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diy solar

HELP ME RECKON'n THIS OUT: •Epever Tracer 10415AN• not reading the correct voltage

Jun 4, 2024
New Mexico High Desert
Hola from the New Mexican High Desert, where Geronimo once Roamed & Billy the KID both Regulated and Renegaded (literally 🤠) !!!
ANYWAY, so I have 18 x 250watt 37.6v/8.85amp panels feeding a 24v system, via 2 150v/100amp/2500watt Tracer 10415AN EPever Solar Charge Controller(s)!.. Right... Sooooo.. to satify the 5,000watts of power, I've divided the panels into, 2 sets of 3 Panels each that are Daisy Chained (that's connected in SERIES for those who don't speak Redneck..LOL) together, at (appoxly) 112v/ a set of BUS BARS which PARALLELs each of the 3 incoming Neg & Pos lines, which feed into each of my (2) aforementioned EPever Tracer 10415AN charge controller(s).. Right...?!? Okay.. all is going well, and the battery bank, is charging as expected, and normally.. I run on FLOAT at between 28-30.1v (before load) daily..

BUTTTTT.. when I scroll thru the Charge Controller(s)... which SHOULD read a PV input of (appoxly) 112v & 26.5(ish)amps.. It instead is reading (appoxly/fluxing) 66-70v & 20amps!!! WTF?!?! Could this be,
A) what the Charge Controller is ONLY letting thru as part of it's "Control of Charge???"
B) a programming issue that I've failed to program (in other words.. its on factory setting, and I need to go in and tap/scroll my way thru the menu to set higher parameters??
b2)and if so.. HOW da' Fxcks do I accomplish that??!?!? lol.. (Definitely need some "hand holding" to walk me thru that monkey maze..
C)... ????? (shrug..) Y'all Tell ME!! 'cause, EPever.. (of course) doesn't have a US Base(d) contact for Customer/Tech Support...! (and don't EVEN .. get me started on .. AMAZON's "pass the buck".. policy.. lol)

OHHH.. (shrug).. just to add a smig more info.. my battery bank (running on only 1 Charge Controller (9 panels/3 strings... each) is reading
44-45amps/28-30v & a load of 117v

OHHH OHH.. ALSO.. it shows.. "136kwh"... What's taht all 'bout?!?

OHHHHHH.. and just ONE MORE piece of the pie....there's this "2n" on one of the screens.. WTF.. is that??! and could that be option "D".. as the issue?!?

AlllRighty.. Amigos.. tis' ol' Redneck, could truly use sum.. extra Smarts.. to Reckon this Puzzle out!

Standing bye,


P.s. just fyi.. I have 24x6v deep cycle Interstate batteries, which are configured into 6 sets of 4 Daisy Chained (seires'd) batteries (creating 6 x 24v batteries) that are then PARALLELED together and fed into (currently ) a VEVOR 3000k cont' Pure Sine Wave 24v/110-115v DC-AC Inverter. If that helps with the quandary, I am currently tussl'n with!
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The EPever Tracer 10415AN Solar Charge Controller (150v/100amp/2500watt) SHOULD read a PV input of (appoxly) 112v & 26.5(ish)amps (equalling (appoxly) 2,250watts)).. Instead is reading (appoxly/fluxing) 66-70v & 20amps! I DON'T UNDERSTAND what's going on.

Q1: on one of the menu screens it reads/saids "136kwh"... What's taht all 'bout?!?

Q2: How do I change celsius to fahrenheit?

Q3: What does "2n" mean?

THAX in advance, EGGO!

standing bye....
Q1: That's probably a lifetime generated output.

Q2: Formula: X°F = 9/5 * Y°C + 32

Q3: Don't know. Is it in the manual?

So, 3S3P on each controller. 37Voc and 8.9A Isc. You only see these values at 0A and 0V, respectively in STC conditions. I would expect your panels' Vmp is at about 30V, and Imp around 8A, so in operation at max power, you should see about 90V and about 24A at absolute maximum output. In hot conditions, would expect closer to 80V.

250W is not the most common of sizes in new panels. I would guess that you purchased these used from SanTan or some other source. If used, did you individually test each and every panel for Voc and Isc rated values?

Recommend you test each string individually to try and identify outliers. On your first controller if strings 1 & 2 gives 90V/8A and string 3 gives 80V and 6A, you'll know one of the panels in string 3 is a problem, OR you have a connection problem. Whatever the actual numbers are, you're looking for outliers.

Good luck.
Yes... I have tested each of my 20 panels.. and the output of 3 daisy chained panels is reading 111.4v, prior to connecting to the common busbar. So... why is the charge controller only reading nearly 1/2 that?!!

(fyi.. I've lived OFF GRID.. and solely on my solar system for 5 years now.. in the New Mexico Southwest.. through.. -12º ball shrinking 18inch snow fall(s), where I have to dredge out and sweep my panels several times a day... to 110º windless summers, where I'm running a ton of shit, just to bleed off power.. resulting in me ascending from not knowing dyck, back in the spring of 19' to now .. advising many others on the "shoulds" "whys" and "how's" to's/of, sourcing, build & assembling a sustainable/livable 100% OFF GRID system.. So.. I'm not new at this.. hence the scratching of the back of my neck.. and the posting of my confoundary on "WHATS UP" with this charge controller's read out.
thus... OF COURSE.. I Volt-metered the voltage prior to connecting it/them to the busbar, prior to exposing my expensive charge control to a potental fxck up.. Ya' know..

so.. let's skip the 101's of this and reckon out WTF.. is going on!.. lol.

sound fair..Amigo?..

Oh.. and I did go thru the manual .. several times.. back and forth.. and Yes.. I have even emailed EPever, Yday.. and started that trek.. but the manual is painfully/obviously written by someone who's 1st language IS NOT AMERICAN.. and "2n" IS NOT.. to be found.

and .. finally .. I'm pretty fxck'n smart.. for being a simple Redneck... so.. posting " Formula: X°F = 9/5 * Y°C + 32" without saying wtf the "formula" is exactly.. is more irritating then helpful, boss. (and yes.. i got what it is.. but .. that wasn't my fxcking question... .. lol. and 2ndly., if I wanted to reckon out equations every time I dealt with celsius.. I could simple whip out my flip phone and ask google.. ... )
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Yes... I have tested each of my 20 panels.. and the output of 3 daisy chained panels is reading 111.4v, prior to connecting to the common busbar. So... why is the charge controller only reading nearly 1/2 that?!!

That's the question, no?

(fyi.. I've lived OFF GRID.. and solely on my solar system for 5 years now.. in the New Mexico Southwest.. through.. -12º ball shrinking 18inch snow fall(s), where I have to dredge out and sweep my panels several times a day... to 110º windless summers, where I'm running a ton of shit, just to bleed off power.. resulting in me ascending from not knowing dyck, back in the spring of 19' to now .. advising many others on the "shoulds" "whys" and "how's" to's/of, sourcing, build & assembling a sustainable/livable 100% OFF GRID system.. So.. I'm not new at this.. hence the scratching of the back of my neck.. and the posting of my confoundary on "WHATS UP" with this charge controller's read out.
thus... OF COURSE.. I Volt-metered the voltage prior to connecting it/them to the busbar, prior to exposing my expensive charge control to a potental fxck up.. Ya' know..

so.. let's skip the 101's of this and reckon out WTF.. is going on!.. lol.

sound fair..Amigo?..

It sounds like you haven't even conducted 2nd level diagnostics. Voc and Isc measurements are starters and no guarantee that used panels are good.

You come on here with a post that's almost unreadable with only 5% meaningful to your issue, but you expect to be accepted as an authority.

So no, it doesn't sound fair at all.

These are the necessary steps to take to establish if there's a problem, and you seem unwilling to do some very basic things.

Again, have you measured the performance of each of your individual strings? If the answer is "no," then you haven't adequately verified the performance of your used equipment.

Oh.. and I did go thru the manual .. several times.. back and forth.. and Yes.. I have even emailed EPever, Yday.. and started that trek.. but the manual is painfully/obviously written by someone who's 1st language IS NOT AMERICAN.. and "2n" IS NOT.. to be found.

This isn't an excuse for not reading something. Yes, the manuals can be hard to read, but the answers are there 99% of the time. Certainly so for this one:

Page 19, second line of table at the bottom.

You're not inspiring confidence in your ability to advise others with your expertise. The ability to RTFM is often fundamental.

Q2 wasand .. finally .. I'm pretty fxck'n smart.. for being a simple Redneck... so.. posting " Formula: X°F = 9/5 * Y°C + 32" without saying wtf the "formula" is exactly.. is more irritating then helpful, boss. (and yes.. i got what it is.. but .. that wasn't my fxcking question... .. lol. and 2ndly., if I wanted to reckon out equations every time I dealt with celsius.. I could simple whip out my flip phone and ask google.. ... )

This is likely one of those cases where you would have benefited from retaining some of your high school education. This is the answer to that question, "when am I ever going to use this in the real world?" This is a simple algebraic formula to answer the question you asked. You asked how to convert °C to °F. You simply enter the °C as "Y" and you get "X" in °F.


X°F = 9/5 * Y°C + 32"

9/5 * 10°C + 32 = 50°F

For what it's worth, you can simply Google that question and be presented with a calculator to do it for you, but your question forced me to assume you wanted to do this very basic thing the "hard" way.


You won't or are unwilling to do relatively simple troubleshooting.
You can't RTFM.
You can't understand a basic high school algebraic formula

Yet you beat your chest and espouse your amazing expertise at all this.

Maybe consider that others are smarter than you about certain things, and it's worth listening to other people without being a bit unpleasant (kinder words than I would normally choose)? I know a lot of shit. I don't know an astounding amount of shit. You're probably the same.

Hope you get it sorted. Happy to answer any reasonable questions or interact rationally if you'd like. If you're going to be a Tasmanian devil of unpleasantness, I might watch from a distance if it's funny.

Good luck.

diy solar

diy solar