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diy solar

EG4 14.3kWh PowerPro WallMount AllWeather Lithium Battery | 48V 280Ah

Depends on how much money you want to spend on wiring, and what is an acceptable voltage drop for you
Another option is to mount the Solark 15k outdoors next to the batteries and just run longer AC wires?

I know the spec sheets list some pretty high temperatures for ambient.. but..

My power meter and meter box are on the south side of my house and are hit with the full unshaded sun almost all day long. Can the 18kpv and these batteries stand up to full sunlight in 105-110 degree Texas sun? I assume that your company, being in Texas, have tested them under these exact conditions and found them to work flawlessly, but your personal assurance would be cool.

I'm considering building some sort of shaded enclosure with fans on that side of my house, but these darn HOA's don't like nothing.
This is a concern I have as well. The EG4 Lifepower4's range is 33⁰F to 137⁰F. However, EG4 6500EX inverters decrease their abilities at 105⁰ F IIRC.
All weather only if you live in the south. That baby would freeze up solid outside where I am.

its the exact opposite, if you live in North you have all weather, if you live in the south well I guess for 3 days of cold we have out of the year you would be ok... The rest of the time it would be hot.
Just watched Will's video on this battery and although it's pricier per kWh than a DIY build the footprint and ability to place it outdoors is REALLY tempting especially in a smaller home where space is already limited.

Yeah make it really easy for thieves to take it, they won't even have to break in. No way I would put something like this outside. No Way!
You absolutely can have more than 3, the parallel kit should only go 3 deep before you start using bus bars
So using 4 parallel kits for 5p as shown in my attached cartoon would be a no-go?

Maybe add an extra parallel kit between each end battery and intermediate battery?


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Cross posting my interest from Will's thread below. @SignatureSolarJames is there any data on this?

I would really like to know more about the heating performance in cold weather. Hard data on total daily power consumption if in 20F, 10F, 0F conditions. I see the spec sheet has 223W listed for the heater, but that's not enough info to judge performance. How insulated the box?

I'm building a cabin on my property that will be insulated but not heated and have its own 3kW solar system. I'm currently planning on lead acid due to the temps here in NH, but if the power consumption is reasonable for a full day at colder temps I'm willing to panel up some and/or do a secondary insulation cabinet to go LiFePO4.
Since this can be hung on an exterior wall, it raises some intriguing options. How far could I practically locate it? 20feet?
A battery pack can be located a long distance away, you will just need to have larger diameter wires the further away. You always want as low of resistance in the wires as practical, the lower the better. The resistance of the wire causes a power loss proportional to the square of the current. With large enough wire, you can locate it as far away as you want. Look up the DC resistance of your available wire sizes. Wires can always be paralleled if you need lower resistance.
Yeah make it really easy for thieves to take it, they won't even have to break in. No way I would put something like this outside. No Way!
Just need to protect it with some of my Human Glue Boards :)
So using 4 parallel kits for 5p as shown in my attached cartoon would be a no-go?

Maybe add an extra parallel kit between each end battery and intermediate battery?
@SignatureSolarJames I've been thinking about this some more, would the attached picture show a better 5p configuration? I just don't know if the EG4 18kPV needs to be connected to a single battery pack or not; you mentioned needing bus bars, etc. for > 3p, so I assume no? Just trying to understand what you envisioned/recommend for a 5P configuration with a single 18kPV?

This layout could accommodate doubling the parallel kits between the batteries as well, would there be any benefit to that?

I'd like to use the pre-made parallel kit connections and leads and minimize the need for additional equipment/work/costs as much as possible; saving install effort, being plug and play, and the 10 year warranty makes an attractive bundle.

I'm currently planning my system and was going to build my batteries because the lifepro4 server rack batteries just weren't quite what I wanted; apparently I wasn't the only one thinking this because the powerpro announcement last week forced me back to the drawing board on my utility room layout, and has made the decision to build vs. buy much harder ?.


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@SignatureSolarJames I've been thinking about this some more, would the attached picture show a better 5p configuration? I just don't know if the EG4 18kPV needs to be connected to a single battery pack or not; you mentioned needing bus bars, etc. for > 3p, so I assume no? Just trying to understand what you envisioned/recommend for a 5P configuration with a single 18kPV?

This layout could accommodate doubling the parallel kits between the batteries as well, would there be any benefit to that?

I'd like to use the pre-made parallel kit connections and leads and minimize the need for additional equipment/work/costs as much as possible; saving install effort, being plug and play, and the 10 year warranty makes an attractive bundle.

I'm currently planning my system and was going to build my batteries because the lifepro4 server rack batteries just weren't quite what I wanted; apparently I wasn't the only one thinking this because the powerpro announcement last week forced me back to the drawing board on my utility room layout, and has made the decision to build vs. buy much harder ?.
the 5P approach you have is fine, the total max draw is only 50A/Battery
I would use the included 39-inch cables and just pull off the central battery, the line losses across the bus are too low IMO to justify the extra cable run
All Weather. (Well, maybe not “All”)
Comprehensive Certifications.

Please tell me more…

And in case you missed Will Prowse’s videos on this battery:

Isn't this rebrand of same battery GSL has.

Can get it Canada for 7K in some stores, self-heated as well. However GSL can parallel up to 16. This one is limited to 3.
The GSL batteries only have a single connection anyway so they have to go to a bus bar, whereas the eg4 have two connections and you can parallel three of them before those connections are at their limit. Then you need to start doing bus bars.
Yeah make it really easy for thieves to take it, they won't even have to break in. No way I would put something like this outside. No Way!
A car is easier to both steal and fence/strip for parts, and is frequently located right on the street. A 300 pound box mounted to the side of the house and/or bolted to a concrete pad, connected to a live inverter is not exactly a smash & grab target any more than an air conditioner condenser.
9540A now 9540 by September, CEC by October
@SignatureSolarJames, will the 9540 cert in September only cover the combination with an EG4 inverter (presumably the 18k)? Or will it cover any other inverter combinations?

I really like this battery and would like to use it, but I'm required to have 9540 and I already have a Sol-Ark 15k installed...

If not already certified with a Sol-Ark 15k...any plans to get it certified with the 15k?

diy solar

diy solar