diy solar

diy solar

EBC - A20 charger issue


New Member
Mar 28, 2022
Hello from a newbie,
I am building my first battery from EVE 105 ah cells. The cells are now top balanced at 3.65, and have been reconfigured into series. I am using the EBC - A20 charger to do a capacity test. This charger should allow me to discharge at 20 amps, but this is not what I am seeing on the graph. While it shows in the bottom left of the screen that I am dicharging at 20 amps, the graph only shows a discharge of 6.46 amps. Can anyone tell me what is going on with this? Thanks!

edit: I think I can answer my own question. It looks like the capacity test has to be done in parallel to get the 20 amps.
Screenshot 2024-02-24 092831.png
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diy solar