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KiloVault Battery, is it good?


New Member
Jun 26, 2020
I haven't seen Will do a review on this. I'm still learning solar and figuring out my power needs.

Yes, I've been told to do my work and I'm doing so but was looking at the type of batteries and I know lithium is costly but leaning more towards it. Is it best to build your own LiFePO4 battery bank or is something like this worth the money?

I saw this video on YouTube and some comments even ask that they send Will a unit to test but from looking at the specs seen here, is this a good battery?

Here's a link to the video-

That is the @SolarQueen and she frequents this forum.

Maybe she will comment on whether this works with your system:
Hi there! Yup, that's me. KiloVault is a separate company from altE, but very closely related for now. We/they are expanding the distribution chain these days. I've been talking to Will about sending him one of the smaller 12V KiloVault batteries to review, but silly logistics have gotten in the way. Unfortunately, our small marketing budget doesn't have enough to send him one of the KiloVaults HABs. Obviously, I like the product, so take what I say knowing I may be biased. (I will say I pride myself in being very honest about my opinions).

If you are looking to save money, building your own is the way to go. Will has fantastic resources for doing that. If you are looking for a reliable, responsibly backed pre-built unit that is cost competitive with similar products, the HAB is certainly worth taking a look at. Every unit is tested before leaving the warehouse, and we have received excellent feedback from our customers who have been using them for over a year now.

Let me know if you have any specific questions about the KiloVault HAB, happy to answer them.
Hi @SolarQueen,
Can you tell us what the batteries in the Kilovault Hab are? Are they easily replaceable if they fail in the future?
Thank you
Hi there! Yup, that's me. KiloVault is a separate company from altE, but very closely related for now. We/they are expanding the distribution chain these days. I've been talking to Will about sending him one of the smaller 12V KiloVault batteries to review, but silly logistics have gotten in the way. Unfortunately, our small marketing budget doesn't have enough to send him one of the KiloVaults HABs. Obviously, I like the product, so take what I say knowing I may be biased. (I will say I pride myself in being very honest about my opinions).

If you are looking to save money, building your own is the way to go. Will has fantastic resources for doing that. If you are looking for a reliable, responsibly backed pre-built unit that is cost competitive with similar products, the HAB is certainly worth taking a look at. Every unit is tested before leaving the warehouse, and we have received excellent feedback from our customers who have been using them for over a year now.

Let me know if you have any specific questions about the KiloVault HAB, happy to answer them.

I was impressed by Will's review on the KiloVault 1800 watt battery. I only recently became aware of Kilovault and am impressed since you appear to have a major established company like Alt-E backing you up. I'm interested in putting a 4 battery bank of your 3000 watt Kilovault into my sailboat (e.g. 4 batteries). The local boatyard installs ReLions which appear almost exactly the same as the Kilovault (size, warranty) except the Kilovault has the mobile app, a much higher charge rate, and costs almost 50% less. Are there difference between KiloVault and Relion that I'm missing that would make Kilovault not as good as Relion for a boat application? (I realize you can't really give a sales pitch here - just looking for technical differences). Or any other opinions here about KiloVault vs Relion?
I was impressed by Will's review on the KiloVault 1800 watt battery. I only recently became aware of Kilovault and am impressed since you appear to have a major established company like Alt-E backing you up. I'm interested in putting a 4 battery bank of your 3000 watt Kilovault into my sailboat (e.g. 4 batteries). The local boatyard installs ReLions which appear almost exactly the same as the Kilovault (size, warranty) except the Kilovault has the mobile app, a much higher charge rate, and costs almost 50% less. Are there difference between KiloVault and Relion that I'm missing that would make Kilovault not as good as Relion for a boat application? (I realize you can't really give a sales pitch here - just looking for technical differences). Or any other opinions here about KiloVault vs Relion?
I know very well respected distributor who was only offering Relions, he didn't feel any other brand met his strict quality criteria. He is now also carrying the KiloVault after extensive testing. The Relions are a tank, they are a great quality product, but KiloVault when combined with its quality, features, and price is tough to beat (in my slightly biased opinion).
I know very well respected distributor who was only offering Relions, he didn't feel any other brand met his strict quality criteria. He is now also carrying the KiloVault after extensive testing. The Relions are a tank, they are a great quality product, but KiloVault when combined with its quality, features, and price is tough to beat (in my slightly biased opinion).
Thanks. It's great to hear that vote of confidence. The one area that both Relion and Kilovault now trail some of the competition is the warranty. Both only offer a 3 year replacement/repair warranty ( the pro-rata period isn't worth much). A few years ago 3 years was great but with more and more folks like Battleborn now offering 8 or 10 year it makes me look more carefully at them. Even upping the KiloVault warranty to 5 years would make it more competitive.
Thanks. It's great to hear that vote of confidence. The one area that both Relion and Kilovault now trail some of the competition is the warranty. Both only offer a 3 year replacement/repair warranty ( the pro-rata period isn't worth much). A few years ago 3 years was great but with more and more folks like Battleborn now offering 8 or 10 year it makes me look more carefully at them. Even upping the KiloVault warranty to 5 years would make it more competitive.
We did increase the warranties to 7.5 years to 10 years, depending on use and product.
Probably advise against Kilovault at this present time imo. I have two 12v 300ah kilovault HLX+ on a 24V Magnum inverter. Both batteries were purchased last year (October 'ish 2020). Did all the require items before installation, made sure both were charged, both had the same SOC and voltage.

After installation, every day without fail the inverter would cut off, It would be like someone flipped the DC breaker. This would happen randomly, no high loads basically a light on and charging my laptop. Spoke to the dealer who I got the batteries from and we went over everything on my inverter, the charge voltages, input amps, you name it we did it.

Recently reached out to AltE for support as my dealer was out of ideas. They asked for EVERYTHING again. Screenshots of the app showing the battery status, cell voltage page, pics of my setup with the batteries ,cables etc. AltE said they believed the batteries were not balanced (even though the app screenshots show the batteries at the same SOC, VOLTAGE) and was advised I needed a balancer. Wasn't really happy with the answer but just bought one to eliminate everything. Got it, installed it and to my surprise the same result.

I have been through swapping out cables, tried a different inverter, basically everything with the same result. Where my rant and issue with Kilovault/AltE is..... the warranty. AltE are current looking into this since Jan 6 2022.. the last response from Louis at AltE is "I'm truly sorry, at this time I'm still working/arguing with the engineers about this". Personally I believe one of the BMS is faulty and I'm here off grid with power dropping everyday. My neighbor has pretty much the same setup, though its 48v using the Simpliphi. Wish I went that route, now I'm back on my lead acids as I can't rely on having power drop randomly,

I may have been unlucky and just got a bad battery, however if you want to get the right support I don't believe AltE will be there for you when you need it
@SolarQueen - I have two Kilovault HABs that always show a different SOC despite having identical voltage. The difference is between 5 and 8%. Is that normal with these? I called for tech support and was told to ignore the SOC and that it's just an estimate.
Sorry to hear this. These companies (Alt E and Signature Solar) are good at sales…..

edit-To be fair. Sig is working on it.
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Sorry to hear this. These companies (Alt E and Signature Solar) are good at sales…..

edit-To be fair. Sig is working on it.
Are you saying the SOC indicator should be more accurate and consistent than what they are saying is acceptable? As I'm new to this tech, I'm finding it difficult to argue with the manufacturer when they are stating this behaviour is normal. More information about what's reasonable to expect here would be helpful.
I haven't seen Will do a review on this. I'm still learning solar and figuring out my power needs.

Yes, I've been told to do my work and I'm doing so but was looking at the type of batteries and I know lithium is costly but leaning more towards it. Is it best to build your own LiFePO4 battery bank or is something like this worth the money?

I saw this video on YouTube and some comments even ask that they send Will a unit to test but from looking at the specs seen here, is this a good battery?

Here's a link to the video-

I wouldn't buy anything from altestore, they are scumbags! Victron uses them as gatekeepers for warranty claims & I was denied a claim by them from some guy named Louis that told me my system wasn't wired properly which was full of shit. I plan on doing a video about that soon to slam this company as liers.
I wouldn't buy anything from altestore, they are scumbags! Victron uses them as gatekeepers for warranty claims & I was denied a claim by them from some guy named Louis that told me my system wasn't wired properly which was full of shit. I plan on doing a video about that soon to slam this company as liers.

That's very interesting - I am currently having issues and I'm talking to Louis as well and he's also telling me my batteries are not properly wired. I've asked for an explanation about what the problem is and so far haven't gotten an answer.
That's very interesting - I am currently having issues and I'm talking to Louis as well and he's also telling me my batteries are not properly wired. I've asked for an explanation about what the problem is and so far haven't gotten an answer.
Yeah, the moron doesn't tell you how its wired wrong, he just says that to make you go away. Well that POS is going to pay for screwing me when I stick my story up on youtube. Just so you know, I've had 3 victron chargers fail on me. Victron replaced the 1st 2 that were wired correctly but the latest failure is wired the same as the 1st 2 but somehow now, the wiring is wrong, bullshit! I've had my system running for over 2 years wired like it is now & you can't hook up chargers wrong & have a system work properly.
I'm sorry to hear that. I have mine wired like this:

Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 9.31.52 AM.png

I am told that they need to have individual wires running from each battery to the inverter or a bussbar. I don't see how that's electrically any different?
I'm sorry to hear that. I have mine wired like this:

View attachment 83329

I am told that they need to have individual wires running from each battery to the inverter or a bussbar. I don't see how that's electrically any different?
That is the preferred way to do it but if your wire sizes are appropriate there's no difference. Technically the load will draw from the connection with least resistance so if you had a mismatch of continuity that could be an issue but the same thing could happen off a bussbar or direct connect so there's really no difference if all the parameters are correct.
I have gotten a few things from Aliexpress, and also tried to get scammed from there. If you do order stuff make sure that each vendor is a separate paypal purchase. They like to aggregate multiple vendors under a single PO, and that makes it tough to get refunds. But I got all my money back when they tried pulling the "fake shipping company and you need to check with your post office" scam.
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Hi there! Yup, that's me. KiloVault is a separate company from AltE, but very closely related for now. We/they are expanding the distribution chain these days. I've been talking to Will about sending him one of the smaller 12V KiloVault batteries to review, but silly logistics have gotten in the way. Unfortunately, our small marketing budget doesn't have enough to send him one of the KiloVaults HABs. Obviously, I like the product, so take what I say knowing I may be biased. (I will say I pride myself in being very honest about my opinions).

If you are looking to save money, building your own is the way to go. Will has fantastic resources for doing that. If you are looking for a reliable, responsibly backed pre-built unit that is cost competitive with similar products, the HAB is certainly worth taking a look at. Every unit is tested before leaving the warehouse, and we have received excellent feedback from our customers who have been using them for over a year now.

Let me know if you have any specific questions about the KiloVault HAB, happy to answer them.
You Say in the Above POST "Obviously, I like the product, so take what I say knowing I may be biased. (I will say I pride myself in being very honest about my opinions)."
I purchased 3 Kilovault Hab 4 Batteries, 16 Q.PEAK DUO XL-G10-480BF (480 Watt Bifacial) panels and the equipment to install a single XW-pro. I spent $26,338.11 + another $13,162 on the installation. I am currently trying to get this installation to work as advertised in your Video's on your website and You-Tube. I have spent many hours on the phone with Roy Dyngen who works for both Alt-E and Kilovault and the techs a Schneider Electric. The tech's at Schneider claim they don't support the Kilovalut Hab 4 battery in this closed loop mode of operation.
My question to you is how can you with a straight face say "I will say I pride myself in being honest about my opinions." This Kilovault Hab 4 Product doesn't work as advertised.
Currently, I am having to run this integration in open-loop mode. The documentation on the Hab 4 is Very Poor at best. There is little to no functionality in the Vault Habit phone app that is helpful to the user. There is no way to see or set BMS parameters, and no way to see the messages between the Hab and the inverter. There are no diagnostic tools whatsoever. Wow, the only thing you can do with the Habit app is seeing the batteries SOC and put them in standby.
I was able to get the Modbus communications to work and it shows up in the insight home web browser but the only thing it does is update the display. The communication to the inverter does not function when the SOC state of charge Function is enabled in the insight battery settings. Without that functionality, the Closed Loop is not complete and is of no use. The system runs in Open Loop mode, I paid $4000 extra dollars to get this advertised functionality. I am Very Frustrated at this point and feel like I was duped by ALT-E store salesman.
You can Say well we don't have responsibility for this but when there are Videos by ALT-E, Schneider Electric, and Kilovault: Representatives Explaining how it works on You-Tube videos, Sounds Like one of two things, Either you all lied about the completeness of the integration and it doesn't work as Schneider claims, or it does work and all the tech's I talked to have not a clue how to instruct an Electronics Engineer with over 40 Years of experience how to make it work. I shouldn't have to call Techs and support lines, it should all be in an easy-to-follow document.
See Time Stamp 23:44
912 views Feb 23, 2022
See Time Stamp 47:13
2,913 views May 10, 2021
I just looked at the Kilovault Hab 4 Documents Tab on the Alt-E website and it's now Blank.
I hope they are updating the Documentation not just hiding documents that show they have fallen down.
I will let you know if I hear from Alt-E Store, Kilovault, and or Schneider.
Schneider has at least e-mailed me asking if is now working in Open Loop mode.
It's been two weeks since I texted my ALt-E store salesman, and he said, he would push my frustration up the chain, I have yet to get any response. I think tomorrow I will follow up and contact both ALT-E and Kilovault and see what they say. My guess is they are rushing around but maybe Not. We shall see.


  • HAB - XWPro Closed Loop Communication - V1.02.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 1
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diy solar