diy solar

diy solar

need input on my first DIY system


New Member
Jul 14, 2024
Hi all,

I am building my first DIY system. I recently ordered a Rich solar 3000w 48V AIO (mainly because it was on sale for 400 bucks)
I have 4 Ecoworthy 130 watt flexible panels coming that i purchased today. I plan to run them in series to get to about 80 volts as the AIO has a 60 volt minimum
For the battery, I am looking at either an AO lithium 48v server rack battery for 800 bucks or the CHins 48v 100AH for the same price. I am leaning towards the AO, but ive read their customer service can be spotty and that many of them come damaged during shipping. I am planning to use some car battery cables to connect to the AIO, and i plan to use a 100 amp fuse inline.

My main questions:

1. Do i need a PV disconnect with such a small array
2. The AO lithium battery has communication, and it has settings for a lot of the generic AIO brands (Growatt, MPP, etc) but not specifically the rich solar. I expect the rich solar would use the same settings as the growatt. Is this a reasonable assumption?
3. Should i go AO or Chins
4. if i cant get communication to work, what are the appropriate battery settings? I am worried about over charging / discharging.

A bit more background. This system is just something for me to play with/ power backup for outages. I live in an apartment and have access to a small yard, which is why i am going with the flexible panels so they can be deployed / taken down quickly. I plan to make some PVC pipe frames for them. I am probably just going to use this to run my bedroom lights and fan so minimal power requirements. In the future, i plan to install this in a shed / garage

diy solar

diy solar