diy solar

diy solar

EG4 Heat Pumps?

Is the 24 K BTU charged but you have to do the flaring? Or are the lines flared and you just have to be smart enough to know righty tighty? My house is down and I need to order one tomorrow or asap. How quick can it be shipped?
You do realize you’ll also need a vacuum pump etc, right?
It’s not just tightening fittings (until the quick connect models are shipping).
See Will’s review.
we are precharged, quick connect units are coming this month :)
That is great news.
Will there be any choices for hose length?
Like 12ft, 14ft, 16ft, 20ft.

Any plans for dual head 24kbtu units in the future?
And 36k dual and tri head units beyond that.

I’m looking at cooling a 2 story with 2 larger units, vs 5 or 6 smaller units which would be a non starter.
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That is great news.
Will there be any choices for hose length?
Like 12ft, 14ft, 16ft, 20ft.

Any plans for dual head 24kbtu units in the future?
And 36k dual and tri head units beyond that.

I’m looking at cooling a 2 story with 2 larger units, vs 5 or 6 smaller units which would be a non starter.
easy killer, LOL
If you are super naughty, you crack one of the fittings and open up the valve and "flush" out the air.
I ordered this kit and have used it several times on home and car AC systems.
If you are super naughty, you crack one of the fittings and open up the valve and "flush" out the air.
I ordered this kit and have used it several times on home and car AC systems.
If people took a chance and just decided to buy their own vacuum pump and gauges and watch a few videos on how to use them, they will realize how useful they can be over the long term and how much money you can save.
If people took a chance and just decided to buy their own vacuum pump and gauges and watch a few videos on how to use them, they will realize how useful they can be over the long term and how much money you can save.

I'm by no means an AC guys, but I bought the vacuum pump and manifold gauges, and they have saved my ass more times than I can think of. Paid for themselves many times over.

I'm by no means an AC guys, but I bought the vacuum pump and manifold gauges, and they have saved my ass more times than I can think of. Paid for themselves many times over.
Why would you have to use them more times than you can think of?
I mean, unless you are adding on more AC units or having problems with existing AC units…

Most AC systems I’ve been around have been pretty much trouble free other than changing the return air filter and cleaning the coils. Though I did have a control of some sort go out on one. Dependable for the most part until they get some years on them, or if they live in harsh or extreme conditions like LV, Phoenix etc..
Kind of like refrigerators I’ve had (he said while knocking on wood).
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If people took a chance and just decided to buy their own vacuum pump and gauges and watch a few videos on how to use them, they will realize how useful they can be over the long term and how much money you can save.
If you have multiple vehicles and equipment, it is definitely a money saver.
Hey, I put it out there for the quick connects a couple of months back and lo and behold here they’re coming soon.

So time to snap to it on my other list of demands ! ?
I am going to need a three head unit myself shortly. I just cant see buying three seperate 12k units, but that may be what has to happen. Or Mr Cool.
Why would you have to use them more times than you can think of?
I mean, unless you are adding on more AC units or having problems with existing AC units…

Most AC I’ve been around has been pretty much trouble free other than changing the return air filter and cleaning the coils.
Kind of like refrigerators I’ve had (he said while knocking on wood).
@SolarScott nailed it, i used to cycle through old cars like underwear, back when i was into that sort of thing, then helping out friends, etc. It adds up! I've only needed it once for the house during a repair
With the price of the pump and gauges, really if you use it 2 or 3 times, it's worth having, IMO.
I can see that. I’d really prefer not to have even more stuff (believe me, I have plenty!) cluttering things up that I “might” need some day.
I’m on a (very slow) mission to reduce clutter and “stuff”. It’s challenging.
Sometimes less is more.
Minivan AC had a leak, found/fixed/vacuumed and refilled to correct amount.
Son's F150 needed timing chains etc, could not quite get one part out without removing an AC pipe.
Trane R22 stopped working, blew it up with air, no leak found, sucked her out, refilled with mortgage loan lol.
Added mini-split to bedroom.
Trane died again year later, replace with Mr Cool pre-charged lines, these tools not needed this time lol.
This is true when it comes to shoes and tupperware but is an absolute lie when it comes to technical "stuff"
Get a grip Man :ROFLMAO:
Also definitely true re 8-10+ pillows on the bed like my ex wife and every girlfriend I’ve ever had (except one - should've kept her).
Try as I might, I’ll never understand that mountain of pillows in the way thing…
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My installer told me if I did the install and electrical connection, he'd vacuum it down and leak test it for $500. ?

So it's actually a bargain for even one use.
$500 for evac and leak test?
That installer is a rip off.
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I've skimmed this thread, mostly because I'm on a phone and I can't see real well. I also did a thread search and I saw one person comment about using 4 x 375w panels.

Any updates on how many panels it takes to run the 12K unit with just DC solar?

With 1,500 watts of solar, or four panels, on a relatively decent day in Florida about when would the air conditioner have enough DC power to turn on?

About how long through the day would it run on just 1,500 watts of solar panels?

Do clouds make it turn off and on as they drift by?

What's the minimum amount of solar power that could be used and have an expectation of if actually working ? (assuming no AC connection)

diy solar

diy solar