diy solar

diy solar

I am making a huge surplus in solar and not even into spring properly yet. What can I use it up on living in van full time?

OP, I read the horror stories about flexible panels too but I bought one anyway for my seldom used full sized pickup truck which has a nasty habit of draining my battery. I primarily ride a motorcycle for transportation.

That said my 100W panel with a PWM controller will keep my battery up indefinitely (I have a RANGE controller in the service port 100% of the time) but a few things I can say about it is:

The plastic takes a set at whatever location it's in and from drying in the sun the plastic panel cracks, now the "flexible" panel is no longer flexible. Also the output now seems to have gone down, possibly due to some internal damage brought on by the plastic cracking?

So far, it's still able to keep my battery charged though.
I would add a DC fridge. So what if you are used to not having one? Get one. There are lots of benefits and it will save you money on food... is worth the up-front expense.
All, I mean all, solar panels will put out the same watts, they all do what they claim. The flexible ones you find cheap tend to break faster and more often than their glass sisters. This is why ppl hate them. All panels work the same until they break, this is the difference. Good luck with yours.
You can move into a homeless lot and sell your electricity to them if you have extra, otherwise not much you can do with it.
If it is summer and hot you can make ice in your fridge then use that ice at night to keep cool, then make more ice the next day.
You can not use/store your extra un-needed solar panel somewhere safe and have it on hand for when the other one breaks.