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diy solar

diy solar

Midea U 12k power from DC (IT WORKS!!!)


DC Powered
Oct 24, 2021
South FL
So i was doing annual cleaning on my Midea U 12kbtu window AC and decided to take it apart a bit more to see inverter/controller board and to try running it from DC power. I tried to power it from 120v 100ma benchtop supply and i got it to spin the indoor fan followed by power error displayed on temperature LED screen. I see there is power relay next to bulk capacitors. I have to figure out what its used for to make sure it does not break current under load which would fry it under DC supply. Nice to see passive 3mH PFC inductor inside but active PFC would have been ideal. My 800w inverter still hates this thing but will start it. EDIT: It works!
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Hmm.....Samxon......A reasonable budget choice comparable to Teapo and Capxon.
Only needs to outlast 1 year warranty. In a couple of years condenser coil will rot anyway since it always sits in a puddle of water by design. I drilled a bunch of holes and dammed up condensation channel to avoid pooling water under the coil.
Cool. Does this have heat? (I'm not sure it does). If it does then a fun project is to try disabling the low temperature cutoff (I know it's somewhat standard to disable on portables that lock out in the 40Fs by default).
LOL, i just noticed the new version is Matter-certified. Really bleeding edge stuff, and I can't find a thread saying what is exposed to Matter.

What would be interesting to have? Probably some temp sensors and changing the power level/set point.
If they could make it continue to spin indoor motor to dry out the coil before shutting down that would be great. Pressing power button shuts it off and closes that useless vent flap which helps keep moisture around evaporator coil helping mold grow inside.
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Will do. I just realized it runs a loop of condenser outlet tubing through that puddle to cool the refrigerant some more before expansion to increase efficiency. Oh well I guess it will run less efficiently now. I already poked too many holes under that puddle pocket.
Somewhat related, I have that AC (smaller one) and the compressor never kicks on.. this was after only 2 seasons. Any ideas what I may need to check?
compressor never kicks on..
Measure compressor winding resistance to look for shorts. If comp is OK then check internal fuse on controller board. Edit: If display lights up then main fuse is OK.
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Measure compressor winding resistance to look for shorts. If comp is OK then check internal fuse on controller board. Edit: If display lights up then main fuse is OK.
Everything appears to work with the unit except you never hear the compressor kick on and therefore never get any cold air. How and/or where do I measure the compressor resistance? And if there is a short then what?
Looks like this board can be powered with 340Vdc since everything appears to get power from -170v and +170v points and nothing is connected to center tap. I traced power paths for compressor and fan inverters, logic psu and indoor fan motor supply. Everything runs on 340Vdc. I just need to make sure series capacitors stay balanced and not become overvolted. Maybe small load resistor on each cap will keep them in balance.
Looks like this board can be powered with 340Vdc since everything appears to get power from -170v and +170v points and nothing is connected to center tap. I traced power paths for compressor and fan inverters, logic psu and indoor fan motor supply. Everything runs on 340Vdc. I just need to make sure series capacitors stay balanced and not become overvolted. Maybe small load resistor on each cap will keep them in balance.


So it may not care what the AC frequency is. Wonder if you could use one of these simple HF converters?
It's 20khz instead of 60hz, but if all the air conditioner unit is doing is rectifying then seems it might work.

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diy solar