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diy solar

Epever question regarding "SolarStation" for PC

I found a fix.. there is a set of terminals to connect to, Voltage sense , I connected to thoes and the buss bar, and now voltage reads within 0.1V or less.. The other unit doesn't need this. only the one i repaired with uncalibrated factory board.
So all is good now.. I have my CC set to stop charge at 4.1Vpc, And My BMS set for OVP at 4.15Vpc.
Will see how this does..

And yes I have a Fluke meter,
I have two tracers using the EPEver software, loaded on three different computers, no issues, works fine.
Just contradicting the claims here, should anyone be looking for product feedback and reports.

EDIT: Just looked at OP's images again, and somehow I don't think he has the right program installed. It doesn't look like what I have. Download link here:

The 'solar station monitoring software' version is 1.95 Windows, 11K downloads. It's the first link on the righthand column.
Just now downloaded and installed without issue on my work client, WIN10 machine.
You seem to be an expert on Epever’s monitoring software, so I thought I’d make a request.

I got the monitor working with my Tracer 6420AN nearly a year ago and it has pretty much worked flawlessly.

Recently, whether it had something to do with rebooting my laptop or something to do with cycling power on the Tracer SCC, the monitoring software started using a strangely-numbered COM port that it then could not find.

I’d rebooted and restarted the application SW so many times to no avail that I went back to reading the installation instructions getting prepared to to a reinstall.

I checked Device Manager to confirm the COM port assignment was correct at that level, restarted the application manager one last time and surprise - it now showed COM3 as it used to before and everything is working fine again.

So first, it seems surprising to me that just by checking Device Manager I could have resolved whatever issue I’d encountered but I thought I’d ask in case you have any idea of what was actually going on (and the best way to resolve the issue if so).

And second, having found this thread as I was preparing to post for help, it’s pretty clear that having Epever’s monitoring app get stuck in a bad state is a common-enough problem that if you understand well enough to provide a simple set of steps to uninstall and reinstall (or whatever) to get it running properly again, the community of Epever owners using their monitoring SW would probably find that very valuable.

I’m fine now but suspect this is not the last time I’ll run into this sort of snafu with the SW, so knowing there is a place I can find simple and clear guidance on the recommended recovery actions would be invaluable.

(PS. By the way, I’m using an old Windows 8 laptop, in case that may have co tributes to my particular COM port issue…).
Uh, yes it does. This is ridiculous. You're probly using the wrong version as well.
You may well need to buy something else.

Importing a configuration does not update your controller - it only opens the file in the configuration window.

I think people generally just have a difficult time with software - I see this across the board in all types of applications.

I just did a quick search for some 'how-to' on this, and this blog came up, perhaps it will help:

There was a tutorial on how to update a Tracer charge controller, but I don't know where to find it again. I printed it out and it went in my 'OverKill' manual - a 3-ring binder of over a hundred pages now.

Some of this stuff is complicated. I get that. Saying it doesn't work just because you can't figure it out is silly.
This is a fantastic resource and pretty much addresses my request.

I’m still mystified why my com port had a strange number but one thing I was doing wrong was not immediately closing the dialog box when the SW started up as that tutorial indicates.

I got everything working ~9 months ago and have basically just let the application run continuously for that time so nuances about how to start the application up properly were long forgotten when whatever it was forced me to restart my laptop…
I find the usb cable needs to be plugged in before starting the program or it pops a com error.
And if you don’t check the rs485 box on the port settings it won’t read either.
Not checking the RS485 box will run you nuts til you figure it out.. I learned that back in the beginning.
Also eash time i connect to the Units with laptop, I always have to go into the com properties, to let the program know that i am wanting to connect.. just click and confirm, and that's it...

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diy solar