diy solar

diy solar

Gas generators to be banned in USA

Sounds like you are prepared, and have your act together, along with some in your group who can help train the neighbors who need it if needed.

I sure hope I am just paranoid, and everything will be unicorns and lolipops in the future, but alas, I think thats a pipe dream. The writing is on the wall, and we are on borrowed time, at least here in the US, and maybe all of EU. No way to pay back the debt, an economic system in forced collapse(to bring in CBDC), and a whole generation of college educated marxists and snowflakes.
I can tell you this.. when covid hit and the mad rush to buy toilet paper happened, my wife and I just kind of laughed at it all. We keep somewhere between 400 and 600 rolls of it at all times. We have prepped so well (at least I think so), that we see the benefits of it in daily life even though nothing serious has happened. About a month ago, my legs got covered in poison ivy (oak? sumac?), and I broke out on Friday night at around 6pm.. on a 3 day weekend.. No doctor to call for the steroids.. So we broke into our stash of medical supplies in the freezer and pulled out a pack of prednisone (sp?) and I started taking it. Instant relief within 6 hours. The following Tuesday, I contacted the doctor and got a replacement prescription pack, then contacted him 5 days later and asked for one more.. LOL. So not only did I replace my original stash, I added an extra pack.
We've been pulling this routine with everything we're ever prescribed. We have quite the stock pile of meds now.

Millions are invading at the behest of leftist governments( thats in the UN manifesto by the way), explosion of drug addicted homeless, the decimation of the middle class, the demoralization of the military, a media and politics that do nothing but divide and foster hate, the government moving to a censored police state, with the blessing of half of the numbed or ignorant population.

Thats why I laugh at "Climate Change". The "state" pushes that fear to deflect from the elephant in the room, which is the loss of western culture as we knew it, in favor of a "one world government", and centralized economic and energy system totally controlled by the few.
Damn I wish I was ignorant of all that, but its so clear to anyone who just turns off the news and studies whats really happening.
I look at it very differently. Our world is undergoing a paradigm shift due to the information age and society is still learning how to handle it. Seriously, I think the younger generation sees these things as being far more threatening than they actually are. That's part of the reason I poke fun at some of the members.. These are just simple growing pains of any advancing civilization. Mix in the normal government mistakes, sprinkle in a few crooked politicians, a few dumb ones, and top it off with some disasters and international strife, and you get a perfect mix that makes it look like there's a big storm on the horizon.

The world is based on capitalism so the one with the money makes the rules.. It's always been that way, I think it will always remain that way until such time as we switch our capitalistic nature from one focused on the monetary to one that is focused on intellect or accomplishement.
That probably won't happen any time soon.. but eventually, if we don't nuke ourselves or get hit with a GRB or something else, we might get there...

So yeah, its gotta be a big boat, with a water maker, solar, compass, charts, and fishing gear. I figure the US will not be safe, so maybe the galapagos islands, gran canaria, or hopefully somewhere off the coast of South America. I have the 338 Lapua ( Not a Barrett, but almost as effective) for anyone in a speed boat wanting to get close to steal, and the kids will all have 308's or 6.5's for long range, or shotguns for close in.
Did you know the 338 Lapua ammo is more expensive than the 50 ?? WTF is up with that?

Gotta be a steel hull also, although most above the waterline shots won't matter much, and water itself stops just about everything in a couple feet.
I keep thinking about John Ringo's "Black Tide Rising" series of books, which are an awesome listen on Audible.

The boat seems problematic to me, but like I said, I don't know much about ocean sailing. About 80% of the prepping I've done can be used in normal life or later exchanged at a higher value. Not sure how that would work with a boat... For example, toilet paper doesn't go bad, the 50-70 tubes of toothpaste don't go bad, and an AR15 of a quality brand is only going to go up in value.
Heck, the Federal Lake City 5.56 ammo I bought at 25 cents/round is now 47 cents, and was as high as $1.75 at one time in 2020. Even the solar has completely eliminated our power bill and having to wear out the generator when storms knock out power for a week at a time.

I knew some of my preps were losers, but I still bought them. Thermal and Night Vision get better and cheaper as time marches on, as do security cameras and other technology related stuff. I probably have about $30k into things that are losers.. but if something happens and I don't have them, then its a problem.

I don't think anything is going to happen the way most preppers think.. Most envision a nuclear war (actually possible at this point), super volcano, or some other type of disaster that shuts the lights off over-night and plunges society into darkness. I don't think its going to go down that way, instead of going out with a bang, I think its going to be more like dying from cancer in a slow painful wimper.

More localized natural disasters, more power outages, more forest fires, more supply shortages due to one stupid thing or another, and a lot more violent protests now that social media has put them into hyper drive. I suspect the USA is slowly fostering a extremist demographic that utilizes the ignorance and/or youth of their target audience to push whatever destabilizing message they need. Like the abortion clinic bombings of the past, or the idiots burning their own communities, I think we're going to see those types of events come back.. except this time it will be against the gov like the Oklahoma Murrah building.

Maybe I'm wrong, I don't own a crystal ball.. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
I can tell you this.. when covid hit and the mad rush to buy toilet paper happened, my wife and I just kind of laughed at it all. We keep somewhere between 400 and 600 rolls of it at all times. We have prepped so well (at least I think so), that we see the benefits of it in daily life even though nothing serious has happened. About a month ago, my legs got covered in poison ivy (oak? sumac?), and I broke out on Friday night at around 6pm.. on a 3 day weekend.. No doctor to call for the steroids.. So we broke into our stash of medical supplies in the freezer and pulled out a pack of prednisone (sp?) and I started taking it. Instant relief within 6 hours. The following Tuesday, I contacted the doctor and got a replacement prescription pack, then contacted him 5 days later and asked for one more.. LOL. So not only did I replace my original stash, I added an extra pack.
We've been pulling this routine with everything we're ever prescribed. We have quite the stock pile of meds now.

I look at it very differently. Our world is undergoing a paradigm shift due to the information age and society is still learning how to handle it. Seriously, I think the younger generation sees these things as being far more threatening than they actually are. That's part of the reason I poke fun at some of the members.. These are just simple growing pains of any advancing civilization. Mix in the normal government mistakes, sprinkle in a few crooked politicians, a few dumb ones, and top it off with some disasters and international strife, and you get a perfect mix that makes it look like there's a big storm on the horizon.

The world is based on capitalism so the one with the money makes the rules.. It's always been that way, I think it will always remain that way until such time as we switch our capitalistic nature from one focused on the monetary to one that is focused on intellect or accomplishement.
That probably won't happen any time soon.. but eventually, if we don't nuke ourselves or get hit with a GRB or something else, we might get there...

Did you know the 338 Lapua ammo is more expensive than the 50 ?? WTF is up with that?

The boat seems problematic to me, but like I said, I don't know much about ocean sailing. About 80% of the prepping I've done can be used in normal life or later exchanged at a higher value. Not sure how that would work with a boat... For example, toilet paper doesn't go bad, the 50-70 tubes of toothpaste don't go bad, and an AR15 of a quality brand is only going to go up in value.
Heck, the Federal Lake City 5.56 ammo I bought at 25 cents/round is now 47 cents, and was as high as $1.75 at one time in 2020. Even the solar has completely eliminated our power bill and having to wear out the generator when storms knock out power for a week at a time.

I knew some of my preps were losers, but I still bought them. Thermal and Night Vision get better and cheaper as time marches on, as do security cameras and other technology related stuff. I probably have about $30k into things that are losers.. but if something happens and I don't have them, then its a problem.

I don't think anything is going to happen the way most preppers think.. Most envision a nuclear war (actually possible at this point), super volcano, or some other type of disaster that shuts the lights off over-night and plunges society into darkness. I don't think its going to go down that way, instead of going out with a bang, I think its going to be more like dying from cancer in a slow painful wimper.

More localized natural disasters, more power outages, more forest fires, more supply shortages due to one stupid thing or another, and a lot more violent protests now that social media has put them into hyper drive. I suspect the USA is slowly fostering a extremist demographic that utilizes the ignorance and/or youth of their target audience to push whatever destabilizing message they need. Like the abortion clinic bombings of the past, or the idiots burning their own communities, I think we're going to see those types of events come back.. except this time it will be against the gov like the Oklahoma Murrah building.

Maybe I'm wrong, I don't own a crystal ball.. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Yeah, ammo has gone up quite a bit under this Administration, just like everything else. Luckily I make my own, and bought all the components back when it was much cheaper. Freaking large rifle primers are VERY hard to find, expensive when you do, and are out of stock within a few hours of them being available.

Interesting that we both have similar perceptions on the state of the union, but different takes on how it will go down.
I guess it depends on how your opinions were shaped. As an example, I have friends that marched in BLM protests, and liked it when they set cop cars on fire, and fire bombed the federal building and police headquarters in Portland.

I on the other hand thought that was anarchy and lawlessness, and the perps should have been put down, or at minimum be held liable for the damages.
Different mindsets. I took an oath when I was 17 and joined the Army to uphold the constitution, and protect the country from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC. I guess most of the kids burning shit down and looting the stores never took that oath.

My guess is those types will be the ones causing the chaos, as most other regular folks are too busy working to feed their families to go out looting.

Lets see what happens when the Supreme Court lets Derek Chauvin walk, after the info comes out that Floyd OD'ed, and would have died no matter what Chauvin did. My guess is more riots and looting by the same groups who got away with it in 2020.
Unfortunately the only riot and looting that will be allowed is the one that benefits the parasite class in creating chaos which can then be used to install their "new world order/agenda2030".
I think we have already seen this - while they allowed BLM and various similar movements to go unchecked (in many cases police did nothing), Canadian Trucker anti-vaxx protest (and some others such as NL Farmer protest) was suppressed with full force (police beating protestors, organizers and participators financially hit by bank accounts frozen, etc and then you had the tyrants such as Trudeau and his cronies shamelessly deny this on public TV and numerous hearings).
Yeah, ammo has gone up quite a bit under this Administration, just like everything else. Luckily I make my own, and bought all the components back when it was much cheaper. Freaking large rifle primers are VERY hard to find, expensive when you do, and are out of stock within a few hours of them being available.

Interesting that we both have similar perceptions on the state of the union, but different takes on how it will go down.
I guess it depends on how your opinions were shaped. As an example, I have friends that marched in BLM protests, and liked it when they set cop cars on fire, and fire bombed the federal building and police headquarters in Portland.

I on the other hand thought that was anarchy and lawlessness, and the perps should have been put down, or at minimum be held liable for the damages.
Different mindsets. I took an oath when I was 17 and joined the Army to uphold the constitution, and protect the country from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC. I guess most of the kids burning shit down and looting the stores never took that oath.

My guess is those types will be the ones causing the chaos, as most other regular folks are too busy working to feed their families to go out looting.

Lets see what happens when the Supreme Court lets Derek Chauvin walk, after the info comes out that Floyd OD'ed, and would have died no matter what Chauvin did. My guess is more riots and looting by the same groups who got away with it in 2020.
I think blm will re-emerge in 2024 if Trump gets back in. Strangely - odd how the blm more or less just disappeared.

strange how none of the democrats were ever made accountable for their inciting violence and such as caught on video.
This guy got locked up but it is obvious for his obvious message with white child in a diaper.
same low iq criminal as Floyd and Chauvin

Do you know what Chauvin did before and after sentencing? Chauvin rose and allowed them to cuff him with no struggling or resisting. Interesting concept.
Yeah, ammo has gone up quite a bit under this Administration, just like everything else. Luckily I make my own, and bought all the components back when it was much cheaper. Freaking large rifle primers are VERY hard to find, expensive when you do, and are out of stock within a few hours of them being available.
Ammo started going up in March 2020 when Trump was still in office.. By June of 2020, it had doubled in price, and by Aug 2020, it had tripled.

Interesting that we both have similar perceptions on the state of the union, but different takes on how it will go down.
There are about a half dozen "most likely" scenarios and another half dozen "not likely but very possible" ones. Wish I had a crystal ball.

I guess it depends on how your opinions were shaped. As an example, I have friends that marched in BLM protests, and liked it when they set cop cars on fire, and fire bombed the federal building and police headquarters in Portland.
I do not know anyone who has ever been to a protest for anything, let alone have any friends that have done it. Protests are usually pretty ineffective and a waste of time.. usually.. There are some exceptions. As for me, I'd be rapidly firing off emails and letters to my representatives long before I ever considered wasting my time on a protest.

I on the other hand thought that was anarchy and lawlessness, and the perps should have been put down, or at minimum be held liable for the damages.
Yup, I agree.. Protestor or just common criminal, people should be held accountable for their behavior. The problem is that most people (most, but not all) that are willing to go to a protest, don't have anything more important to do.. and thus, usually have nothing to collect for their liabilities.. Prison/jail becomes the only solution.. Which means that they go protest and destroy, and the tax payers end up with the bill.

We need to go back to the days when citizens were allowed to protect their own property with lethal force if required. I tell you, if I'm ever on a jury where some guy is charged with shooting someone stealing a gas can out of their garage, I probably won't care what the law says, I'm not going to vote them guilty...

Different mindsets. I took an oath when I was 17 and joined the Army to uphold the constitution, and protect the country from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC. I guess most of the kids burning shit down and looting the stores never took that oath.
From their perspective, oath or not, they think they are fighting against those trying to repress them. Its a matter of perspective. Evil and stupid can look identical sometimes, but they are two very different things. Of course, that's no excuse, but it helps to understand.
Know the enemy _Sun Tzu

My guess is those types will be the ones causing the chaos, as most other regular folks are too busy working to feed their families to go out looting.
The haves and the have nots.. When someone has nothing, they have nothing to lose.
If we have an event that causes a semi-permanent long term power outage, even the hard working honest man will go out looting if that's what it takes to take care of his family.
Hard working honest people only remain that way when things are going their way.. when that changes, so will they.

Lets see what happens when the Supreme Court lets Derek Chauvin walk, after the info comes out that Floyd OD'ed, and would have died no matter what Chauvin did. My guess is more riots and looting by the same groups who got away with it in 2020.
Chauvin and Floyd are a perfect example of what happens when two idiots meet in society, and I think they are both where they need to be.

Chauvin should be in prison.. you don't kneel on someones neck like that when they're in cuffs. Floyd was probably on borrowed time as he was most likely too stupid to live much longer anyhow.

As I've said many times in these forums: The behavior of Person A does not excuse the behavior of Person B.
I picked the right time to retire in Mexico. Very few regulations here.
Where in Mexico? Is it safe?
My sister in law is also moving there from Houston. I believe the town is Dolores Hidalgo, somewhere in central Mexico.
Picture are real pretty.
5 Miles out in the ocean?
30,000 feet in the air?
Presidential Palace ?
So, have you spent any time in Mexico. Do you know anything about its culture? Funny how Mexico is perceived by ignorant US residents. It is much safer down here than nearly any city in the US. The media will always show some of the brutal killings that do happen down here and highlight these happenings.(especially around Spring Break) If you are involved in cartel activity then you need to sleep with one eye open, but the general public have little to worry about. Look at it this way, There's virtually zero chance if being a victim of one of the daily random mass shootings that seem to be happening all over in the states. I'm not against gun ownership per se, but it is highly restricted down here. This seems to result in unstable, homicidal types running around shooting innocent people.
There are thousands of gringos living down here. Ask any of them and I'm sure you'll get a similar answer. We've made a conscious choice to live down here and do not regret it.
So, have you spent any time in Mexico. Do you know anything about its culture? Funny how Mexico is perceived by ignorant US residents. It is much safer down here than nearly any city in the US. The media will always show some of the brutal killings that do happen down here and highlight these happenings.(especially around Spring Break) If you are involved in cartel activity then you need to sleep with one eye open, but the general public have little to worry about. Look at it this way, There's virtually zero chance if being a victim of one of the daily random mass shootings that seem to be happening all over in the states. I'm not against gun ownership per se, but it is highly restricted down here. This seems to result in unstable, homicidal types running around shooting innocent people.
There are thousands of gringos living down here. Ask any of them and I'm sure you'll get a similar answer. We've made a conscious choice to live down here and do not regret it.
This article pretty much backs up my points of mostly cartel to cartel violence. Spring break warnings, etc. Spring breakers drinking excessively make themselves very vulnerable targets for opportunistic people knowing they likely have a pocket full of money. These kids are setting themselves up for these types of crimes. This type of crime can happen anywhere.
I stand by my feelings that it is safer here in Mexico than North of the border. Those who disagree don't travel down here and that's just fine with those of us who do.
This article pretty much backs up my points of mostly cartel to cartel violence. Spring break warnings, etc. Spring breakers drinking excessively make themselves very vulnerable targets for opportunistic people knowing they likely have a pocket full of money. These kids are setting themselves up for these types of crimes. This type of crime can happen anywhere.
I stand by my feelings that it is safer here in Mexico than North of the border. Those who disagree don't travel down here and that's just fine with those of us who do.
The message people see in the news isn't as clear as what you see first hand, I thought to post that article to show that, Mexico having a higher murder rate than the US or it being safer for Americans than America, can both be true. Thinking of traveling there this winter, so it is nice to hear from some one who sees it first hand to give their perspective.
San Felipe, Northern Baja California..
As to your second question, see my previous reply.
Funny how Americans are moving to Mexico for a simpler less expensive life, and Folks from Mexico and South America are moving here for the work.
We should probably just make it one Americas.
Any experience with the Mexican Grid? Do you see Solar being adopted there also? One cool thing is there are no mandates to get rid of gas appliances in Mexico.
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So, have you spent any time in Mexico. Do you know anything about its culture? Funny how Mexico is perceived by ignorant US residents. It is much safer down here than nearly any city in the US. The media will always show some of the brutal killings that do happen down here and highlight these happenings.(especially around Spring Break) If you are involved in cartel activity then you need to sleep with one eye open, but the general public have little to worry about. Look at it this way, There's virtually zero chance if being a victim of one of the daily random mass shootings that seem to be happening all over in the states. I'm not against gun ownership per se, but it is highly restricted down here. This seems to result in unstable, homicidal types running around shooting innocent people.
There are thousands of gringos living down here. Ask any of them and I'm sure you'll get a similar answer. We've made a conscious choice to live down here and do not regret it.
yeah japan is even safer until you figure in the bias against foreigners. there is always two sides to every coin. I get it you love mexico just like I love japan... does not make it safe for a white person though.
Generators, lawnmowers etc can tolerate a little catalytic converter on them.

That will easily bring these machines into compliance.
For brainless people, one more time


“Consumers aren’t going to like any of it,” Lieberman continued, according to FOX News. “These rules are almost always bad for consumers for the simple reason that they restrict consumer choice.”

The efficiency regulations would take effect in 2029 if they are finalized, according to the press release. Other appliances that the Biden administration is planning to issue updated energy standards for include dishwashers, residential laundry machines, refrigerators and boilers, according to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

The Biden administration has also attempted to regulate gas stoves, which led the Republican-controlled House to pass a bill in June that would bar any prospective federal ban on new gas stoves if it became law.
Leo, it seems like according to your watts up with that site, just about everything is a "conspiracy theory". Typical, and zero credibility.
"Leave us alone," tweeted Republican Rep. Thomas Massie, an engineer with two degrees from MIT who's entirely removed his Kentucky ranch from the power grid and regularly shares his clever innovations online.

(1/3) I got back from DC and checked on a few of my farm experiments this am.

Here’s an automated chicken tractor I invented to pasture raise and protect meat chickens while I am away. They look more crowded than they are because they’re bunched up on the sunny side.
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) May 26, 2023
"These products already exist in the free market. Consumers should decide whether the upfront cost of a heat-pump water heater is worth the possible long term savings. In many cases, the monthly savings never make up for the upfront cost of the equipment," he added.

Heat-pump water heaters can save energy, but they make less sense in northern climates.

That’s because they extract heat from the surrounding air… warm air that your furnace will have to work harder to replace. There’s “no free lunch” from these water heaters in the winter.
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) July 22, 2023
Funny how Americans are moving to Mexico for a simpler less expensive life, and Folks from Mexico and South America are moving here for the work.
We should probably just make it one Americas.
Any experience with the Mexican Grid? Do you see Solar being adopted there also? One cool thing is there are no mandates to get rid of gas appliances in Mexico.
There's a huge off-grid community down here. I know there is grid tie solar in the big cities, none in San Felipe.

diy solar

diy solar