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diy solar

Growatt data reporting interval change question.


New Member
Mar 4, 2020
Is there a way to change the data reporting interval of the wifi dongle from 5 minutes to 1 minute? Without having to reset the dongle to its own wifi and doing it on the "initialization" setup?

That was a huge pain in the rear for me last year and took over an hour. I won't go through that again, but would love to have quicker reporting stats now that I am entirely running on solar. So I can track usage without waiting 5 minutes to see if the thing I did made a significant impact on use.
That data goes through Growatts servers so they likely throttle the sampling period to save bandwidth. I've been playing with the idea of using a laptop or raspberry pi plugged in to the usb port on the unit to do it locally but haven't had time to play with it yet.
That data goes through Growatts servers so they likely throttle the sampling period to save bandwidth. I've been playing with the idea of using a laptop or raspberry pi plugged in to the usb port on the unit to do it locally but haven't had time to play with it yet.
During the initial setup, you can change the interval to 1-10 minutes (might be 1-5). Just happened across a video of a guys setup and he changed it during the setup to 1 min during the step where you input the wifi info. I was like darn wish I would have known that....

I had a pain doing the initial setup. But maybe it will go smoother the second time around.
FYI should anyone run across this in the future and want to do it.

It was easy. You need to just click once on the reset hole on the wifi dongle. Then log into the wifi dongle hotspot with your phone. (need the password 12345678)

That will allow you to change the settings, without having to wipe out anything or have to relearn the wifi/server info etc.

Having the dongle on 1 min refresh is great, for live monitoring different power use. The shine app/website still only logs in 5 minute intervals, but you can refresh and view it live in 1 min intervals.

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diy solar