diy solar

diy solar

Global Warming = Fewer storms?

One possible explanation (ref):

Researchers call them "blue jets." The elusive discharges leap into the stratosphere from thunderstorms far below.

It's important to study blue jets because, according to van der Velde, "there can be considerable production of NOx and ozone by these discharges, potentially affecting the chemistry of the atmosphere." Also, some blue jets might rise high enough to touch the ionosphere, forming a new and poorly understood branch of the global electrical circuit.
Artist's rendition
As a practical matter snow cover for cross-country skiing seems less reliable up here in recent winters.
We bought micro-spikes for our hiking boots so we can hike on glare ice which seems to be our new normal with more frequent freeze-thaw cycles.
Do you think Geo-engineering have an impact to the global warming?
Weather modification is a real thing and is done all the time, I wonder what kind of effect that's had. It also doesn't help that they're blasting radio waves into the atmosphere in Alaska at Haarp (and I'm sure in other places that we're not told about as well). Conspiracy theories aside, that kind of thing has to have an effect on our atmosphere.

We had lightning here last week, which is rare under any circumstance......

If you take Politics out of it then all you have left is little data that is reliable and few factual opinions....

I strive to lesson my load on Mother Earth and let it end there. If everyone did that, then humanity would be better off, regardless of your feelings/politics on this.
Oklahoma unseats Florida as the lightning capital of the U.S., study finds ref

Artic Lightening increases ref

This chart is just for the U.S. where the red line is lightning and the blue represents the average days of thunderstorm activities.
Ideally, we want to see what's going on worldwide. For the U.S., it looks like the quantity of storms has been consistent, but the lightening (and presumably storm intensity) is up ~26%.

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