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diy solar

(METER / MONITOR) - Panel Voltage Monitor... Can I use a nice battery monitor? - Bluetooth - Suggestions?


New Member
Apr 27, 2024
Warrington, PA USA
(( Can't exceed 150V to charge controller )) (panels just might one day!) I was checking out cheapos with over voltage alarms which is ok at home but would also like to monitor at work. PANEL MONITOR / BATTERY MONITOR WORK THE SAME WAY? ..(I would imagine the meter would need power. I think simple monitors do dot need power. Nonetheless the generator has 12V output) Of course these guys now go up in $ when we are talking bluetooth. (( NOW: Solar Generator (OUPES Mark 3 all in one) Has Bluetooth capability I think,...can always monitor Solar Input, Remote Shutdown in case of excessive. Don't really care to activate it for vandal reasons but I just thought of that option. ....
ANOTHER QUESTION: (Have WiFi Router) - CAN I SEE AT WORK? ...Never played with that stuff and to my knowledge "Bluetooth" is just for "In Range" things. Maybe I'm looking at some other device.
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ONE suggestion:

Properly configure your array such that there is not possibility of Voc exceeding 150V.

It's really simple.
Thanks for the reply but that completely did not answer anything I was asking. 4 54V panels (2S/2P) = 108V. (rated SCT 77 degrees, this could go higher... Not to mention Bifacials) ...Probably ok but. ---- I am seeing that WiFi Monitoring is getting a little high $. ...Heck,... I'd aim a darn WiFi cam at the darn thing! ...But this could not shut down remotely. ...Just was curious how one does this so I might work from there.
Thanks for the reply but that completely did not answer anything I was asking. 4 54V panels (2S/2P) = 108V. (rated SCT 77 degrees, this could go higher... Not to mention Bifacials) ...Probably ok but. ---- I am seeing that WiFi Monitoring is getting a little high $. ...Heck,... I'd aim a darn WiFi cam at the darn thing! ...But this could not shut down remotely. ...Just was curious how one does this so I might work from there.
It only go 15% up in volts
So you have now 108volt +15%=124.2volts .

So i not see a problem really .
So to hit 150 volts your panels will be under -60 Celsius and even that. It do not hit that volts
Its about -30 128volt .



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Thanks for the reply but that completely did not answer anything I was asking. 4 54V panels (2S/2P) = 108V. (rated SCT 77 degrees, this could go higher... Not to mention Bifacials) ...Probably ok but. ---- I am seeing that WiFi Monitoring is getting a little high $. ...Heck,... I'd aim a darn WiFi cam at the darn thing! ...But this could not shut down remotely. ...Just was curious how one does this so I might work from there.

Bifacials or not is irrelevant.

This isn't magic. This is simple math.

Assuming a very conservative Voc temperature coefficient, your 108Voc 25°C rated array will not exceed 150V until -72°C/-98°F. I'm guessing this is not a risk for your location.
Bifacials or not is irrelevant.

This isn't magic. This is simple math.

Assuming a very conservative Voc temperature coefficient, your 108Voc 25°C rated array will not exceed 150V until -72°C/-98°F. I'm guessing this is not a risk for your location.
Well, that was pretty spot on. I don't understand temp coefficiency much besides having a %, and especially can't understand this data but thanks. Makes me feel better that I am in no danger with this rather low 150V. Perhaps one day I'll join the real boys!
(( 485 W )) -
Well, that was pretty spot on. I don't understand temp coefficiency much besides having a %, and especially can't understand this data but thanks. Makes me feel better that I am in no danger with this rather low 150V. Perhaps one day I'll join the real boys!
(( 485 W )) -


Your Voc temperature coefficient is -0.27%/K. I used the more conservative -0.4%, so your safety margin is going to be a little absurd

Here's the math.

With 108Voc, you have 42V to gain to get to 150V.

42V/108V = 38.9%

38.9% / (-0.27%/°C) = -144°C

25 - 144 = -119°C/-182°F before you get to 150Voc

Also worth noting... the NMOT value below the coefficient. Basically, when it's 25°C ambient, and you only have 800W/m^2 vs. the STC 1000W/m^2, the back of the module will be at 43±3°C - about a 20°C increase due to the heating of the panel.

The NMOT values are more along the lines of typical "real world" performance you'll see.

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diy solar