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diy solar

LV6548 clone cross communication compatibility?


New Member
Aug 10, 2022
Hey, I currently have x2 MPP LV6548 in split phase setup.

In the future I am considering adding another two (so four in total).

When adding the other two will they work with a LV6548 clone or a EG4 6500 for example?

I am unsure what level of information communicates between them and whether I can mix and match.

I am guessing it is down to the firmware being the same. I am also guessing there are variants in the firmware between manufacturers. Maybe the communication is universal between all brands?

Just to confirm I am happy with official MPP inverters, but when I add they may be unavailable or even phased out. If I could go back in time I would have bought EG4 6500’s!

Where I purchased from before only sell maple leaf now
That is the exact same unit.
As long as you stick to the 250v PV units they should all be compatible, hence EG4 version is not.
Same version of firmware is preferable but not always necessary.
Thanks for confirming. Just stumbled on a thread about the Maple inverters and 250v/500v variations. May avoid and go official MPP if possible.

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diy solar