argument so resorts to threats of violence.


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You mad bruh?
Having a meltdown I see.
proving again if you want to anger a conservative tell him a lie. If you want to anger a liberal tell him the truth.
You mad bruh?
Having a meltdown I see.
proving again if you want to anger a conservative tell him a lie. If you want to anger a liberal tell him the truth.
I am not the one spewing conspiracy theories. I do not believe I am being attacked by energy beams.


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Covid deaths red states and blue states based on presidential elections.
I suppose that factors in all the areas where despite local lockdown orders BLM protestors gathered in huge crowds then took the virus home to their families, then democrats who encouraged this blamed trump for failing to stop its spread?

Just want to see how much more stupid youll get.

Does that include gov. Marios nursing home murders? While trump sent a hospital ship to his city?
I suppose that factors in all the areas where despite local lockdown orders BLM protestors gathered in huge crowds then took the virus home to their families, then democrats who encouraged this blamed trump for failing to stop its spread?

Just want to see how much more stupid youll get.

Does that include gov. Marios nursing home murders? While trump sent a hospital ship to his city?
No, the dates are on the graph. Reading and comprehension. This is post-vaccine during Delta. Should I use larger fonts? Anything else I can do to help?

The real solution here is for you to finish high school and then take some junior college remedial science courses.
Here i dont think i have l posted this chart for you yet. Not sure if this is your dna or family tree.


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