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diy solar

Grid tied Sol-Ark 15K went off grid


Solar Enthusiast
Mar 30, 2023
I went on a 3 week trek to visit my sons. June 23, the Sol-Ark stopped importing and exporting from the grid. My home has been running on solar powered battery since then. The MySolArk app shows both grid lines have appropriate voltage. Sol-Ark recommended a power cycle reset, but not being onsite, I couldn't. I'll try Friday. There was a grid power failure a few days ago, but that didn't jar the inverter back to it's senses. @Carlos_Sol-Ark Image is from 07/03.

I heard of some others who had cases where their solark parameters changed possibly from the data migration they were doing. Are you able to see your solark settings from the web? I can't see mine right now for some reason.

Because you are saying the solark is showing the grid connection, I'm guessing its a parameter somewhere that is intentionally not using the grid. You want to verify these settings. This is what it would like if you were in front of the unit.
"Grid Sell" checked
"Limited Power to Home" unchecked
"Limited Power to Load" unchecked

You can read more about the other settings as there are a lot but this should be the first ones to check. -

I heard of some others who had cases where their solark parameters changed possibly from the data migration they were doing. Are you able to see your solark settings from the web? I can't see mine right now for some reason.

Because you are saying the solark is showing the grid connection, I'm guessing its a parameter somewhere that is intentionally not using the grid. You want to verify these settings. This is what it would like if you were in front of the unit.
"Grid Sell" checked
"Limited Power to Home" unchecked
"Limited Power to Load" unchecked

You can read more about the other settings as there are a lot but this should be the first ones to check. -

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I could see my settings from the web until this morning. They were correct every time I checked. Now that I'm home I will check the settings on the LCD screen.
I verified the settings on the Sol-Ark screen. Power cycle reset did nothing. Now I noticed that grid frequency is 0 Hz. I can only guess that whatever sensor reads grid frequency has failed. Grid voltage at 0 Hz doesn't make sense.
Can you graph frequency and confirm it went to 0Hz concurrent with onset of issue?
Yup. Sorry about the legibility, that's caused by the new App dark theme. Jagged blue line is battery current. Yellow is SOC. Purple is frequency. Green and burgundy are grid voltage. Top grid line is 60 Hz.

Yup. Sorry about the legibility, that's caused by the new App dark theme. Jagged blue line is battery current. Yellow is SOC. Purple is frequency. Green and burgundy are grid voltage. Top grid line is 60 Hz.

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The Dark Theme, I hate it on the Graphs.
Please Please Sol-Ark offer a way to get rid of the Grey background on the Graphs.
I found the problem. The new MySolArk app screwed up all the grid parameters, both voltage and frequency. Example LV3 was 300 volts. :rolleyes: Note, this occurred 06/23, well after the transfer from PowerView started.

Now I need to dial in the proper times on the Sol-Ark screen. Just like PowerView, the range for time is 0-60 sec. Cannot enter 299 seconds required for utility frequency ride through.



  • Grid settings 070724.png
    Grid settings 070724.png
    48.5 KB · Views: 3
I found the problem. The new MySolArk app screwed up all the grid parameters, both voltage and frequency. Example LV3 was 300 volts. :rolleyes: Note, this occurred 06/23, well after the transfer from PowerView started.

Now I need to dial in the proper times on the Sol-Ark screen. Just like PowerView, the range for time is 0-60 sec. Cannot enter 299 seconds required for utility frequency ride through. Also, like PowerView, the decimal point is shifted 2 places. 16 seconds on MySolArk is 0.16 seconds on the inverter screen.


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