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diy solar

MRBF terminal fuses on each battery for series group?


New Member
Nov 4, 2023
I am connecting 4- 12 volt LFP batteries to provide 24 volts.
Is my placement of MRBF fuses correct to protect each battery in case the BMS of any one of the group fails?
I do also have as shown in the drawing, a Class T fuse directly after the bus bar.

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Good question, looks reasonable as long as the fuse on the final positive terminal is in-between the two batteries, rather than going out to the busbars as that cable will have to carry the full current of the pack.

What are those busbars for? Looks like you have Lynx for distributing loads.
Thank you Reed.

The busbars are a holdover from my original plan to use the 4- 12 Volt batteries paralleled.
I needed the extra spaces before. I have updated the drawing now I have chosen to wire as 24 Volts.capture11.jpg

Can you elaborate?
as long as the fuse on the final positive terminal is in-between the two batteries
I am not following...


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I think more than one MRBF on the series string is overkill. With your wiring, you don't need to have the positive and negative cables equal length.

I have three 12V in parallel to a common buss, with a set of cables to each battery. In my case the cables need to be equal length.

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