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diy solar

Help please - Can’t get Solar Assistant to give details on EG4 LL v2 batteries

TomH fwtx

New Member
Mar 25, 2022
I have an EG4 6000EX, and 2 EG4 48v LL V2 batteries. I had been running them via EG4 settings, with Battery 1 dip switches in position 1, and B2 in position 2 per the LL V2 manual. However, I recently converted my Raspberry Pi over to running Solar Assistant. According to SA’s website, SA does NOT recognize EG4 LL’s in Position 1, so per the SA website, I made B1 number 2, and B2 number 3. I also reconfigured my Inverter to “user” instead of EG4. I connected my EG4 yellow cable (USB to RS485) to my RP, and B1 (Host). SA is working, and I can see the inverter, but I am ONLY seeing 1 generic reading for battery. I am NOT seeing 2 packs, and have NO detail whatsoever re: B1 or B2. I am wondering if the LL V2’s need different dip switch settings. If anyone has been able to get SA working with the EG4 LL V2’s, please let me know how you set the dip switches. It is very frustrating that using the BMS software, the Inverter/battery communication, and SA, all require completely different dip switch configurations. Thanks, Tom
Did you power the battery off and back on after you changed the DIP positions?
Did you power the battery off and back on after you changed the DIP positions?
I was hesitant to change the positions while the system was under load, so I changed the dip switches while it was powered down, and then fired it all up with the switches in the positions called for by SA. I can certainly try doing it the other way tomorrow.
Thank you for responding again. I just 5 minutes ago connected by Windows laptop to each battery separately. It will not see them unless I have the dip switches in position zero (d,d,d,d). Both batteries did communicate. ??? Will the SS BMS software see BOTH batteries at the same time?, even if they are both set to position zero? I will try that right now. Thanks
So I just reopened the SS BMS software, left B1 set a position 2, and B2 set at position 3, forced a new search, and the BMS SW found BOTH batteries - one on Com 5, and one on Com 7. However, I have no idea which is which, because the only Serial number of each is apparently the same build date. Anyway, I am now reopening SA and will see what happens. Thanks
SA is still only seeing one battery. I am exchanging emails with SA. This has got to be a configuration issue of some sort. Thanks, Tom
No success. I tried all kinds of switch settings. SA and EG4 just have fundamentally conflicting needs/settings. For now, I have left my Batteries set as B2 and B3 so that SA is at least telling me something, even if not on both.
No success. I tried all kinds of switch settings. SA and EG4 just have fundamentally conflicting needs/settings. For now, I have left my Batteries set as B2 and B3 so that SA is at least telling me something, even if not on both.
I was just about to email SA also about the switch settings, I'll wait to see what/if you post back SA's answer/solution.
I believe that he is still working on resolving this, but no word from SA since late yesterday. I had thought perhaps I had a BMS issue, but the SS BMS software was able to see both batteries simultaneously (using 2 yellow cables on 2 usb ports, showed up as comm 5 and comm 7), and display all details about each battery, but SA can not even see the second battery at all. If I try running a second cable direct to B2 (position 3) in SA, I get an error unknown BMS, or some such thing. I am wondering if there is some change in the LL V2 versions of the SS battery that are incompatible with SA. I do have the latest version of SA.
I believe that he is still working on resolving this, but no word from SA since late yesterday. I had thought perhaps I had a BMS issue, but the SS BMS software was able to see both batteries simultaneously (using 2 yellow cables on 2 usb ports, showed up as comm 5 and comm 7), and display all details about each battery, but SA can not even see the second battery at all. If I try running a second cable direct to B2 (position 3) in SA, I get an error unknown BMS, or some such thing. I am wondering if there is some change in the LL V2 versions of the SS battery that are incompatible with SA. I do have the latest version of SA.
Just came across this thread. Take a look.

I appreciate the reference, but the older Lifepower batteries use a different comm protocol, and different dip settings. It is still possible that the newest LL V2’s require settings for which SA has not made corrections.
I appreciate the reference, but the older Lifepower batteries use a different comm protocol, and different dip settings. It is still possible that the newest LL V2’s require settings for which SA has not made corrections.
True, I have the older, but SA site says start dips at #2 whereas this person found starting at #3 provides results.
Understood. We tried so many different settings the other day my mind is a blur, but I will try putting B1 as #3 and B2 as #4. Thanks
So I couldn’t wait. I just tried multiple settings again. B1/B2 as 3/4, 4/5, and 5/6, having to change dips and re-boot the battery each time. SA NEVER “connected” to the batteries unless B1 was in #2 position, which meant that B2 must be sequential in #3. Very frustrating, but I appreciate the help. I will keep y’all advised if I get this resolved.
So I couldn’t wait. I just tried multiple settings again. B1/B2 as 3/4, 4/5, and 5/6, having to change dips and re-boot the battery each time. SA NEVER “connected” to the batteries unless B1 was in #2 position, which meant that B2 must be sequential in #3. Very frustrating, but I appreciate the help. I will keep y’all advised if I get this resolved.
Where you able to get things working? I am looking to purchase SA and have your same Inverters/Batteries. If you got it working, what cables and setting are you using?
Never did get SA to be able to see both batteries separately. SA did try to help for a day or two, but I have not heard anything in several weeks and frankly I have not had time to mess with it. The system is working, I am just not getting the full Use of SA. The inconsistency of settings required for EG versus SA is a huge problem, and very frustrating.
In S/A config settings is battery type set to user?. I only saw one battery until I set to user.

Battery settings - edit

Battery type


Charger source priority

Solar first

Shutdown battery voltage

44.0 V

To grid battery voltage

46.0 V

Back to battery voltage

54.0 V

Battery float charge voltage

58.0 V

Battery absorption charge voltage

58.0 V

Max charge current

50 A

Max grid charge current

20 A
Bones 1 - great thought, but sadly I did try “user”. No difference. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will have time to mess with it some more.
So I just reopened the SS BMS software, left B1 set a position 2, and B2 set at position 3, forced a new search, and the BMS SW found BOTH batteries - one on Com 5, and one on Com 7. However, I have no idea which is which, because the only Serial number of each is apparently the same build date. Anyway, I am now reopening SA and will see what happens. Thanks
Hello Tom,

Long reply ahead, but I hope it helps you or some future readers.

I read through this whole thread this morning, and want to make sure of something. If the BMS software is finding the batteries at COM5 and COM7, then SA will not find the second battery. The BMS software will allow a skip in the sequencing, but SA will not. As soon as SA encounters a gap in the line, it stop searching. for example, I can take my two racks of six batteries each, which are set as 2 through 13, and if I turn off any battery then nothing after that battery will be seen by SA, naturally including the one that's turned off.

Before I proceed, it should be noted that I am basing it off of the current version of the EG4 LL v1 manual listed online. I am assuming you may actually have v1 batteries, because the v2 battery manual shows that they have a six way DIP switch, and you note only four DIP switches on your batteries in your post #5 above.

Assuming you do have v1 batteries, then the DIP switches are configured right to left according to the manual, which very poorly only shows you the example of what the ID 1 setting is, which is only the far right switch in the up position. That said, we can still deduce what all other positions should be.

When you are setting your DIP switches, you noted in post #5 above that down-down-down-down is ID 0. if that is the case, then ID 2 would be down-down-up-down. and ID 3 would be down-down-up-up.

Please bear in mind that I don't know your experience setting DIP switches, but I just thought it was odd that the BMS software is skipping COM6 when addressing your two batteries successfully. based upon it seeing COM5 and COM7, it feels like the DIP setting on the first battery for ID 2 is down-down-up-down and the second battery to down-up-down-down, which is ID 4, not ID 3, as I noted above, which would be down-down-up-up.

To word this another way if someone comes along that is not familiar with DIP switch assignment, the DIP switches work in an additive manner. the left most DIP switch on this battery has a value of 8 when in the on position, the next DIP switch to the right has a value of 4, the next has a value of 2, and the far right one has a value of 1. you flip on whatever combination of those that when you add up those values, you get the battery ID you want. so in the case of the EG4 settings, ID 1 is only the right switch in the on position, while battery ID 2 is only the second most right DIP switch in the on position, which is a value of two. but if you need the battery to ID as 3, you have to flip both of the right most DIP switches to the on position, which gives you a value of 0+0+2+1, or a total of 3.

In summary, the switches are the equivalent of 8+4+2+1 when they are in the on position, respectively, but if any switch is in the off position, it's the equivalent value of zero. This allows four DIP switches to set IDs on up to 16 batteries, with ID 0 being the first (0+0+0+0), and ID 15 being the last (8+4+2+1)

For reference the standard EG4 batteries (not the LL models) have their DIP switches go from left to right, as in they add up as 1+2+4+8. There have been some folks that have reported the DIP switches being soldered in backwards or upside down, so that the actual DIP switch labeling itself of on and off and 1-4 are even backwards, so it can be a hot mess.

Happy ID'ing!