diy solar

diy solar

MPP 3048 advice


Carbon Lifeform
Apr 14, 2020
Silicon Valley, CA
Does anyone have any experience with these newer MPP units?
Are they much different from the older 2024 and 5048 Chargers?

I've read that these are for sensitive appliances if you are worried about load interruptions., it says there is no transfer time between AC-AC and DC-AC mode. Also, they are split phase capable up to 3 phase, and you can connect up to 9 in parallel.

I'm curious about these units as well, maybe someone else can give us more details about it, they come in 24V and 12V too.
I have 2 of the 3048 (for US split phase 240v) on order, they will be here next week. The 3k Only runs on 48v. Looks like they have made some major improvements over the older units. I will report back as soon as I have them up and running. Joe.

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diy solar