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diy solar

EG4 6500EX Failing Fans - Seek Replacement


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May 27, 2020
Does anyone know where I can get replacement fans for the EG4 6500EX, either the exact same model or a different brand with the same specs. Preferrably from Amazon w/ fast shipping. The fans on my 6500EX sound like they are about to fail. They are making a high pitched whining noise that it's never made before. I'd like to replace the fans now so that I can avoid a lengthy downtime when they do fail.

This a photo of the fans in the 6500EX from a fellow forum member named z_zk_z. But I can't find any information on these fans, specs or anything.

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This thread might help you out.
I was searching around and I couldn't find out what he P/N for the EG4 3000 Fan. I assume it is different than the 6500
This thread might help you out.

Yes, I read that entire thread. They are replacing it with a lower powered fan to reduce noise. I need the exact same specs for a replacement because the inverter is located in the garage and it gets really hot in there.
Yes, I read that entire thread. They are replacing it with a lower powered fan to reduce noise. I need the exact same specs for a replacement because the inverter is located in the garage and it gets really hot in there.
I'd like to caution anyone about just putting any odd 12v 80mm fan in there. Although the ratings on these fans are in Chinese units (it most likely pulls about 0.6A when it specifies 1.2A and so on) these are pretty powerful fans. And with the emphasis for fan sellers in the west is mainly on them being quiet it is sometimes very hard to get a replacement.

I've managed to find one of these in stock in one of the AlphaCool resellers here in Poland. They had only one. Maybe search for Alphacool resellers in your region?

Mind these are 10W while your typical 80mm fan is 2.5W. Some of these quiet fans advertise ability to move huge amounts of air, but it is most likely at close to zero obstruction (no back pressure). The advantages of high powered fans is that they overcome wind tunnels,radiators and so on.

Why are they so hard to find these days? To find one that was fast and 40mm I had to pull one from another Chinese inverter. I think servers that used such fans are gone from a typical datacenter. Heck,a typical thing for a business today is to have no own datacenter, but to use "cloud" and these use highly optimised often liquid cooled servers. So with the servers that used them the fans are gone too (not talking about special double-triple thickness fans).
Yes, I read that entire thread. They are replacing it with a lower powered fan to reduce noise. I need the exact same specs for a replacement because the inverter is located in the garage and it gets really hot in there.
Btw. I've listed the specs of the original EG4-6500EX fans here.

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