diy solar

diy solar

JK BMS on Android Emulator ?


New Member
Jun 6, 2021
I prefer pc so much more than phone so i want to try find a way to get JK BMS app to run on my PC. Look like Android emulators generally not support Bluetooth. Any ideas or solutions on this?

JK BMS's have a RS485 output.
I would assume that you could use this to connect with the PC.
But I'm too technologically challenged to know how.
Get a cheap prepaid Android phone and pull the SIM card. Then use something like Screen Copy to view/control the phone remotely. That's what I do to remotely monitor my BT batteries and CCs that only have phone apps.
Wasn't sure if you have a phone that can be used to at least set it up and then you want to use something else to monitor it? If so there is software that can monitor it that doesn't require phone or Android emulator:
Yes i have a phone I just found a tablet I have install JK BMS app on so its not to bad. BUT i had prefer to have it on the pc but i guess there will be some range issues in that case.


diy solar

diy solar