diy solar

diy solar

Gas generators to be banned in USA

Some generators already have CO detectors build into them. Personally, I'm not an advocate as it complicates a piece of emergency equipment and is just one more thing to go wrong.

Other than that, being concerned about their emissions is kind of silly since they are almost never used.

The proposal sounds to me like someone is just trying to justify their budget by producing stupid recommendations to make it look like they're busy.
Estimated benefits would still exceed estimated costs by a ratio of more than five to one.
All part of the agenda 2030 control grid. They want you to be completely dependent on the grid, so that they have complete and total control over you.
I’m only 74 pages in, but so far they’ve spent 3 pages talking about how it would cost the manufacturer 63 dollars more per unit, 2 pages on potential benefits based on estimated hospital visits extrapolated from 100 actual hospital visits accompanied by death data.
They spent 3 pages hypothesizing “unrealized benefits”
2 pages discussing the ebbs and flows of generator purchases coinciding with extreme weather events, but then state that they can’t utilize those trends to estimate future trends. In that breath they also disingenuously state that weather events have been exponentially increasing (factually not true)
3 pages explaining why they do think they have jurisdiction to implement this when manufacturers pushed back and said this would fall under the EPA.

Both generac and champion replied and stated it would end the sales of dual fuel generators.
They also replied and said it would create a false sense of security for the customer to think it was now appropriate to run a generator indoors.
Nearly all of the fatalities were attributed to generators being used in closed space without air exchange. Which is already a known no-no

So those estimated benefits would benefit whom? (They state a 1 dollar cost to manufacturer would save society 7 dollars on medical expense, which is their extrapolation of 5:1 benefit. But it’s never that simple and they used too many hypotheticals or unrealized data to estimate)
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Reads like a communist manifesto. Lots of nice sounding words that never work, like "re-imagining" the police defunding them and paying social workers instead, because BLM.
Why can't rich eliteists just leave us the frack alone, thank you. Make your own utopia, and we will suffer with our own freedoms to do what WE want.
Interesting how politics is seeping into almost everything these days, from Disneyland to football, to movies, to mowing the lawn, to cooking. Next, camp fires will be banned while hiking.
My hope is that people wake up and realize we are all one big family, so just let everyone follow their own dreams in peace.
Oh, and eliminate the UN, WEF, and WHO, and hope all politicians and lawyers just hold their own breath till their problems go away.

How does saving stupid people from themselves exceed estimated costs?

If someone is too stupid to understand the danger of CO from a generator, then the rest of us shouldn't have to suffer.

If the standard of protection and care is based on the dumbest demographic in society, then we become a nanny state. And when government is held responsible for your safety in such cases, you will eventually end up like a farm animal in a cage.. for your safety of course..
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I currently live in a neighborhood full of those lefty central planner types. Luckily, they have an aversion to gun ownership. Also, they are grass fed & organic eating.

So I should have plenty of protein sources if the SHTF.
How do you know they have an aversion to gun ownership?

I'm a prepper and probably own more weapons than any five or ten people in this forum, and yet when talking to my neighbors, I treat the subject of guns as taboo as religion or politics.. I even went so far as to ask if a 9mm was bigger than a .45 once.

And for the record, I own a Barrett M1A1, my AR's all have binary triggers and suppressors..

Telling others who know where you live that you own guns is never a good idea.. some of that "central planning" can be wise..
Can’t help but wonder if the people broadcasting this ‘banning generators agitation’ do so to get people to read their publications so they can make a living?

Fanning the flames of anger and fear is some good money and can win political power. Hating your opponents gets the vote out, right?

Don’t get me wrong, both sides are feeding off each other. Just wish I could resist reading this stuff and focus on all the greatness that IS diysolarforum.
Been in this neighborhood on and off for 60 years. I know the people who live here.

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? Most ppl might not recognize Jeffery Dahmer….. usually ppl have 30 days with no food and about 3 days with no water.

Murphy is a liberal moved in and living direct middle of conservative christians for his protection. Godless ppl will put others on the barbie even sooner.
Can’t help but wonder if the people broadcasting this ‘banning generators agitation’ do so to get people to read their publications so they can make a living?

Fanning the flames of anger and fear is some good money and can win political power. Hating your opponents gets the vote out, right?

Don’t get me wrong, both sides are feeding off each other. Just wish I could resist reading this stuff and focus on all the greatness that IS diysolarforum.
You have a point both sides have mass media merchants. At the same times the govt is going after freedoms with their bs. My gas can posts are example. If you keep gasoline in small glass containers you can or will be accused of making bombs and arrested. I probably should have mentioned that.

The real notice is what exactly are you willing to endure before pick a side?
At some point ppl have to be outraged enough to form sides. Living in the middle will get you murdered by both sides.
The train with box cars will be along shortly….will you be needing assistance to board for your journey?

btw propane does not provide the same energy output as gasoline for generator. Propane is under attack too.
Reads like a communist manifesto. Lots of nice sounding words that never work, like "re-imagining" the police defunding them and paying social workers instead, because BLM.
Why can't rich eliteists just leave us the frack alone, thank you. Make your own utopia, and we will suffer with our own freedoms to do what WE want.
Interesting how politics is seeping into almost everything these days, from Disneyland to football, to movies, to mowing the lawn, to cooking. Next, camp fires will be banned while hiking.
My hope is that people wake up and realize

How do you know they have an aversion to gun ownership?

I'm a prepper and probably own more weapons than any five or ten people in this forum, and yet when talking to my neighbors, I treat the subject of guns as taboo as religion or politics.. I even went so far as to ask if a 9mm was bigger than a .45 once.

And for the record, I own a Barrett M1A1, my AR's all have binary triggers and suppressors..

Telling others who know where you live that you own guns is never a good idea.. some of that "central planning" can be wise..
Grey man only works so long. You need a team if it really goes down. Training and planning with your neighbors is good practice. Food, energy, security, 360 degree coverage. A Barrett is nice to have though!
I thankfully moved to an area where everyone is like minded. Mostly current active duty or veterans, police, fire. Just about everyone is a prepper, planter, trainer, or McGyver.

That being said, my actual plan is to sail away from everyone, with my immediate family as crew and shooters.

Have you run across Doug at SV Seeker youtube channel? He built a steel 74 foot Chinese Junk from scratch, in Oklahoma! Real interesting stuff. Amazing skills. He even designed and poured his own propellers. Solar energy of course
( Victron inverters).

Agenda 2030.
This parasite class puppet regime is wasting no time pushing this crazy agendaa forward

Under pressure from environmentalists, more and more electric companies are installing equipment and implementing protocols that will allow them to remotely control customer demand continuously, not just during emergencies. California regulators have announced a goal to place 7,000 megawatts of customer demand under centralized control by 2030.

To sell this normalization of power cuts, the companies have launched sophisticated media programs designed to convince customers that flick-of-the-switch power is an irresponsible indulgence that must be foregone, and demand “flexibility” must be embraced, to save the planet from catastrophic climate change.

It has always been about control and only control. Of them over you!

Agenda 2030.
This parasite class puppet regime is wasting no time pushing this crazy agendaa forward

Under pressure from environmentalists, more and more electric companies are installing equipment and implementing protocols that will allow them to remotely control customer demand continuously, not just during emergencies. California regulators have announced a goal to place 7,000 megawatts of customer demand under centralized control by 2030.

To sell this normalization of power cuts, the companies have launched sophisticated media programs designed to convince customers that flick-of-the-switch power is an irresponsible indulgence that must be foregone, and demand “flexibility” must be embraced, to save the planet from catastrophic climate change.

It has always been about control and only control. Of them over you!
My local power company has been trying to give a way "free" Nest thermostats for a while .... but they are also going to have to have infrastructure that forces an internet connected WiFi network on you .... well, unless they just make it a cellular device and force you to have one.
The ones they are giving away are WiFi.
They also need to realize that now days multiple mini-split systems are becoming more and more prevalent instead of a whole house system with one thermostat.
My local power company has been trying to give a way "free" Nest thermostats for a while .... but they are also going to have to have infrastructure that forces an internet connected WiFi network on you .... well, unless they just make it a cellular device and force you to have one.
The ones they are giving away are WiFi.

First they will be wifi, just like CDBC - optional and conivinient.
And then they will make them shut down your AC if its not connected to some cloud server on the internet. And they will make it illegal to short the 2 wires and send goons if they detect your system is "off the grid" and your AC is operating. Ofcourse they will not catch everyone, but they will catch a few and make examples out of them (think huuuuuge fines and endless bashing on lamestream media) to make others think twice about shorting wires.
First they will be wifi, just like CDBC - optional and conivinient.
And then they will make them shut down your AC if its not connected to some cloud server on the internet. And they will make it illegal to short the 2 wires and send goons if they detect your system is "off the grid" and your AC is operating. Ofcourse they will not catch everyone, but they will catch a few and make examples out of them (think huuuuuge fines and endless bashing on lamestream media) to make others think twice about shorting wires.
All good reason to just go off grid and move away from the utility. I will be keeping my gas/propane generator to charge my batteries during multi-day storms too.
This actually puts grid tie only inverters into a different class in my opinion. I always thought that having solar which is not usable if the power goes out is just silly. After a major investment in solar, if the utility can still squeeze you by the balls and shut off your solar by simply turning off the grid, the investment in solar is worth MUCH less.
AC coupling or Hybrid with battery is the only way to go to protect your family from conservation Nazi's. Stock up on propane and non ethenol gas also. EMP protect if you can.
Grey man only works so long.
Grey man now during normal times. If something serious happens, I'll have to let the cat out of the bag. We even created a sort of presentation for our neighbors so they don't do anything stupid like eat the canned food first, ignore a minor cut, or think they can drink the water just because it looks clear. Things like that..

You need a team if it really goes down. Training and planning with your neighbors is good practice. Food, energy, security, 360 degree coverage.
Our family has enough food for about 5 years, we also have about $400 in heirloom seeds in the freezer and we even have some food for the neighbors. I'm not Rambo and I'm not going to fool anyone trying to pretend I can hang with a 20 year old Marine. I'm realistic, do what I can and do the best I can.

A Barrett is nice to have though!
Yeah, but its not the type of force multiplier most people think it would be. It really only has one purpose and that's penetration of steel armor. Beyond that, not so much. If I was in the city wanting to shoot through concrete, then that would be a big help, but out here, I'm shooing through corn and woods.

We invested heavily into detection and denial systems. I picked up 5000 feet of concertina wire on craigslist for like $100.. IR cameras, PVS14 units and thermal scopes for the rifles. Things that alert me if someone is around that isn't supposed to be.

Like I said, I'm not Rambo. I'm going to depend on being able to detect a threat, and being able to invest a lot of lead to make it go away.

I thankfully moved to an area where everyone is like minded. Mostly current active duty or veterans, police, fire. Just about everyone is a prepper, planter, trainer, or McGyver.
That's cool, but I take a very different approach. I hang with a lot of people who are very different from each other. From the very religious to atheist, from people who can barely keep the lights on, to some who are pretty darn wealthy. I think diversity means strength.. people who think differently than I do increase the chances of positive outcomes. It's not something I really planned, just how it worked out.

That being said, my actual plan is to sail away from everyone, with my immediate family as crew and shooters.
I have considered that.. After a lot of research, I kept coming up with the same answer.. "You're gonna need a bigger boat"

Have you run across Doug at SV Seeker youtube channel? He built a steel 74 foot Chinese Junk from scratch, in Oklahoma! Real interesting stuff. Amazing skills. He even designed and poured his own propellers. Solar energy of course
( Victron inverters).
That's pretty cool.. For SHTF, I see it as problematic.. but I'm not an experienced sailor either, and I have zero experience on the ocean so its not a path I would take.

Agenda 2030.
This parasite class puppet regime is wasting no time pushing this crazy agendaa forward

Under pressure from environmentalists, more and more electric companies are installing equipment and implementing protocols that will allow them to remotely control customer demand continuously, not just during emergencies. California regulators have announced a goal to place 7,000 megawatts of customer demand under centralized control by 2030.

To sell this normalization of power cuts, the companies have launched sophisticated media programs designed to convince customers that flick-of-the-switch power is an irresponsible indulgence that must be foregone, and demand “flexibility” must be embraced, to save the planet from catastrophic climate change.

It has always been about control and only control. Of them over you!
You have no constitutional right to someone else's property or product.

You are a customer, if you don't like your supplier, don't do business with them.
Grey man now during normal times. If something serious happens, I'll have to let the cat out of the bag. We even created a sort of presentation for our neighbors so they don't do anything stupid like eat the canned food first, ignore a minor cut, or think they can drink the water just because it looks clear. Things like that..

Our family has enough food for about 5 years, we also have about $400 in heirloom seeds in the freezer and we even have some food for the neighbors. I'm not Rambo and I'm not going to fool anyone trying to pretend I can hang with a 20 year old Marine. I'm realistic, do what I can and do the best I can.

Yeah, but its not the type of force multiplier most people think it would be. It really only has one purpose and that's penetration of steel armor. Beyond that, not so much. If I was in the city wanting to shoot through concrete, then that would be a big help, but out here, I'm shooing through corn and woods.

We invested heavily into detection and denial systems. I picked up 5000 feet of concertina wire on craigslist for like $100.. IR cameras, PVS14 units and thermal scopes for the rifles. Things that alert me if someone is around that isn't supposed to be.

Like I said, I'm not Rambo. I'm going to depend on being able to detect a threat, and being able to invest a lot of lead to make it go away.

That's cool, but I take a very different approach. I hang with a lot of people who are very different from each other. From the very religious to atheist, from people who can barely keep the lights on, to some who are pretty darn wealthy. I think diversity means strength.. people who think differently than I do increase the chances of positive outcomes. It's not something I really planned, just how it worked out.

I have considered that.. After a lot of research, I kept coming up with the same answer.. "You're gonna need a bigger boat"

That's pretty cool.. For SHTF, I see it as problematic.. but I'm not an experienced sailor either, and I have zero experience on the ocean so its not a path I would take.
Sounds like you are prepared, and have your act together, along with some in your group who can help train the neighbors who need it if needed.

I sure hope I am just paranoid, and everything will be unicorns and lolipops in the future, but alas, I think thats a pipe dream. The writing is on the wall, and we are on borrowed time, at least here in the US, and maybe all of EU. No way to pay back the debt, an economic system in forced collapse(to bring in CBDC), and a whole generation of college educated marxists and snowflakes.

Millions are invading at the behest of leftist governments( thats in the UN manifesto by the way), explosion of drug addicted homeless, the decimation of the middle class, the demoralization of the military, a media and politics that do nothing but divide and foster hate, the government moving to a censored police state, with the blessing of half of the numbed or ignorant population.

Thats why I laugh at "Climate Change". The "state" pushes that fear to deflect from the elephant in the room, which is the loss of western culture as we knew it, in favor of a "one world government", and centralized economic and energy system totally controlled by the few.
Damn I wish I was ignorant of all that, but its so clear to anyone who just turns off the news and studies whats really happening.

So yeah, its gotta be a big boat, with a water maker, solar, compass, charts, and fishing gear. I figure the US will not be safe, so maybe the galapagos islands, gran canaria, or hopefully somewhere off the coast of South America. I have the 338 Lapua ( Not a Barrett, but almost as effective) for anyone in a speed boat wanting to get close to steal, and the kids will all have 308's or 6.5's for long range, or shotguns for close in.
Gotta be a steel hull also, although most above the waterline shots won't matter much, and water itself stops just about everything in a couple feet.
I keep thinking about John Ringo's "Black Tide Rising" series of books, which are an awesome listen on Audible.

diy solar

diy solar