diy solar

diy solar

Duel 6000xp in parallel or new 12kpv

Store whatever you do not use immediately.

What difference does it make which device uses the electricity, and the 6000xp has to switch to grid?
yes i guess that's true - if you use all the juice you have, you didn't have to buy it so I get that.
I guess was also just thinking about draw and that the AC and Over would be pulling a lot more watts.
MNS has committed to 9540 listing.

The EG4 rep on this forum said they couldn’t commit as to what will happen with 12kpv.

That said 12kpv has one of the CEC grid tie approvals so maybe they are heading in that direction.

MNS and CC have committed to stocking parts. EG4 has not the best track record for warranty service, so you may need to buy 3 6000XP to achieve the same 99th percentile uptime and capacity guarantee as the MidNite inverter, assuming all problems are solvable by overnight shipping of parts. At that point you are at $4800.

Of course if you only need 6kW of capacity, and no 9540 need, 2x 6000XP objectively wins on uptime assuming the failed one doesn’t take the other one to the grave with it, or you keep the spare disconnected so this can’t happen
For 6kW capacity then a midnite Rosie plus a SCC is a possibility.
I guess was also just thinking about draw and that the AC and Over would be pulling a lot more watts.
12kW from two 6000xp is a lot of power. For the cost of the transfer switch, and rewiring all the circuits to the transfer switch, you could add a 3rd 6000xp, and have 18kW.
No cost to rewire and I got the Transfer Switches for $100 ea so I may get a 3rd at some point.

First things first is get this set-up going and if all goes well, leave the room to add 5kw of PV, another 5kw of battery, and a 3rd 6000xp maybe next summer. Should only cost ~$3,000

Then maybe I'd be 100% off grid, but feel I'd still need the ability to switch over some circuits to grid with window AC units on 24/7 in July and Aug.
Will have to see how it does once up and running.

diy solar

diy solar