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Heads-Up ! BUYING ALERT ! USA may ban Alibaba and more SOONISH !

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Offgrid Cabineer, N.E. Ontario, Canada
Oct 29, 2019
Rural NE Ontario Canada
Well, the inevitableness of the continuing trade shenanigans, it now appears that the Trumpican's are about to clamp down on Alibaba and the like from dealing with US customers. Isn't it bad enough that the Duty War has increased costs for the consumers and the other games have reduced availability of some products but now further hurts being pushed on the people strained finances.

There are several news articles on it. Will it happen or not and what will the impacts be ? Whatever happens, expect prices to start climbing and FAST and in some cases possibly more hostility and or less friendliness or accommodating....

After TikTok, Trump Threatens To Ban Alibaba In The United States

Trump considers banning more Chinese technology
TikTok I can see, if they were owned by the Chinese gov't and were not dealing with privacy issues like they should. I have a friend "in the business" that said there have been security concerns about TikTok for years and he was surprised it took this long for anything to be done.

Alibaba, I'm not understanding that, unless they somehow managed to hijack my computer and get me to buy more batteries, which I probably would do anyhow.
TikTok I can see, if they were owned by the Chinese gov't and were not dealing with privacy issues like they should. I have a friend "in the business" that said there have been security concerns about TikTok for years and he was surprised it took this long for anything to be done.

Alibaba, I'm not understanding that, unless they somehow managed to hijack my computer and get me to buy more batteries, which I probably would do anyhow.
As retired Microfot Core System engineer who worked with National Defence as a Core Eng. and security systems, I will never install iOt apps now social media mining software (that is logging into ANY social media platform like FaceBlot). The random software out there is dubious at best and many haven't a clue to be honest... You be surpised at what a sniffer exposes, even from here.... via redirects and sub-classes... (not discussing that with anyone).

EDIT - potentially politically charged text removed.
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It's been twenty years since I had the need for a network sniffer. I still have the laptop with the software on it. Not something I want to get caught with in some of the secure facilities I consult at occasionally. :)

These days, my only security concern is with the Data Warehouse. The network is a "hardware problem" and I don't have to deal with it.
How does a free country ban citizens from buying merchandise online? I would just turn on the VPN that I have to use when I travel in China to simply access my online banking and Gmail. The sellers will adjust and find work arounds.
I assume many US companies would benefit. But we'll end up buying crap for high prices.
At least we get crap cheap on Alibaba. lol
Alibaba never accepted my credit card so I haven't bought anything on there yet. Maybe I'm too late.
How does a free country ban citizens from buying merchandise online? I would just turn on the VPN that I have to use when I travel in China to simply access my online banking and Gmail. The sellers will adjust and find work arounds.

I would guess that if the ban goes into place you would be unable to have your bank send your money to someone on Alibaba...

Free country? Where?? :oops:
I would guess that if the ban goes into place you would be unable to have your bank send your money to someone on Alibaba...
Show me where something like that has been effective in the free world in the last 20 years? Yes Cuba 30 years ago but money still flowed in and out. There are other peer to peer payment systems out there already. All that would do is give them a boost.
TikTok I can see, if they were owned by the Chinese gov't and were not dealing with privacy issues like they should. I have a friend "in the business" that said there have been security concerns about TikTok for years and he was surprised it took this long for anything to be done.

Alibaba, I'm not understanding that, unless they somehow managed to hijack my computer and get me to buy more batteries, which I probably would do anyhow.
Everyone should always assume that any app you install on your phone is collecting all your contacts, call records, location, etc... Especially if it's a free app.
Well IS IT or ISN'T IT FUD ? So damned difficult these days to find out what is genuinely true anymore, especially if it involves ANY Government regardless. Do I think that the current Trumpican Administration would do such a thing, of course they would. Like the Softwood duties that added thousands to home building costs in the US but had zero benefit to the US forestry industry, even as several of the largest lumber mills / producers in Canada have US Owners it hurt them too... bit of a DUH thing but what the heck eh... Just more load on Joe & Jane Public.

BTW: Duties and such are such hooey, they only put $ into the Gov Pocket. The duties are just tacked into the Retail Price and WE pay it but get no benefit from it, other than a lighter wallet. What's worse, is Duties goes to Fed's, the Retail Price of X product goes up, so of course the Sales Taxes on Product X also go up giving the state / province an extra portion of tax income too. Yes, paying taxes on duties which are a tax in of themselves and getting zero benefit - makes absolute sense for those reaping the harvest of cash.

When it comes to Batteries, of course this is worse because China IS the #1 producer of them at this time. The effect that would trickle down from such would be serious and have a major impact right across the RE side of things, let alone a lot of others. Glad I have my gear now....
If true. The result will be we can't buy direct from China. Will have to go through retail / importer that will buy from other China companies. But we do get to vote in November.
Yes maybe. The individual States get to select the Electors by the means the States chose. The USA Constitution is clear on one part, the present term, P & VP, ends on January 20th. If no Pres Elect the Congress gets to pick. 20th Amendment.
I see that the truly crazy post I was responding to has been removed but I stand by what I said.
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