Just make sure it is a charge controller that actually performs MPPT, maximum power point tracking.
There are some with "MPPT" in the brand name, which don't perform the function.
Some vendors claim their product is, to get you to buy them, even though they are PWM.
MPPT costs more, weights, more, and has specs that allow PV panel voltage to be significantly higher than battery voltage. (occasionally, also allow lower than battery voltage.) So if it is cheap, small, light weight, and only allows 24V max input, it is PWM not MPPT
PWM is just fine for a small system with PV panel nominally same as battery.
You said "370W panel" so we didn't even ask what voltage, knowing it was higher than 12V.
If you connect one or more "12V" panels in parallel (12V panels have Vmp between about 13V and 19V), those would be fine with PWM.
If that 370W panel is nominally 24V, or nominally 36V (Vmp 30V or so, or 45V or so), then PWM would be appropriate for charging 24V or 36V batteries, respectively.
Here are charge controllers from a vendor many of us have purchased from (PV panels in particular):