diy solar

diy solar

Lifepo voltage dropping quickly


New Member
Aug 11, 2022
Hi, I completed the top balance on my batteries today. They ended up topping out at 3.64v. All of them had the same voltage when I separated them. A while later before I connected the inverter I wired up my Batrium and they were all showing 3.5v. Now with the inverter connected and running. The Batrium is showing them all to be at 3.3v.

Any help would be appreciated.
This is typical behavior. The cells do not stay at charging voltage when the charger is turned off they "relax" to their inherent voltage, approx. 3.35v per cell, within a few minutes to a couple of hours depending on the load.
Thank you so much. I’m new to the lithium. We recently bought this house which is off grid. They had had an 1100ah 24v lead acid system. They had the batteries in the living space and the first few days we stayed here my wife and I noticed we were getting headaches. I never get them. We figured out it was the batteries and wired up the ventilation fan they had installed directly so it ran all of the time. Meanwhile I order these EVE ones.