diy solar

diy solar

My solis app doesn't show import/export information


New Member
Jul 21, 2024
hi, i have a solis inverter(3p 12-20k_4G) installed along with a acrel dtsd1352 meter connected at the grid side. However when i choose the consumption monitoring option from the inverter, the app only shows me the current energy being produced by the panels. The inverter also turns off during the night even though i have the 24 hour option enabled. Previously i did not have a bi directional meter so i had the meter in load option chosen so that i do not export any energy, that is when i could see my current load and import/export information. Does anyone with the same setup know why the consumption monitoring option isn'tt working
The inverter you listed is a gridtie only inverter, all it can do is sell energy to the grid. With the meter it can try and sell only the energy the local loads need ( near zero export ) but it is still only export function and does not track home consumption.

All Solis gridtie inverters shutdown at night only the inverters that have storage ( battery ) can stay powered at night and the app is generic for all the various versions of the products they have.

diy solar

diy solar